
Posts Tagged ‘health’

Greetings and Salutations One and All! Welcome to this week’s blog close up on our amazing guest! She worked with Mother Theresa for years in Calcutta and has formed numerous foundations and is most recently focusing her work on healing through food! So without further adieu here is a bit more about our lovely guest tonight!

ReikiGuru Jyotika is an internationally renowned Sensei/ Healer of USUI Japan and a certified Ayurvedic Health Prefessional  from Maharishi University of Ayurveda..She is the performer of world’s first cosmetic surgery with Reiki and many miraculous cures, and has been featured in the press and TV media worldwide.
Jyotika has served as the chairperson (eastern countries) of the intl. society for Autistic children for 3 consecutive years.
She has worked in close contact with Rev. Mother Teresa since the age of 16, helping the lepers, the old and the sick.It is therefore not surprising that today she is extending her’ healing touch’ to releive pain and suffering of all kinds.
As a tribute to her own Healing work, Jyotika chose the auspicious day of Gurupurnima, last month, to launch with her son, JJ Prashant, Ayur Ras Healing Foods, a pure, fresh and organic Indian cuisine line based on the principles of Ayurveda.

So be sure to join us tonight for what promises to be a very interesting interview with this incredible lady! Join us at 9pmMST on blotalkradio.com/illuminationsoflight and to find out more about our guest and her products and services visit; http://reikiguru-us.com/

or www.ayurras.com


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Our Own Petitelion Has Some Wisdom About How To Deal With Loneliness!!!

 By: Lianna Giovannoni

      It is highly improbable that anyone ever would decide to wake up one morning and declare to the universe to God “Let there be loneliness! Please God bless with the miracle of loneliness or ask for loneliness as they wish upon a star! Loneliness is not an item on anybodies “bucket list”( things they want to experience before they die) No loneliness is not one of those things that people find and are willing to die for or take an oath for ,devote their lives to. It is never included in a small child’s silent prayer before bedtime. There are no monuments, walls, plaques, etc. that have been erected in honor of loneliness, no encouraging or patriotic or devoted slogans for loneliness(Give me Loneliness or give me Death!LOL).Loneliness is relegated to stories and poems and those are referred to as tragedies or tragic poems.(Dictionary meaning: a medieval narrative poem or tale typically describing downfall of a someone. or a story,poem or play that ends in some misfortune., a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force (as destiny) and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that elicits pity or terror , the literary genre of tragic dramas, a disastrous event ( calamity misfortune). Yes, there are poems and stories etc. that use lonely or loneliness to describe something like the look of a tree or the sound of bird, like ” the only thing on this remote mountain were just clouds and lonely pines, or the only thing that could be heard in the dark was the lonely call of the owl”. The use of lonely or loneliness as a descriptor is probably one of it’s most positive attributes.

     Loneliness is worse than sad. Sad is an integer to the formula of loneliness, such as sad+(bleakness/desolate/alone)= loneliness or sadness x 2=loneliness….in other words lonely has sad in it. It is a darkness that eats you from the inside out.

     Alone is not lonely…Alone just means that you do not have company. Whereas lonely is an constant ache of absence, one that even if you are surrounded by people you feel isolated, alone, bleak, desolate, imprisoned by some invisible wall. Loneliness lays dormant in everyone of us waiting for the right catalyst to wake it up and begin to thrive and grow. There are an infinite amount of catalysts out there, as many as their are feeling creatures and beings in the universe. No one or no living feeling, thinking, being or creature is immune. Although some seem not to suffer from it’s grip as much but they do not have a complete immunity. I’ve even seen pets express loneliness and sorrow, like when on owner dies or when another of the household animals die or leave. I, personally watched with my pets this , we had a male and a female Siamese cats that were pretty much raised together, and when the slightly older male passed away,the female literally cried, would not eat, and even pulled out big patches of her own fur out. She would go each day for weeks to each of the heat register looking for him (for the last 3 years or so of the male cat Robert had a touch of arthritis and would lay on those to loosen his stiff muscles in the morning or when it was very cold weather) she would look for him and she would see he was not there, she would look up at me with such a sadness in her eyes and in her body language and she would let a sad wail that sounded almost like a young woman crying out in loneliness, despair. It was heart wrenching, she would not let anyone console her or touch her.

     Loneliness can not only come from loosing someone thru death, or absence but from a perception that no one can understand or relate to you or that you don’t fit in for some perceived belief or story that you told yourself that somehow you are different or less than and that no one is there that wants or would desire to share life with you experiencing all of life’s ups and downs, no one to share the joys and sorrows, no one that would or could understand you or would share or care the same opinion as to what you consider significant. That there would no one to make memories with that you can share together later no one to enjoy the little things in life with. Sometimes when there is a loss of a person you life such as a life partner, husband/wife or a best friend that you shared all of those things with for a long time, when they are no longer in your life due to death or a breakup because of that loss and the grief that comes from that it may seem to you that you will never be able to find anyone to fill that space in life the void left from those kinds of loss can create such a deep grief that it creates a wall of despair and an over the top feeling alone. Because of that deep loss because of the grief a very pervasive and unique type of loneliness ensues and nothing or no one will be able to change that sense of aloneness the grief of the loss the darkness the sadness that is gripping you, except for going thru your grieving process and the healing effect of time.

     Loneliness can also awaken and grow when you feel so different from those around you that you convince yourself to believe that there will never be anyone for you. You can experience and create a prison of loneliness when you perceive that an impenetrable barrier exists between you and everyone else due to language and/or cultural differences or you moved to a new area where you don’t know anyone or if you suddenly get ill or disabled or anything that you perceive as a barrier between you and other people.

     First of all like I mentioned before, alone is not lonely. A lot of times, alone is what is preferred,wanted and sometimes what is needed. It is important to be comfortable with your own company and to be confident that you are a complete whole individual rather than feeling that you are not enough or that you are incomplete. Sometimes alone is necessary for your mental and/or physical well being. Alone gives us the best way to get perspective for yourself to gain clarity on life decisions , be alone with your thoughts gives us time to meditate, process things or events, gives the opportunity to quiet the chatter of your conscious mind to reduce stress, connect with your higher self or with the Higher power, to ground yourself,or just to have sometime to not be distracted or influenced by others to just to get to know your true nature without any input from others.

