
Posts Tagged ‘kimberly murphy’

joykrodriguezphoto Greetings and Salutations One and All! I am pleased to announce a special show of Illuminations of Light LIVE! This coming Wednesday Night, 9pm MDT We are pleased and honored to introduce Dr. Joy Kamakamaewailani Rodriguez, Ph.D. ! She is an amazingly gentle spirit and we are honored to welcome her to the show! 

Dr. Joy Kamakamaewailani Rodriguez, Ph.D. (Natural Health), was born in England, but has called Hawaii home for over 27 years now. Just back from “wowing” others in Beijing, China, Joy is currently, embarking on a once-in-a-lifetime 50-State Book Tour. She is, not only an Author, but a Life Passion Coach, Speaker, Licensed Massage Therapist, and also, an Advanced “Law Of Attraction” Certified Practitioner.She completed Bodywork training at: Holistic Centers Hawaii, Hawaii Healing Arts College and Hands Towards Heaven. She has taught and still teaches Hawaiian Spirituality (Ho`oponopono and Huna); while, practicing bodywork and energy modalities like: Reiki, Reflexology, Swedish, Pranic Healing, Shiatsu, Deep Tissue, Lomilomi, and Hot Stone Therapies, for over 15 years.
She is a member of Toastmasters International and The Council On Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA). She is the Author of “Your Life Passions: 7 Spiritual Huna Principles For Abundance” and 2 other books, “Integrity Dialogues”, “SpaThenticity”, and a co-author alongside Dr. Joe Vitale (of The Secret) in the recently released “Ready, Aim, Inspire” Book Series.

In our interview this week we will be discussing the 7 Principals of Huna:

Learn To Follow Your “Bliss”, Using These 7 Huna Principles:

  1. `IKE: The World Is What You Think It Is.
  2. KALA: Release and Forgive (Ho`oponopono).
  3. MAKIA: Energy Flows Where Attention Goes.
  4. MANAWA: Now Is The Moment Of Power.
  5. ALOHA: To Love Is To Be Happy.
  6. MANA: All Power Comes From Within.
  7. PONO: Truth, Integrity.

We will also be discussing the true meaning of “ALOHA” 


The spirit of Aloha was an important lesson taught to the children of the past because it was about the world of which they were a part. One early teaching goes like this:

Aloha is being a part of all, and all being a part of me. When there is pain – it is my pain. When there is joy – it is also mine. I respect all that is as part of the Creator and part of me. I will not willfully harm anyone or anything. When food is needed I will take only my need and explain why it is being taken. The earth, the sky, the sea are mine to care for, to cherish and to protect. This is Hawaiian – this is Aloha!

As the child grew, the need for a fundamental code of ethics was taught. This code is found within a deeper layer of the meaning of the word Aloha. The code is derived from one of the acronymic meanings of Aloha.

A, ala, watchful, alertness
L, lokahi, working with unity
O, oia’i’o, truthful honesty
H, ha’aha’a, humility
A, ahonui, patient perseverance

The kahuna David Bray interprets this code as “Come forward, be in unity and harmony with your real self, God, and mankind. Be honest, truthful, patient, kind to all life forms, and humble.” He also stated that to the Hawaiian of old, Aloha meant “God in us.”

So far, within Aloha, we have found an explanation of our place in the world and a code of ethics to help us with our interactions in the world. The only thing we are missing is our “prime directive” while we are here, and that too can be found within the root words that make up Aloha.

alo, 1. sharing 2. in the present
oha, joyous affection, joy
ha, life energy, life, breath

Using Hawaiian language grammatical rules, we will translate this literally as “The joyful sharing of life energy in the present” or simply “Joyfully sharing life”.


Read the full article @ http://www.huna.org/html/deeper.html

And a direct quote from Dr. Joy’s book, 


“Aloha is the purest form of joy and happiness that
emanates from just being alive. It is the joy of
existence, an attitude of gratitude, and appreciation of
To apply aloha in your life, realize that aloha means
“to love is to be happy with.”  
The more you are at peace with what you pres‐
ently have in your life, the easier it will be to change
it. The more you connect to what your life passions
are, the easier it will be to manifest prosperity using
Aloha, though commonly used as a salutation, is
the most famous word in the Hawaiian language, and
like so many other indigenous interpretations, it fre‐
quently contains hidden codes (kaona) and other

Finally we will be discussing “Attitudinal Healing” which is also discussed in her book. 

” Attitudinal Healing
Attitudinal Healing is a self‐healing method
which allows us to remove self‐imposed
blocks like judgments of others and self‐con‐
demnation that we put in the way of exper‐
iencing love, peace, and happiness in our lives.
Forgiveness (Kala) is also echoed throughout one of
my favorite self‐healing methods, “Attitudinal Healing”
(AH). Many of AH’s teachings have helped me fulfill
my own life passions and supported the strategies
found throughout this book. I hope you’ll find these
12 principles (complementing Huna and the Law of
Attraction, in many cases) helpful to you in your own
life’s journey.
The 12 Principles of Attitudinal Healing are:
1. The Essence of Our Being Is Love.
2. Health Is Inner Peace, Healing Is Letting Go
of Fear.
3. Giving and Receiving Are the Same.
4. We Can Let Go of the Past and of the Future.
5. Now Is the Only Time There Is and Each
Instant Is for Giving.
6. We Can Learn To Love Ourselves and Others
7. We Can Become Love Finders Rather Than
8. We Can Choose and Direct Ourselves To Be
Peaceful Inside Regardless of What Is Hap‐
pening Outside.
9. We Are Students and Teachers to Each Other.
10. We Can Focus on The Whole of Life Rather
Than the Fragments.
11. Since Love Is Eternal, Death Need Not Be
Viewed As Fearful.
12. We Can Always Perceive Others as Either
Extending Love or Giving a Call for Help.
Mahalo Nui Loa (Thank you So Much)
Jerry Jampolsky, Founder, and
Diane Cirincione, Executive Director
Attitudinal Healing International


You are all going to just love Dr. Joy K. Rodriguez and if you cannot join the show live you can always listen to our archives of the show! This show will air, Wednesday July 30, 2014 at 9pm MDT @ blogtalkradio.com/illuminationsoflight and if you wish to learn more about our guest or services and products she offers please visit thelifepassioncompass.com

We do hope that you all can join us and wish for you all much Aloha! Make it a great week! 

In Love and Oneness of Heart,


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On Sunday, Kimberly was asked to be a guest on Colorado We Cannabis Radio, which aired on time4hemp radio on iheart radio. The topic was cannabis and the 3rd eye. There were many technical issues on the show so only half of the show recorded, we have salvaged what parts of the interview lived. In a nutshell, the discussion was how cannabis for SOME can create spiritual experience and open the doors to the Creator’s consciousness. It as with any other tool, should be used in moderation, with reverence and respect and as a medicinal thing. It can be a tool, a stepping stone to achieve altered states of awareness, and allows those who suffer physically or emotionally to function whereas they cannot otherwise. As with people, each individual is different, and not all people will have a positive experience with it, but if we keep it in perspective you can have negative experiences in an allergic reaction with any substance, not exclusively pot. You must use discernment what works and doesn’t work with you and use anything in moderation. I have known many people who have had “god like” experiences or expanding consciousness and relaxation to the point that the brain moves into a meditative state instantly. It was a great way to give back and share the 420 holiday with the folks of Denver. Thanks to David Smith for our intro, to Tim Tipton for inviting me to be a guest, to Charles North and company for running the show while Tim was away, and to all who support our efforts to educate.