     Back to lonely now….First of all I want to say “YOU ARE NOT YOUR EMOTIONS YOU ARE NOT YOUR STORY! AND ALWAYS BE PRESENT!”. Having made those statements I want you to understand that I will be clarifying those shortly, so just keep them in your mind to the side. It will come together just bear with me thank you. What I am about to say can be applied to any emotional response but we are discussing lonely at the moment so if you find yourself asking the question “what about sad, or anxious just substitute the appropriate word for the word lonely okay? So here goes nothing!! Lonely is an emotion that you tied to the story you told yourself or bought into from someone else that your ego told to respond with to with the current situation that you seem to be experiencing at the present time. If we realize before you respond to the ego’s advice that all the emotions is just a list of emotional responses that you have available to choose from as the emotional response to the situations that you perceive you are experiencing as you move thru each moment in your life. Yes Virginia “YOU CHOOSE WHAT EMOTION YOU WANT TO FEEL in response to your perception of the reality of the situation that you are experiencing ” not the other way around. I know right now most of you are saying to yourself (I can’t help what I feel, I control what I feel they just happen, they just are! Yes, I know it may seem that way, because most of us for most of our lives our ego and all the other egos that you have been around throughout your life from the time of your birth, the ones you learned from and emulated as you were growing up have led you to believe (thru no fault of their own) and reinforced over and over one of the great human untruth list is that “We are at the mercy of our emotions” That they own you, they are calling the shots as to your emotional responses. Well guess what? That is the human ego’s ploy to get you to keep you believing that it is real so it can continue to exist and be in control keep you trapped by fear which creates resistance to soul expansion and to create a prison, to put a barrier to blind you to the truth so to speak and continue to buy into the falsehood, the false perception of the reality of your true nature, to state that plainly… to continue the illusion of “That you are at the mercy of your emotions and the story you tied them to, that you don’t have a choice in the matter”! Now, I’m not saying that people and situations, and old programs that you bought into for one reason or another don’t make it hard to choose a more positive emotional response. Let me just briefly give you a side note to this. I want you to understand that with the aforementioned “old programs that you bought into” It is nobody’s fault that you bought into that there was some wrong doing or error in discernment or that you are “stupid and should have known better!”, that is not it at all. It is just one of those human challenges that all of face so that we learn and grow and evolve. It is built into the system of the human process of growth. No one is exempt, no one has the knack or talent to not buy into old programming, because when you bought into them they were necessary for your survival at the moment but once they are loaded onto your hard drive it is difficult to know when or to remember to delete them. Know this “EVERYONE IS CHALLENGED BY THIS AND HAS THE SAME DIFFICULTY AS YOU IT IS JUST PART OF LIFE!” so “DON’T BEAT YOURSELF UP FOR IT PLEASE”!!!! It is just one of those things that is a standard catalysts for all beings to challenge us to learn and adjust and change things in the present so that we can have the opportunity to expand our souls, evolve as spiritual beings having a human experience. Bottom line,it is just part of life!Just like when we grew to adults from being children the average person’s bones lengthen and grow larger, and in puberty we get hair in places that we didn’t have as children, it is just part of becoming, well so is the program buying into thing. Again you are not your story nor are you your emotions. Anyone who tries to tell you or convince differently ….This is what I have to say to them….QUACK! Yes quack! Check this out, your emotions are yours! Yes folks, those puppies are yours to command! Yes, you too can choose what to feel as a response to stuff! Like I said before things, situations and people may make it more difficult to choose a positive emotional response, but with some effort and practice you can do it. As with anything that you learn, especially when it comes to changing old habits, old programs that we have used forever that really in the present do not serve us anymore it takes a minute to become successful at right away. Be patient with yourself do your best to remember to make the effort to slow yourself down, take a breath and as you do this stop the auto pilot decision making process and stop and take the time to think and ask yourself,”How can I stay in the present and choose a best emotional response for what I am truly experiencing now?…not based on what you responded to a similar story from your past that ego is trying to convince you still are but, on who you truly are from you true nature, from your high self, now in this present moment.With the intent of doing it for the highest good for yourself and the highest good of all. It does get easier as you go along and each time you remember to do this the closer you come to do it effortlessly and with a 100% success rate, and really you will be surprised that it will happen easier and quicker than you think! You may be asking yourself,” well how does this apply to loneliness? ” well, I will tell you. When you sense it creeping in and ego begins it’s existence saving dance running it’s jib in your head, trying to convince you to buy into it’s sales pitch. Take the time to look at the story or thought processes or beliefs behind why you are leaning towards choosing lonely as your emotional response, why this emotion is tied to the story why the ego is trying to convince you that this is the response that you need so desperately(from ego’s perspective) to respond with, why this present situation triggered ego to know it is time to get it’s licks in, why ego needs you to respond this way, what is ego’s motive and how this particular? response helps ego to maintain it’s illusionary existence? Ego is like when you were a kid and you had an imaginary friend that keeps sabotaging and causing trouble and because no one else can see them you get blamed for it’s pervasive behavior. Ego like the imaginary friend is forever trying to convince you that it is real, like Pinocchio before the fairy godmother got to him-he is not real and never will be , he will only able to fool you into thinking it is real and that you are the puppet! Well it is time to take back your throne be the ruler of your reality! It is time to pinch yourself and wake up and see that you aren’t the puppet and ego the puppeteer that you are the master puppeteer and ego is the wooden puppet! You are the creator and the master and ruler of your emotions and ego, they are to do your bidding, they are your subjects and not subject to them! When you are suffering with loneliness or that the situation that you are participating in is one that perhaps the all time best scenario for loneliness to thrive and grow and in the present moment you are not able to see a way out from your current perspective reality, that there could no other choice for you. Stop and without hesitation but with complete faith that no matter what things seem like it is truly an illusion do not believe it for one second!!!!!Tell loneliness to get out of town take a long walk off a short pier, take a hike! Turn and face it and see that it is just an illusion. Find your voice… use your imagination and create for yourself a much better reality for yourself by pulling yourself out of the illusion and create the new true perception of reality in your mind. Realize that emotions and stories come and go. Nothing stays the same, things change all the time, nothing is static. Even if it seems to you that it is the lowest worst moment of loneliness of sadness in the world and that is no way out of it could never ever change…Stop, breath, look at the story behind all of that fear, all the loneliness that you tied to that story, or belief/thoughts that aren’t you , are not in the present not your true nature, just not real and pull yourself out of your illusionary perspective and change your perspective to one that serves you better in this present moment, even if it is to incorporate this thought, It won’t be like this forever it will change because nothing is static. Maybe Close your eyes and hold on to that little bit and release the emotion(loneliness) as the emotional response to the present perspective of the situation . Say out loud if you want or just think it, it works either way, it is your coloring book your crayons, I Release it , let it go – then look at some other more positive way to perceive the situation as to why you are experiencing this based purely in the present moment from your true highest self change it to perhaps as an example: Maybe if I see this as something as this situation isn’t about choosing this to be bad but rather a gift of the opportunity to find a better way see this situation as a plus rather than a negative, an opportunity to gain than a loss, that it is for you not against you. you could change this into you have the opportunity to become a hero and to receive blessings by sacrificing and experiencing a little discomfort so that someone else will get an opportunity to get the chance to expand their soul their skill sets raise their vibration by getting a chance at to allow someone their chance to discern and choose to be compassionate, to recognize that one of their own needs their help , to motivate them to learn to be a better expression of God having a human experience, by motivating them to choose to become a more loving kind person, awaken them to their true nature, more of a true human being and discern and choose love and compassion recognize it is the time to give and transform themselves and receive blessings and grace which raises their vibration which raises the vibration of all humans. For your small sacrifice you not only do you get to be a hero and give someone a chance to receive blessings you get the chance to raise the whole humanity but you get to receive blessings and grace and to raise your self up which also does the same for all. So the point is look how much can be accomplished, look at the scope of the effect of just a small change in the way you choose to see things, change your perception of reality and your emotional response to things. It is so a win win win win situation for such a small amount of effort that it is just mind boggling for me. What a small thing to have to experience or that you have to put effort to accomplish so much.

So by changing in ways like this, taking that pause that moment, to slow down take that breath and adjust your perception of reality, let the old programming that no longer serves you go and eliminate that the loneliness story is tied to and choose a more positive emotional response to the present situation you become a big hero and everyone gets blessings.

     There are many surface ways to help you to accomplish these things to help with the changing your perceptions of reality of situations that you are experiencing with loneliness and it’s fertile ground for growth. Yes, surface ways, like joining a class that improves you, your body, your mind like yoga, or a class at your local junior college or something that you would like to see if it is something you might be interested in, there are many avenues for this such as local city town or rural community centers that offer adult classes at night or weekends etc. for things like arts and crafts, exercise, or dance, music, Internet and computer, parenting, golf, yoga and so on. These are good ways to break down some of the perceived barriers and to connect and meet people with similar interests. This a good way for humans to help prevent that fertile ground for loneliness. Some other surface ways are to join a spiritual group, or join a church or religious group of your own choice and persuasion, or create your own group of your choosing such as rock hunting, paranormal group, science, book reading, or whatever subject matter that floats your boat because I guarantee you aren’t alone in your interests. If you are sure how to find those people for the group[ you want to create, here are some tried and true suggestions for that issue. Advertise on your local bulletin boards in your local grocery stores etc, community centers, church and meeting centers, community colleges and adult education centers, freebie newspapers , or on the Internet sites like Facebook and Twitter or Crisis type sites. Volunteer for various charities in your community. If language is a barrier go to your local community centers and adult education centers or churches or spiritual centers and take a class in the pertinent language and from there you will find people with similar language barriers as you. If it is cultural thing, learn about the culture that you are living in, expand your being with knowledge and truth and with the knowledge you can understanding and release the fear and encourage tolerance in yourself and others or teach others about the truth of your culture which also helps others to release ignorance and fear and allows tolerance and compassion an understanding to grow. This not only helps to ward off the loneliness thing but it raises the vibrations for all. If you are disabled or are not able to go out and about, create a group that again is something that you are interested in or create a social network group of disabled or inside bound people or if you are elderly and are homebound etc. this social network group is applicable also, you can connect thru phone, or the Internet or something like Skype which is free thru the computer and you can have several people be able to meet virtually without ever leaving there residences. If you are able to each get an Internet video cameras for your computers you can actually see each other. Nowadays those kinds of things are fairly inexpensive and there are various federal, state and local programs that could help you. Don’t give up if you want to help yourself to choose something more positive this is a real good tried and true way to begin that process.When we take the initiative and realize we are the creators of our realities and do these little things it reaffirms to the universe what you want and need it is like an active prayer, it reaches into the Creator’s toy box and pulls out and brings to you the thing you want that is for highest good which with that intent brings the highest good of all. It brings the real magic that is in us by our birthright as the children of God. What it does, to put it another way, it allows you to connect and have the opportunity to find and share with you fellow human beings common interests and it changes the parameters of the situation and brings in the fertile ground for growth for the positive, breaks down your perception that there are barriers and replaces the barriers with clear smooth avenues to accomplish what just recently you perceived as impossible. This will make the growth of the possibility of loneliness less of a possibility to happen. I’m not saying it will eliminate it altogether at this moment of our existence but it will take it from a high and impossible to get over mountain to in the least a small hill that you face and if enough of us take this perspective it will a some point become a mere speed bump. It is however a step closer for all of us one day to make something that has been highly improbable to eliminate from the human experience to be eliminated within the human experience. All it takes is one person to tell or show one person and it will catch on and once again you can know that YOU ARE A HERO!

      So to recap for you, “You are not your story nor are you your emotions. Become aware and notice the story, the thoughts, the beliefs, the perception of reality that loneliness (or any negative emotions) that you have tied to those stories or beliefs. Release it. Take the moment to pause and take a breath ,and stop and think and decide and become aware change your perception of the reality of the situation, be present and choose the best positive emotional response ( and the list of all the positive is available for you to choose all the time with no exceptions!) based on who you truly are in the present moment. Play with them and discern the best one that serves you highest good and the highest good of all. Then congratulations are in order because you are now on the best and fastest road to becoming a hero in your own right to making loneliness(and if you apply that mind set to sad, despair, etc it will do the same for those) all those painful soul expanding and suffering causing catalyst for humanity evolving cease to exist in this current human experience(at minimize them enough that they are speed bumps instead of impossible to climb over mountains). For sure it is a fact it help you when it is your turn to experience those painful moments, you will be able to move thru them with the greatest of ease and grace and receive blessings for yourself and all humanity.

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Greetings and Salutations One and All! Well it’s finally here! And we have a final set of hints about our mystery guest this week! She is currently forming GoddessSchool101 she is an active and practicing energy worker. She graduated college with a degree in Broadcasting and worked in the radio industry for awhile has re-invented herself and helped hundreds of people in her lifetime. She’s a complete light and full of life and joy. If you have not figured it out yet who she is, I do hope that you will tune in tonight and meet this amazing lady of light. She has so much to offer humanity and just lights up a room with her energetic smile and heart! You can only be blessed to spend some time with us tonight and really get to know this gracious gal.

She classifies herself as a master results coach and works with people in all areas of their life. This includes their environments, their over all well being, mind, body and spirit and even their wardrobes! She is so full of knowledge on so many levels, there is not going to be enough time to cover it all, but we are going to do our very best to give you all a well rounded view of all this woman is about and has accomplished and has yet to come! It should be a really fun show tonight and if you cannot make it we will have it revealed to everyone by the next show! I hope you all have enjoyed our mystery guest concept this week, I know it’s been fun for us! Giggles. I look forward to hearing your questions and thoughts on some of these things we will be discussing. This next few weeks on the show will be very useful and enlightening for many I hope, we have some amazing guests coming up and the fun never stops! 9pm MST blogtalkradio.com/illuminationsoflight. Follow us on twitter illuminoflight is our nic there and on facebook illuminations of light. Come join our group pages and be the first to get announcements and updates on the show! Tell a friend! Mark the show to favorites as it is how we get rated on blogtalkradio! We love you all and love to hear how to make YOUR show better! Love n Light in Oneness of Heart, Kimberly

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Greetings and Salutations! One and all! It really is amazing how when you begin to really live in the flow of the universe how things just become very synchronistic. Now this does not always mean that all outcomes will be as you want them as you envisioned them. Sometimes things come in ways that we least expect them.