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Greetings and Salutations! One and All! So I know it’s been awhile, since you all have heard from me…..I went to spend time with family and when I returned home, I slipped and fell at the airport and was fairly hurt and have been in recovery since. However, inspite of the delays, I am still moving forward in my expansion and feel confident that new and wonderful things are on the horizon for me personally. I have been working on classes which will be available very soon! I will be starting a spoke to my wheel which I developed awhile ago. Universal Living Light will be the venue to book classes and or purchase online materials.  I ventured out early this fall, and put an ad in Living Social and got a tremendous response locally. So I was pulled to start doing something with the educational and community spokes of my master wheel. Through difficult challenges, I persevered and we are very close to launching our online and in person classes in addition to one on one mentoring and of course still doing readings and parties etc through Illuminations of Light. There are 8 spokes in my wheel currently so I am excited to see some movement in my creations finally. Which brings me to why I felt the need to blog today. 

There have been some main stream messages from Spirit to me that I want to share with you all now.  We are all feeling the pressure cooker waves of energy and love which are helping us to clear up all the negative sides and memories and experiences of the meat suit or the human body. We are moving into our Light bodies. In doing so, we are under a tremendous amount of release and this can feel very scary to a lot of people. Take heart, hold faith, and know that it is all going to work out in the end. Even with all the things looking terrible, we have the ability to turn things around by fighting fire with love and prayer. Our prime directive is to help the Earth and each other rise above these times of greed and self serving behaviors. We are co creators in the game and can turn around things like chemtrails, fukishima and the water issues by seeing a different outcome. Pulling from our hearts with love that all will be OK! Getting mad at political people and issues, serves nothing but making others upset as well as yourselves, if you don’t like it, change it. Go to the caucus and let your vote count. If you feel you are out of control, control is an illusion, there is not any control over anything but ourselves. We can inspire, influence, etc, but in reality we do not ever control outside things or people. Only how we choose to react or respond to them. Us, we control ourselves. Every path tells us we must change ourselves first. What is outside is a reflection of what’s inside. The collective consciousness is working through a great deal right now. The only thing we know for sure is it all changes. Sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but always change is in the air. 

This entire month we are being showered with tons of pure light. We must continue to have faith that this is all part of the process, nothing is going to stop the changes from happening, but we can bring them with ease and grace and we can definitely contribute by our prayers that balance be brought, with ease and grace. Shower the problems with love and ask the solutions manifest with ease and grace for the highest good of all concerned. Forgive those who trespass against you and move forward. Baby steps, setting smaller, attainable goals. This is one of the keys to success as we ride these waves. On those days when you feel blah and cannot think for your life, GREAT! Then just BE and FEEL! Try however, to accomplish one thing on your never ending lists of things to do each and every day. If you get an energy burst then do a bit more. The name of the game is balance and pacing. We are running an energetic marathon as we transmute the lower frequencies and vibrational items in our lives which are no longer serving our highest good. This process can be painful, lonely, frustrating at times, but as we have all been told, there is an end. The waves of change are afoot and nothing or no one will stop the Divine will from being manifest in Love. 

Goals and happiness keep you in flow. If you cannot be in flow then let yourself rest and play. I myself have been coloring and cooking and writing to keep myself from feeling like I am doing nothing, the reality is I am processing, healing, assimilating, contemplating, resolving and reprogramming with all the new information and light coming in. So it’s like, release, sleep, new info, process, energy boost, release, and so on. There has not been much room for living in past or worrying about future, I really have only been able to stay present in the moment, be gentle with myself, recognizing that the feelings I am processing are not only my own but that of the planet and the beings upon her. These moments pass, but when I am in them, panic feelings, anxiety, tears and fears flooding through me. I ground and start to count my blessings, “This is what I am grateful for right NOW” , “blissipline” is a daily effort and requires time and attention to make the changes so that those moments of negative feelings will not bother us as much. With each release and refill, the peace gets greater, the fear gets lessened and the blessings begin to flow forward. 

Whether you are conscious or unconscious and asleep, these changes are happening. These days are good ones to pull within and recharge and regroup and take baby steps to be the reality you want in your life. Write your goals, short, medium and long term. When the little stuff comes up, like we are not getting our way, remember, focus on the solutions and not the problems, be in integrity and be fair, where your thinking is, that is where the energy to manifest goes. If people are not cooperating or being difficult, bless them, love them and walk away until they are in a more receptive state of mind. Getting upset only makes things worse. EVERYONE is going through this process at different levels and paces but they are experiencing the weirdness that is in our fields today. 