For me, when we have to go through a radical acceptance of something which is outside of our control it is difficult at times to get back up on the horse. I have endured many blows or waves of change within the past two weeks. Almost all my messages from the universe have been related to how to move through the waves of sadness and to stay in the moment and find the happiness within. It has been a lot of hard work on my part to do this. We so easily drift into the past or the future, but to stay exactly in the moment is difficult. This situation involved the deepest kind of pain, losing true love. Problem is only one of us felt that way apparently. So what do you do as your life shatters before you and everything you hold dear is ripped from your world?

Well, one of the techniques I have been trying out is to stop and become aware of my surroundings. Most emotions are triggered from a memory or a thought which is not actually in this moment. So by looking and really consciously noting what is around you can pull you outside of yourself long enough to move through the wave of emotion. Another thing I have been doing is trying to find laughter within my day. Watch a funny movie, read a funny joke, in my case come up with hysterical commercials. The more I stay focused on what my life is about and what I have going on in my world, the less I am thinking about him and what he is doing or thinking, is he hurting like me or has he turned off all emotion and will endure the pain later when it bubbles to the surface? I do not want to waste my day or my time thinking about that stuff, I have a child who is in crisis right now, and I have to move. A move that is not going to be just a down the street deal but pretty far away, looking to sell my belongings type of move. Some say that if you are running then you will still have to deal with it. Yes this is true, however, I have other factors to consider, money being one of them. My health being another of them. I have built up somewhat of a support system where I am however the rents in my area have skyrocketed and I can no longer afford where I am staying. A simple fact of life, the cost of living has increased and my income has decreased. So we are off to the next exciting leg of our adventure. The bottom line to all that is, I really do not have time to pine and drool over what has been lost or what I do not have in my life.

The fact of the matter is, I didn’t need him before I met him, I certainly do not need him now. Needs and desires are two different things. Just as love and partners are. Relationships require a certain amount of energy and effort and right now, I just do not have it to give anymore and apparently neither does he. I have my own health issues. He has his. I am trying to get my business resurrected from before a brain injury four years ago. That in and of itself is enough to keep my focus occupied. This person has his own issues. I still love him, that will never change, but I require my relationships to go both ways, he’s not able to achieve this at this time. I can wait yes, but really what for?? A man who cannot commit? Who cannot make up his mind that after three years he wants to be with me or not? I’m sorry I do not want to have to be someones shelter, counselor, mother figure or tell them how to be civil and polite and honest and loving, not my job to train a 45 year old how to be a real person. They will have to learn their way how.  I have a world to conquer people to help out there and there are six billion people on this planet, I will find someone who can deal with me, love me, work with me, encourage me and be respectful and kind to me always. I should not have to work 70% of the relationship and get 30% in return.That’s not a partnership that’s an imbalanced situation that had to give and who knows if it will change if this persons life changes in the future. I know they still love me, they just cannot handle me right now. Or themselves either for that matter. No ones fault, the fault doesn’t exist. Just is what is right now. Not time. So we both accept that. I’m sure that we will always love one another as we loved each other before we came into this life. I do hope someday he catches up with me. I pray that he does make the changes in his world someday for his sake. For his family’s sake.

The universe has been speaking loudly to change my thinking for everyone to change our thinking to NOW. Being in this moment of the present. The joy is there! Right there! Right now! Within you! Sadness lies in the past. In the memory. In the story of what the other person did to you! They did nothing except be themselves, how they are right now. Pick up the pieces. One at a time. Be aware of feeling the feelings but allow them to pass through like a breeze brushes past you standing outside. Love yourself and forgive yourself. For you are worthy. There is no fault. Only what is. Acceptance is where the struggle and the pain lie. The sooner that you come to a place of acceptance the sooner the suffering part stops. Doesn’t mean you have to like what is being handed to you, but it does mean that you have to deal with it and accept that it is how it is. That is where the stopping in the moment works, pulling your thinking out of the memories of the past or the  what could be if’s…..and get into what is actually around you. Look at things and study them, you will see that the moment or wave of emotion passes much more quickly and you can get into your right mind quick enough to pull out of it.

I do not have all the answers here, just that these are some of the techniques I use in my own world. In the day to day things that seem to happen whether or not I instigated them or not, some of it had to change in my world, it was no longer serving my desires or my needs, so it is with life, all about the change, and surfing those waves instead of being crushed by them. Not staying in the moments of sadness or emotional turmoil. If you want something to change, then change it and do your best to move forward in life.

It’s always sad to say goodbye, but in the native world you only say those words when someone passes onto the great spirit. They say farewell because we never know when our paths will cross again. So for now, this is where my head is, I will not have internet access for the next two days and this post will be the last for the moment. I will be writing still as I have nothing else to do but work on the various projects that I have going. So there will probably be several posts at once when i get access to the net again in a couple of days.

As it is I am in the coffee shop getting this posting out as we type. Life is funny. Full of synchronicities watch for them, they will point you to where your thinking should be.  Be well until next time! Love n Light and Blessings to you all. Kimberly

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Greetings and Salutations! One and All! Please be sure to join us tonight for Mary Lou Acimovic who has written a book called Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: The Guidebook, and will be discussing the topic of brain injuries and how they affect our lives. Over 1 million people are affected by this condition each year. Tune in Tuesday 9pm MST blogtalkradio.com/illuminationsoflight !!!

Mary Lou Acimovic has been a practicing speech pathologist for 32 years.  She obtained a Masters Degree in Speech Pathology and Audiology from the University of Colorado.  She is certified in biofeedback (Senior Fellow status) and neurofeedback by the Biofeedback Society of America.  For the past 24 years, she has specialized in the evaluation and treatment of mild traumatic brain injury  She served as the director of the Brain Injury Program at the Mapleton Center for Rehabilitation in Boulder, Colorado and participated in the development of one of the first comprehensive programs in the nation specifically for the treatment of mild traumatic brain injury.  Currently she is in private practice in Boulder.

Ms. Acimovic serves on the Governor’s Brain Injury Advisory Board and advocates for patients’ rights.  She has presented regionally and nationally and has published articles on topics related to mild traumatic brain injury.

Mary Lou is truly a lady who knows her stuff, and you will be shocked and enlightened when this show is done! There are so many people who are afflicted with the conditions we are going to discuss, especially our service men and women! You owe it to yourself to find out more about this condition and who it affects and how, what can be done about it, and how can we be supportive of those who are suffering from it! Be sure to tune this is a show you will NOT want to miss!

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Greetings and Salutations! It’s been a busy week here for me, Michael Jaco was a fantastic guest! Thanks so much Michael for sharing your stories with the world! Everyone, pick up a copy of ” The Intuitive Warrior”.

Today I want to talk about something that as we awaken we all go through in life. It is part one of a series I will write in the future.

One of the most difficult things that I have found as an empathic person who is wired for healing is this. It’s hard to watch another human being in pain. To not take that on as your own and to allow them to endure it because you know that it is for their highest good.