Keeping in mind that this is all a holodeck and we can reprogram the machine to make the game run the way we prefer. Everything is always perfect. We must have the good/bad balance in duality. We are hopefully rising above this and into the Oneness and to a new kind of world that doesn’t deal with these lower vibe situations and feelings. So keep on keeping on, if it’s too much then ask Creator, the angels, the universe to lift the negative thoughts and feelings and transmute them as they are being released. 

Keep moving your body, learn a new dance. Learn a new skill. Keep your brain, and body in the mode of expanding not exploding and put positive statements in place of the negative, put positive people instead of the negative, into your world. Seeing  the challenges is fine, even good, accepting they are there and seeking solutions through physical action or prayers, stating a challenge, or recognizing it’s there is not being negative, seeing it as impossible to resolve or complaining that it’s there and doing nothing to move toward solutions, is negative. Nothing is impossible in Creator’s dream, and nothing gets resolved by focusing on the problem or playing the blame game. We cannot change the past, it’s done, we might have tomorrow, but not guaranteed, all we have is right now. What can we do and be successful at in this moment of now. If there’s nothing to be done, timing is everything, then move onto the next thing that you can be successful at today. 

Follow your bliss, be the best you at all times you can be, challenge yourself to strive for the impossible dreams. Be your own person, be your own parent, best friend, lover, business adviser, creator. Nothing outside of yourself is responsible for your happiness. You have the power within you just tap into it and do not give up. Failures are subjective. Don’t let anything consume your happiness. If you do, then pull out, stop and change your mind. Use music, art, movies to help you get through those moments of wanting to scream or die. Call a friend, write a letter and burn it. Do what your inner child needs to stop feeling afraid. Scared is different than afraid. Keep letting it go, keep letting it flow. We are going to continue in this energy for awhile, so make the best of it, and cherish the moments of now. 

You are not crazy, there is chaos, but from this, there is also growth and rebirth. You are most loved, and supported, hug yourself, you are doing GREAT! Be kind to yourselves, and to each other, the best you can, hold on and stay in integrity. Smile, laugh and enjoy today, for that ‘s all we have. Let go of those people who take more than they give, who make you feel less that for not living up to their expectations of you, if people let you down, then do it for yourself. We can count on Creator and Ourselves, that’s it. If someone is kind, follows through, is honest, these things are gravy , bonuses, but the bottom line is we are our own happiness, those things just add to it, not complete it or make it so entirely. 

What are you going to do to be happy today? What is your “blissipline” routine? If you don’t have one, then make one up, and start today! Write 10 blessings everyday and email it to yourself, so you can remind yourself, “It’s not so bad…what good can come out of this?”  Expect your day to be great! Laugh! Define your day with positive reinforcement. ” I’m going to hear my favorite songs on the radio on my commute to work!” , “I’m going to drink my coffee and love each and every sip of it!” , ” I’m going to meet each challenge today with love and wisdom and reflect back what I would prefer people be like” these types of declarations will eventually become self fulfilling prophecy. When you say, ” I do not feel good” , ” I’m sick of work!” , ” I just know it’s gonna be a crappy day I can see it already!” These statements we say to ourselves also can be self fullfilling. 

lfilling prophecy. When you say, ” I do not feel good” , ” I’m sick of work!” , ” I just know it’s gonna be a crappy day I can see it already!” These statements we say to ourselves also can be self fullfilling. 

Bad things happen in life. We experience so much stuff. Loss. Defeat. Abuse. Etc. we can be victimized but we are not victims, we are survivors, winners of the greatest survivor episodes ever! We have much to do, but we have come so far, congrats! 

So to recap, we are loved and supported. Our feelings are fleeting and pass, allow them to. Control you, nothing else. Feed positivity to yourself, turn the pigs ear into a purse, depend on nothing outside for your anything. Less expectation/less disappointment. See solutions not problems. Pray and kill them with love and kindness, it comes back to you. Make the moments of now, the best they can be. Let go and let God. I think that pretty well sums things up! Keep going for gold! You will get there! Setbacks are normal! Overcome them! Nothing is impossible! 

Thanks for reading today! Make it a great day! 

In Love and Oneness of Heart, 




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Greetings and Salutations to One and All! As we continue our treasures of Hawaii series, we encountered an amazing opportunity to meet with one of the 13 grandmothers, the Kahuna Happy Pahia. She was introduced to me by Mahealani Pontius in the course of our pre interviews with her and we were just blown away by the synchronicity and timing of events. I had just begun forming the ideas around my newest spoke of community/foundational work in the form of the Sisterhood of Gaea. Through my work with readings, I found that there was a basic need in most of the women I was meeting with. The piece which is missing is that of women gathering. When I was young, and for most families I believe this was true, there would be a gathering of the women to share, food, story, wisdom, problem solving and teaching of the old ways to the younger generations. In my family, we were taught that family was the most important thing above all. We were taught that what we do now affects 7 generations ahead of us, that each thought and action would send a ripple in time which will magnify as it spreads out, so to choose carefully which path we walk and to always walk in our integrity. My great grandparents and my grand aunts were some of my greatest teachers of the old ways. So there is a kindred heart already in play with the 13 grandmothers whom I wrote about several years ago in my shift blogs. So when I had the vision of the Sisterhood, it was really a replay of visions of past lives from my time in Mu or Lemuria, to the time of Odin and the nordic gods, to another time of Atlantis and so on. The Sisterhood of Gaea consisted of the women schools of light, it has taken on, as we all have, many incarnations and forms, but the basis of protecting the huna (secrets) of the ancients and of Gaea our Mother Earth and holding the energies and teaching has never died, just slept. We were the keepers of the crystal medicine, the history, the tapastry and tapas of our people, back to the time of Earth’s inception. We like the whales were the record keepers of our beloved Mother. In this lifetime we have come back to gather once more and to resurrect the huna and use it for this time and beyond. During the time of great change. This message of unity and sharing is critical right now.

The Kahuna Happy Pahia, was right on time and in line with this message and this mission. It is is an honor to have her join us on tonight’s show and to share with you all, her amazing light and messages. She was adorable, helping the elderly in her community and teaching, just sharing her love everywhere she went. She shared with me that she was once upon a time a flight attendant and she loved to fly. She also shared with me, when asked, who are you? and when did your training begin? Her answer to me was I go back to the beginning of humans in Hawaii which is the remaining land piece, the top of a mountain, in the land of Mu. Mu proceeds Atlantis and reflects a more innocent time of our time here on earth. (My words) Her mission here as with all of us, is to help concepts in today’s society change rapidly. That each of us, must take an honest inventory of ourselves within, and live in a more harmonious way with each other and our beloved planet.

Her lineage can be tracked back to the first inhabitants and royal families who lived in paradise. She was born into the family of Kahunas and taught the old ways and given the initiations and knowledge which she shares today. Her life was and is destined, it is set in stone and as is her namesake, her job is to spread happiness and gladness to humanity. She prays daily that she is able to complete her mission and assignments so that she may end this incarnation in peace. She has had many wonderous spiritual experiences in her mere 70 years upon this planet, and her wisdom is timeless. She was chosen to be a part of the second circle of grandmothers, the foundational circle, traveling the world and sharing with other grandmothers and grandfathers, about her people and her journey, healing and spreading Aloha wherever she goes. She has learned well, the concepts of living in the moment, her day begins with asking Creator what the day shall bring.

She speaks on Ho’oponopono and helps many of her people on a daily basis. Truly a golden hearted being, you all are gonna love her!