This is true of family and friends who have addictions to things like drugs, or it can be addictions to toxic relationships, or addictions to misery and that type of thing.

People who thrive on the drama of it all, the story. There are some epic stories out there right now, my own included.

Sometimes I sit with myself and wonder, how is it that we manage to keep doing this to ourselves, allowing the pain to continue even though we know in our intellectual minds how to stop that, yet we still sit in it like a dark murky fog.

We are paralyzed by it and cannot see that we can move. Why do we allow ourselves to stay there and suffer so much??

I think, well perhaps I do this because as low as we go in duality is as high as we go the other extreme. Then I think, well, perhaps it’s so we can know that feeling of despair and understand it better. Truth is it could be both those things and many more. We have all been there, wanting to just die, to not exist, to want to escape the pain so badly wondering if it would ever end. Thinking of all the ways that you could do yourself off with the least amount of damage to those around you.

How does the human being turn that around?? What is that spark?? I believe love is a great conductor in that, but is it survival?? is love a primal?? like food, sex, survival?

What is it that makes some give up and others get tough. What is that strength stuff made of??

For myself, there seems to be a well that never dries out. Many times have I been on that edge, many times it was not my own stuff causing that feeling either.

They say that God never gives us more then we can handle, and that in that breaking point of ourselves, that slow death of our egos, we find our true character. Our grit if you will.

People have often asked me, “How do you stay so positive with all the stuff going on in your life?”

For one, faith. I have a great deal of it. Faith that all things will work out as they are supposed to. Faith that if my choice is not a good one the universe will let me know in many ways. Faith that this too shall pass.

In the darkest moments of the soul, it is when we connect with Mother/Father and our higher self to find those answers that no one else seems to have not even yourself.

Now is the only time we can create, in this moment. We can choose to be defeated, or we can choose to feel the pain but move onward to a place that is. If we do not like a circumstance, or it feels empty or painful, change it. You can do it. You just have to choose it and mean it.

Looking at ourselves, at our lives objectively is not always easy, our automatic responses want to point fingers and say things like “I wouldn’t act this way if >>>>>>fill in the blank.” “Things would be better if>>>>>fill in the blank” “I feel like there is no solution that will work!”

We are all guilty of these statements within our own minds. These statements which are self sabotaging to our ultimate goals.

It is in the moments of those dark hours and thoughts that we finally surrender! We finally give up fighting it, the change within us. The innocence is gone, the dream became some other reality, there is no turning back when your perceptions are changed whatever the subject matter.

The inner death of the old you and the phoenix that rises from the ashes and it has to be the creator within your being because it is like a life renewed a new birth within our spirit. A new hope. Often a new gift or level of insight to life and the bigger picture and how we fit into it.

If we can stop being in the emotional place and come to that place of a higher awareness, then we can begin to heal. Release. Forgive. Accept what is as it is now, in this moment. Put action to change things within our control. How we see things, how we respond to ideas, people, places, situations, can we change our situation by making a move?? Ultimately you cannot run from the problems they will follow you wherever you go until you face them, so better to walk through it and seek the messages,gifts, lessons as quickly as possible. In doing so you begin to shift the focus to the solution. Writing it out can help, talking it out even with yourself can help as well. Working things out through exercise, housecleaning, singing, dancing, reading, meditating, music, painting, woodworking, tinkering on things around the house. Changing your bedspread and curtains or moving furniture around. These are all things which can help in that wave of need for change. Natural evolution of life and person, we are always about the change. The more we focus on surrendering and allowing things to take their course, to allowing others to be who they are and make their choices for themselves, focusing on the solution being brought to us, the lessons and the bigger pictures of our life and the people involved lives, the quicker we move through the dark periods.

Then you have Stan, his friend asks, “Where did I come from?” Stan says to him, “The last place you left.” His friend says, “Where am I going?”, Stan answers, “The next place you’ll be.”

Sometimes messages come to us in the most interesting ways. Always our angels and spirit guides nudging us to clarity in the messages we receive all over the place.

The trick is to stop and listen. To stop and give thanks in the midst of it all for the things we have instead of the things we do not. To see things gained and not lost. To know that the cycles of life have beginnings and endings. Sometimes those endings are difficult and sometimes they flow like the river. To remember that life is full of ebbs and flows. To use our tools to center in the midst of the storms around us, to remember to be still when things are not clear or chaotic around us, and if a choice is still wavering within our beings that it is best to be silent and watch and wait until the way is made clear.

The issue sometimes is our own impatience with things. Our time is rarely divine time. Other times it is our own resistence to change or to acceptance of whatever may be the issues at hand.

I release the need to resist change. I release the need for struggle. Change flows through me with ease and grace, I am flexible like the gentle breezes, laughter dancing upon the streams of life. Love and I are in harmony with the divine plan and the divine flow. I am perfect as I am now. I love myself as I am now. I accept myself as I am now. I forgive myself as I am now. I am a divine being. I love my life and life supports me in all ways in perfect timing and harmony. These are some of the positive affirmations that I have used during these moments.

This concludes today’s post….love and light, xox Kimberly


Can you imagine a country where citizens don’t own any guns.
For self protection,or sport or for fun.
Can you imagine a country where voters were not.
Can you imagine country where the citizens rights were  forgot.
Can you imagine a country where we no longer feel free
and the only hands having guns are the criminals we see.
Law breakers will be around forever,
so make sure your there to pull that lever.

Stanley Victor Paskavich
Author of Stantasyland

From The Soul of an American

Every year they put it to the test,
but, the Second Amendment stands the best.
The right to own arms in a country that’s free,
is a loyal display of our integrity.
For hunting or self protection guns can be great,
and in a last chance Militia they can help with our fate.
I’ve carried a weapon when I served my country,
and swore with an oath to keep America free.
But, freedoms and liberties are getting thinner each day,
as the Constitution’s words are slowly melting away.
This country was protected with powder and shot,
and the hearts of the Militia who won’t be forgot.
Not only did their squirrel guns put food on their plate,
they gave us this NATION WE ALL SEE AS GREAT!


The choice not made

There’s a noise at my door who could it be?
Could it be a criminal looking for me?
Does he have intentions of giving me harm?
What will I do they’ve taken away my arms?
Should I grab a knife or a ball bat will that protect me?
What if the criminal has a gun that’s coming for me?
When I had the chance to vote and show my conviction,
Not going my has left  me in this prediction.
I thought there would be enough voters to protect my rights,
now the safety of my life has fell clean out of my sight.