To reach her, you can write kahunapahia808@gmail.com. She will be back in Kauai in January for a retreat in Kapaa at the Dolphin Healing Wellness Center.

Listen to her show on Illuminations of Light LIVE! 9pm MST tonight 11/27/2013.

Much Aloha until next time!


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Well our treasures of Hawaii series continues with an amazing young woman who will simply blow your mind. Her sight beyond sight, her knowledge of healing and light goes all the way back to her birth. Chosen and named at birth with her Hawaiian name by Papa Awai, she has been witness to and participant in miracles since age 4. She has trained under Haunani Hawkins, Auntie Margaret Machado, Rebecca Goeff, Ricki Yuctac, Jonathan Goldman and several other amazing teachers both seen and unseen. She is certified in reiki, aqua cranial healing, lomi lomi and other massage where she trained at White Lotus School of Massage. She has trained in piano, guitar and harp, she also works with Tibetan Bowls, Crystal Bowls, tuning forks, native drums, chimes, and the list just goes on. She is Zuni from New Mexico, but has been called to continue her training and work in Kauai now. She recently spent some time with the Kahuna Pahia from Oahu and is working with the Dolphin Touch Wellness Center, conducting classes and healing sessions weekly.

I had the great honor and pleasure of being on the receiving end of her healing abilities and this girl is as authentic as they come. Instinctively knowing how to work with a variety of sound therapies, she did something which was mind blowing but made perfect sense and that was to place the bowls directly on the body as they resonated, she also includes, tuning forks, chimes, her own toning and song, and a native american drum, all combined this created a much deeper healing which would not otherwise be achieved. She opens her healing with the four directions and uses elemental representations, ti leaves and flowers on the alter with crystals to magnify the experience, then she begins. When I went to see her, I was, on a scale of 1-10 at a 12 pain level in my hip, when I left there I was in zero pain. Dancing around like a school girl charged and filled with love overflowing and vigor which lasted a long while.

Mahealani believes that her special key is her compassion and empathy allows her to open hearts and that allows the healing to come into the hearts of those she works with.

This is one show I am for sure honored to be able to share with all of you. She’s a treasure for sure!

Please join us this Wednesday 11/20/13 at 9pm MST on Illuminations of Light LIVE!




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Greetings an Salutations! This has been an amazing week to say the least! This week will probably stabilize a tad this week but maintaining the higher frequencies as we acclimate to the higher amounts of light. Much healing is happening right now. Continue to follow your instincts and be gentle with yourselves.

Speaking of being gentle with one’s self, while in Kauai this summer, I had the honor and pleasure to spend time with just a beautiful lady, Jeannie Ruman.

Jeannie’s home is on the Garden Island of Kauai, she’s lived there  since 1990. The Island called Jeannie to remember her ancient connections with the continent of Mu or a more modern name Lemuria.

Her grandparents are from Poland. One of Jeannie’s grandmothers was a medicine woman using plants to heal the body to bring it back to balance. As a child Jeannie built a friendship with the Nature Beings and was taught directly from the life in the forest.

In 1990 she studied with Serge King Hawaiian Shamanism and later participated in his Sunday gatherings with a healing stone ceremony. She conducts shaman nature walks. Jeannie is third decree Reiki practitioner, Sacred Geometry practitioner, Lomi Lomi massage training from Maori and Hawaiian teachers. Jeannie calls on a spirit plant helper to assist with her massages. She has conducted workshops in Montana and Kauai in deepening a relationship with nature: Titled “Walking Between Worlds.”

Author of “Journey on Gossamer Wings,” in book form, Kindle Version “Window into Nature “on  Amazon.

To learn more about Jeannie you can visit her website at kauaisacrednature.com

When Jeannie and I met, I was with my friend Lianna, and we were invited to a full moon ceremony by the river. We accepted the invitation and we were greeted by the most lovely and powerful women, with such warmth and welcoming it was instant connection. Many had a variety of instruments, and Jeannie led the circle, sharing her vision and rough draft of her Declaration to Nature. We all loved it and offered suggestions to refine and then went into prayer and music and meditation while we watched the moon be born again. It was amazingly intense but beautiful. The river, the full moon, the eclipse energies, the music and love and sisterhood was incredible. Wonder and magic and sharing filled the air. A night I shant soon forget.