A grandfather was talking with his grandson one day,
about the things he’s done in a land far away.
He said “Tommy I’ve done many things I didn’t like to do,
but it insured our children could live freely like you”.
Before I went to war all I had killed was that twelve point Buck.
and I tell you it was nothing but luck.
I had an old Iver Johnson twelve Gage loaded with double ought.
I don’t really know the last time it had been shot.
But that Buck showed his head out from behind some tree’s
My mind thought wow and I let out a sneeze.
Just as the buck turned and started to run,
I pulled back on the trigger and down he come.
That Buck was so big he fed our family for half of the year,
and back in my day food was something that people held dear.
Then he walked over to his bed and the night stand,
and came back holding a medal in his hand.
He said “this is my award for the sacrifices in combat I had to give”.
To insure that Americans had a free country in which to live,
but Tommy each day their trying to take our freedoms away.
I’ve been a hunter and a soldier and guns aren’t for play.
Weapons should always be in responsible hands,
whether for sport or hunting or protecting this land.


The Crack Shot

Load ready, aim, fire!
I gotcha!
Load ready, aim, fire!
I got another one!
Victorious and glorious the little boy yelled out
as he was shooting flies on a wall with his rubber band gun.
Even with it he was still responsible enough not to shoot out an eye.

Stanley Victor Paskavich
Author of Stantasyland

Poems related to the Second  Amendment

From The Soul of an American

Every year they put it to the test,
but, the Second Amendment stands the best.
The right to own arms in a country that’s free,
is a loyal display of our integrity.
For hunting or self protection guns can be great,
and in a last chance Militia they can help with our fate.
I’ve carried a weapon when I served my country,
and swore with an oath to keep America free.
But, freedoms and liberties are getting thinner each day,
as the Constitution’s words are slowly melting away.
This country was protected with powder and shot,
and the hearts of the Militia who won’t be forgot.
Not only did their squirrel guns put food on their plate,
they gave us this NATION WE ALL SEE AS GREAT!


The choice not made

There’s a noise at my door who could it be?
Could it be a criminal looking for me?
Does he have intentions of giving me harm?
What will I do they’ve taken away my arms?
Should I grab a knife or a ball bat will that protect me?
What if the criminal has a gun that’s coming for me?
When I had the chance to vote and show my conviction,
Not going my has left  me in this prediction.
I thought there would be enough voters to protect my rights,
now the safety of my life has fell clean out of my sight.



A grandfather was talking with his grandson one day,
about the things he’s done in a land far away.
He said “Tommy I’ve done many things I didn’t like to do,
but it insured our children could live freely like you”.
Before I went to war all I had killed was that twelve point Buck.
and I tell you it was nothing but luck.
I had an old Iver Johnson twelve Gage loaded with double ought.
I don’t really know the last time it had been shot.
But that Buck showed his head out from behind some tree’s
My mind thought wow and I let out a sneeze.
Just as the buck turned and started to run,
I pulled back on the trigger and down he come.
That Buck was so big he fed our family for half of the year,
and back in my day food was something that people held dear.
Then he walked over to his bed and the night stand,
and came back holding a medal in his hand.
He said “this is my award for the sacrifices in combat I had to give”.
To insure that Americans had a free country in which to live,
but Tommy each day their trying to take our freedoms away.
I’ve been a hunter and a soldier and guns aren’t for play.
Weapons should always be in responsible hands,
whether for sport or hunting or protecting this land.


The Crack Shot

Load ready, aim, fire!
I gotcha!
Load ready, aim, fire!
I got another one!
Victorious and glorious the little boy yelled out
as he was shooting flies on a wall with his rubber band gun.
Even with it he was still responsible enough not to shoot out an eye.

Stanley Victor Paskavich
Author of Stantasyland

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Audio Blog is recommended for this entry ….

Greetings and salutations One and All. Today, I want to continue with a topic we started awhile back on Sopheggios which is an auditory form of meditation training. Today though, I want to take you through a guided meditation which i have taught for years. This is a chakra clearing meditation which I use with beginners in my classes.

As with all meditations, how you get there is entirely up to you, these tools I share may not work for everyone, however, as with trying all tools, use them repeatedly for a period of time, say a month to see if it makes a difference. Old habits take 21 days to break they say, another week for good luck and sureness I say. It takes the brain this long to form a new habit, so allow it time to work properly, most people feel instant relief from this particular one I am sharing today. My student Chrissy, has asked for years that I put this one in audio form so she could use it at home not just in class. So it is for her that I am sharing this particular meditation. I love ya sister!

When listening to this meditation, please sit up in a chair or couch, and get comfortable. Place both feet flat on the floor. Sit up straight but with relaxed shoulders and back.

Your breathing technique, is to breath in through the nostrils and envision the crystalline light particles filling your lungs, spreading throughout the bloodstream and to all parts of your body on a cellular and then molecular level. Put your tongue on the roof of your mouth while you are slowly inhaling and holding, then in a slow controlled count of three open your mouth totally and envision all of the negative stuff leaving your body through your breath and natural elimination systems of the body. Repeat this a minimum of five times. With each exhale, allow the body to completely relax and listen to your breath.

Once you have completed these initial cleansing breaths, continue to breath in this manner and see within your minds eye, a tube of light running from the heavens, as you want to ground to the universe as well as the Earth for this exercise, all the way to the core of the planet. Running the light tube through your body. From the earth begin in your mind to pull the purified energies through the tube of light, through your feet, ankles, calf, knee, thigh, and lower back area. At this point envision your base chakra, it should be red. If it is a dark red then it needs to be cleared and filled with light, so use the energy being pulled from your feet to fill this with light and watch it change colors and possibly flow direction. Once this is the color of a bright red then like a thermometor see the energy moving up to the sacral chakra which is the color of orange. This should be a bright orange like a pumpkin, if it is darker (often it is with this chakra) then repeat what we did with the base chakra until the energy is flowing clockwise and spinning in a way and the color is a bright orange. As before, move this energy upward to the solar plexus, the belly button to diaphram area is about the location of this and it is seen as the color gold. Again, fill this with light and as you do see it change into a pyramid around you, feel your connection to all things, for this is where the strand of life is connected. Bask in the light of your own being, heaven’s light surrounding you and running throughout your entire body. Be still in this for a moment as you continue to breath deeply. As you are ready pull that energy back into yourself and allow it to move into the heart chakra. See the balloon of light as green with bursts of pink in it. See the bubble getting bigger so that you are now in a bubble of love all around you and that bubble grows bigger to fill the whole room you are in , then the entire house, the entire block, see it moving through all beings on the planet and the planet herself, send out all that love in your heart and see the bubble getting even bigger expanding out to the universes and finally to the original divine creative source, and then when you have reached that point feel all the love all the beings you sent love to sending it back to your heart as you pull that bubble back to your heart, you feel the love of all things of the one filling your being, and once it is back to your heart then push that energy upward to the throat chakra. The throat chakra is dipicted as blue. See a crystal blue ocean like carrabean blue and imagine yourself swimming in it as you swim out further come back to the balloon and see the balloon filling with indigo blue, a deep blue with purplish hughes running through it see this blue light running throughout your body and all cells, dna and atoms and drawing out all the sickness and dis-ease within the body all of the trauma and negative thoughts and see it taking it out through your extremities, hands and feet and sweat glands and excretion systems, the blood being cleansed and white blood cells and red blood cells being produced in the bone marrow and all blockages of cholesterol being removed, lungs are filled with healing and all bronchi are renewed see the body and think to yourself, i am healthy and whole and all parts are back to their original form on my physical blueprint, and remember to continue to breath, see the stuff shaking loose, vibrating off and being released and expelled from your entire being and auric field. Running the blue light throughout all things within and outward of your field, healing to all things. Then pull this back and see a triangle with you inside of it, as you move the energy now upward over your face to the third eye, located between the eyes on the forehead. Envision the color purple here and the purple flame, see a curtain being pulled aside and the purple flame transmuting negative thinking and feelings transmuting you from being asleep to awake, opening up your minds eye and see all that can be seen in truth and clarity, see the veil being pulled back so you can see the truth of things. Sit and be with your highself while in the safety of this triangle, allow your mind to bring you what it might have to share with you now, and continue to breath. Deeply and slowly, relaxing your body, filling it with light, releasing all negative feelings and thoughts and transmuting them with the purple flame is there any points within your body you can still feel stress or tension, send light to it and release it through transmutation to a neutral energy or golden sparkles of light being taken to heaven for transmutation if you prefer. allow the third eye to bathe in this light and let your mind go where it will, let the spirit soar, now come back to you and move the energy up to the crown of your head. This is where the plates of the skull come together, or where a yamaka would be worn on the head. Envision the color white, see your skull open up like a lotus flower and light pouring out and up to the heavens, open wide and light being poured back into you, see all the colors of the rainbows as a waterfall of light washes over your entire being. Call all the parts of your energy that may have been taken or left behind to return back to you from all time lines and see that being added into the river and poured back into your being, running that light all through the chakras and body and down through your feet to the core of the planet for cleansing. Continue to breath deeply, now see that purified energy return up through your entire body back up to the heavens, like a circular flow through out your aura and body and spirit let that light flow like the river filling your being and cleansing you, continue to breath, listen to the breath, and the feelings you are currently experiencing, what messages you might be hearing in your thoughts, what pictures are coming to your mind, what emotions are being stirred and where are you feeling them in your physical body. Just relax, and breath, in through the nose , tongue on the roof of the mouth and hold and slowly exhale…. when you are ready, i want you to start coming back into your body, and feeling your senses physically, when i count to three you will be wide awake and refreshed and re vitalized and clear thinking…continue to breath….you are coming back now….. slowly waking up ……. one you are more clear in your thinking…..two…..your body is full of energy and spunk……three….you are now fully awake and aware and happy and at peace. Please now shake all of your hands and clap and shake your feet and legs, get the blood moving, rotate your neck and shake your shoulders and stretch your back…..please be sure to drink at least three glasses of water in the next hour to help the body remove the toxins which were released during this cleansing meditation and thank you so much for allowing me to share with you this wonderful tool which Spirit shared with me years ago. I hope that you find this helpful in the future. This is one of the meditations I will be including in my book, ” The Lightworkers Handbook, 101″ Due to be released later this year.

Remember practice makes perfect, most people do not feel much when this is first being practiced this thing called meditation, some have trouble with mind chatter, and others feel that they cannot breath right, but in time I promise you this tool becomes like air to you, and you need it and it feels wonderful. Eventually you master it and only need take breaths a few and you achieve the same feeling. Taking time for you even if for five or ten minutes a day, is absolutely necessary to feeding yourself. To being a good parent to yourself, to being a good friend to yourself. To loving yourself. This is critical to “get” for your survival in the future as the frequencies begin to do their thing. Some of you may have your own chakra clearing meditation you do, but however you do it, what ever works for you, just remember this is one of those basics that needs to be done daily and sometimes several times a day if you are dealing with people a lot. I will get into other ways of helping to clear your energy fields and chakras as we get into spiritual baths and water. But for now, this concludes our blog entry for today on meditation. Blessings to each and everyone of you! Please be sure to tune into Illuminations of Light LIVE! with Joshua James, founder of Sedona Lights Radio Network, this Tuesday Night 9pm MST on blogtalkradio.com/illuminationsoflight! Don’t miss out on this interview as we discuss many things, including Joshua’s time in Brazil at the Casa with John of God. It should be a great show! Love, and light, peace and blessings I bid you a good day!

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You can listen to this blog if you prefer not to read it!

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Greetings and salutations! One and All! Happy Monday to you! Today I want to jump right into our topic.  Grief and the grieving process….it’s one of those very personal subjects that not too many people want to talk about, let alone, talk about publicly.  I sit here today at my computer pondering this issue of grief. So many people suffer, so many people hurt and crying out from their most core being for the pain to go away.  I had someone recently in one of the chat rooms I was in, tell me he buried 9 children that day.  He was in Chernoble working with the people who have been left to suffer the results of one of man’s many inhumanity to man events. He asked me accusingly, “Do YOU pray for the children here! You AMERICAN! You do not remember us here, you will not donate your time or money to help us!”  I replied back to him, “Yes I do pray for you there and in any place where the people suffer daily. Where life is not valued as much as war toys or greed. I pray for those in Thailand, in Africa, in Kenya and India, I cry for all those who cry and suffer. For the mother’s of the sons lost in wars that were not theirs, children whose parents are not there for them, for the homeless in the streets of the world who do not know where they will lay their heads or get their next meals, who dig in trash just to survive!…. Do YOU sir pray and help them too?!”  He was quiet after that. Asked me to burn a yellow candle in their honor. Which I did.

There are many types of death in this life.  All just as real, just as painful to the people who experience it as the real thing.  I have a different perspective on death. I see death as graduation day.  We die to resurrect and become something great once again. I do not see death as a sorrowful thing any longer. I rejoice and laugh and remember the good times not the bad ones or the regrets of things not done or said. I thank them for giving me all that they shared in our walk and time together.

I have often to said to those close to me, “Stay in the moment of now, it is a gift, this is why they call it the present, and we may not get a tomorrow.”  So often times we get lost in the chaos of life that we forget to tell those who are near and dear to us how much we care and appreciate them. The small things they do that go un-noticed.  The little things that make that person dear to us, we take for granted all too often.  Time is a precious thing, and this is the only place in existence that has it. Yes it is an illusion, but it is too as real as we make it to be. As with all things in duality, we can make things work to our advantage or disadvantage simply by how we act and think. Attitude of gratitude is latitude.

As the good book says, ” … as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death…” The man says WALK THROUGH IT!  not sit and wallow in it and lay down and let it consume you for the next however many years! Didn’t say stop and have a picnic and stay awhile! YES! life is hard at times, YES! it is not always about fair. BUT, it is ALWAYS an adventure! It is ALWAYS beautiful. Even in the darkest of moments, there is a shimmer of light which guides us back to center. It is in these moments when we feel like we are at the bottom of a hole or looking into the endless abyss of a wishing well, it is in these moments where our true character lies. What we are truly made of. The type of person we really are.  How boring life would be if we did not have each other to share in the moments of great joy and great sorrow. How blessed are we to have the chance to love and be without all that we need! For if we had EVERYTHING all the time and it was perfect, we would never grow. We would never experience ourselves and life and FEEL it. It would be boring if we were all the same. That being said, as different as we all are, we all have our own beliefs and ideas about death and the life after death.  No matter what your path or belief is, the processes of grieving are a necessary learning experience here on the planet Earth.

Grief, whether it is over a lost relationship, a job, the passing of a friend or family member and this includes pets. Sometimes, it can be the loss of innocence or the loss of a belief or a part of ourselves which is no longer working for us so we are stripped of all that is around us. And of course it is never just one thing, it is usually several major things all at the same time, from all directions when these losses occur. The least convenient moments the least perfect timing or so it may seem in the moment. The truth is all is perfect in all ways all the time. There are no accidents or coincidences all is in perfect harmony even through the discord. As my friend always says to me, “There are many ways to die”.  This is so true! We can shut down, shut ourselves off from those we love most, including Creator. That is one way to die. To have an old belief system or view of ourselves that can die too and be just as difficult.  The loss of a pet who has walked with you a long while in your journey, this too can feel like the world should stop revolving because such a beautiful being was removed from your life! In the very earliest moments, we suffer a period of shock. In this shock, we can be in denial as well, un accepting of the situation at hand. Completely stunned by events or words/actions of other people. We then move into a period of total sorrow, sorrow for the loss, regret for getting involved with that person or regret of things that were not said or done in a timely manner.  Then into a period of anger and victimhood, we play the blame game, the self righteous anger that drives men to war.  Then we go through guilt, guilt that we do not miss them enough, guilt at our parts in their lives.  Then we go through a numb period when we feel nothing at all, and cannot eat or sleep for if we even breath we might break. Then we come to acceptance, when we can finally begin to wrap our brain around it and know that it will not change or come back to the same point where it broke. Then we come to a place of forgiveness for them , the universe and ourselves. Then we begin to heal ourselves. Picking up the remains of what used to be our hearts, our lives, our beliefs, ourselves… and we rebuild it into a better thing ideally.  The Phoenix that rises from the ashes and we re invent ourselves, we are reborn again, a new person, a fresh perspective, a new clarity and understanding about what we just experienced.

In the moments of anger and despair, it is difficult to think of the good things in life. But in fact it is in these very moments when we should most give thanks. It helps to put into perspective the waves of deep sorrow which roll through our being as “this too shall pass” rather then I do not want to be here anymore if this is what it is about. We have all entertained those thoughts. We in some cases have lived through another who could not hold on another moment.  They stopped believing in themselves and loving themselves enough to take the escape clause. A parent who loses a child.  And you cannot say there is no greater pain, because the moment you do there will be something to prove you wrong.  Everyone’s personal pain is the worst to them. We cannot say how long it should take to go through the processes we do to resolve it within our own beings. Everyone is different. Some need time alone, to hide in their cave until the pain stops being unbearable, others need to be busy and social to help them move through the being alone parts. They do not focus on it but process it by doing this. Yet others see it as I do a time to celebrate and honor the person’s life and accomplishments. To honor how they touched people’s lives in a positive way. If their life was not something to write about then pray that they heal and come again in a better light and understanding for the next adventure story they create for themselves. The movie ” What Dreams May Come” with Robin Williams, is a great movie to tackle this idea of the after life. Really our pain and suffering is a result of fear. Fear of death , our own mortality, fear of being alone, fear of failure, fear of success, whatever type you claim it as , it is all still fear. LOVE, love never dies. It is there always within our beings and hearts, we are love! And if we are truly coming from a place of love for that other being, then we honor it’s contribution to the circle of life. Love is all that is real. It is all there is. It is all that we take with us because it is us when we ditch these physical bodies.

You ask anyone who has had a near death experience, they will tell you, it is peace and it is love. I have been there. I cannot wait to get back to that. I know I will find my way HOME, where my heart is because I am already there. I do not expect everyone to get that, but a few of you will. I truly believe that it is a better place, and I KNOW that there is no sorrow there, no pain, no discord, nothing of the sort. Not even really memories, only the LOVE. So all the petty stuff, the he said , she said, or who is right or wrong, that is just a waste of energy. How can I make this person’s life better, how can I make a difference, how can I honor that life and give back the love they gave me or the help in my life. Pay it forward as they say. When life gives ya lemons, by golly make you some lemonade! Turn it around! Make it something great, something sweet and more palatable,  something to celebrate. Yes we will miss them but we know there truly is no loss. They are with us in death more then life in most cases. To the point of annoying for some! Ha! This is not to put down or belittle someones personal grief or their process. Some people prefer to laugh rather then cry. I prefer to celebrate life rather then mourn it. I still process, but in a more positive way then I used to.

This article is not about how to fix you. Only you can do that for yourself. I can tell you for myself, keeping busy and making the best out of bad situations is how I have managed to stay sane through some of the most insane moments a person would ever want to endure. People ask me, how do you keep a smile on your face with all that has happened.  I just look at things from Creator’s eyes. I keep in mind the object of this life, and the reasons we are here, why certain beings come into our lives and I thank them for playing that role in my life, good or bad. For in reality they are me too, there is no good or bad, right or wrong on the other side. Only that which IS. Love.

Give yourself permission, to process and take the time you need whatever amount that is.  Try to do things to love yourself and remember the blessings you have in your life, really count them in the throws of despair. It helps. Take the baby steps to pick up the pieces again. Rebuild your life, YOU. The beauty of being a co creator is we can do this.

I’m sure there are a million articles out there on the net about this topic, the how to make it all better type of advice, but really, there is no way to make it better, only to walk through the process one step at a time in your way in your time. I can tell you, I pray for you! All of you! Every being great or small upon this planet and beyond. For the planet herself, for she too is dying a slow and torturous death, but she too will be reborn. As I have said many times before, we are the ocean, we are the waves. Individual we peak and crest and break and return back to being the ocean, to be recreated as another wave in another time and place, but we are still the healing waters, the liquid crystal that gives forth life and takes it back again. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Remember to celebrate each moment, make it memorable make it full of love even in the heated moments. We do not always have to like what we get, but we can definitely compromise and come to a place of peace with it. It’s all in your choice. How do you choose to see it? As you change your thinking, you change your mind, you change your life.

I will revisit this topic more later on… for now this is all …. peace and blessings, big hugs to all those who read this, who are in that moment of darkness and despair and fear, you are never alone. Never. Even though it feels like it at times. Do not give up. Nothing is stagnant, all things change, including our moods. So hold on for just awhile longer. Look for the good in it. Try to see the bigger picture from a selfless place. If you can do this , then you are well on your way to walking through to greener pastures and cool waters. Let your mind and heart be at peace in that place of greeness and peace.

Love n Light,


Dedicated to Zena, may you rest in peace girl! Thank you for bringing so much love to this place! Hugs JJ. I love ya!

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