There is where the story begins, we later gathered with the women, and gave out orchids to remember our new union and time together.

I cannot wait for you all to meet her, Wednesday November 13, 2013 9 PM MST on Illuminations of Light LIVE!




These are pics of sacred areas in Kauai, some of them anyways, petraglyphs from Lydgate, Dry caves, The Rudraksha Forest where rainbow eucalyptus trees create sacred doorways, Waimea Canyon, 2nd lookout to north point where three cameras were drained of all battery power, Haualoa resting place heiau in Lydgate very powerful point, these spots are some of the Mu history which remains today.

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Greetings and Salutations! One and All! I do hope that this day finds you exceedingly well and filled with joy! It’s Friday! Yay!   Today, I would like to address a very unusual situation that has been actually around for some time, however, there has been a dramatic increase in the numbers of people who are experiencing this very strange phenomenon. What I am talking about are strange sounds in the sky that have people turning on their cams and phones to record what it is they are hearing.   From my initial research, I have determined that there are four classifications of the sounds people are hearing.

  1. A tinny electric motor sound like electricity sounds running through transformers. Most refer to this as a humming.
  2. A very deep OHMMMM sound or what some would call Angelic/Demonic Voices or like whales singing.
  3. A pounding accompanied by a metal against metal sound.
  4. Finally what sounds to some as a rumble and others like an extended jet plane running.

These sounds are not heard by all people, only those who seem to be tuned into the frequencies of the planet seem to be able to hear these strange sounds but interestingly enough the cameras are picking it up!   I can tell you from my own experience since August of this year, until present day, there has been an unusually loud jet sound that lasts for several hours a day. This has been recorded and noted by several people in theColoradoandNew Mexico. There has always been a tone to this planet, most would describe this as Monks chantingOMand never taking a breath. But these tones, sounds whatever you which to call them, do not give most people the feeling of warm and fuzzy, more like, “What the heck is that!” type of feeling and fear.   I have searched to see if there are mentions of ancient texts to see if there were any references to the Earth moaning or whaling and of course there are!   So after listening to several dozen tapes I have determined the following:

  1. These sounds are not isolated to any particular area, they are global.
  2. No one including government officials can explain these sounds.
  3. There seems to be a light associated with some of these encounters.
  4. Only about 10% of the population can hear these sounds, but for those who can it can cause physical reactions such as headaches, madness, nausea, agitation and have caused some people to relocate to get away from it.
  5. These sounds have increased since the pole shifts have begun.
  6. There doesn’t seem to be any strange alignments that would cause this, however, there is a report from Jan of last year the moon underwent a pole shift and that may have something to do with it.
  7. There are theories that say, we are going from a 9 hz frequency to 145hz, and that when the Earth gets to a certain frequency in her shift the monolithic structures likeStonehengewill become like tuning forks to awaken all who are still asleep.
  8. Another theory is that the trees are the ones making the sounds as they too ascend.
  9. The sounds can be felt by some through their homes and feet, and others only hear it in the sky or in some cases caves.
  10. Some theorists believe these sounds are Mother Earth moaning as she undergoes her birthing pains.

I can also tell you that in terms of unusual stuff here in Denver, there are times when it is dead silent, nothing moves like time has been suspended for a moment, and also that there have been some unusual things on the road and with the wild life around my house. For example, while driving in the city, there are a high number of moving trucks being escorted by the police department heading East on I -70. There have been lights reported in areas there should not be light or electricity for that matter. Wild life has gone crazy, the other morning I looked outside and there must have been 200 birds in the trees of all kinds, Robins, Blue Jays, Blue Birds, Magpies, finches, black birds and some others I could not identify. They were flying around crazy with no sense of direction. Also, in the dead of winter, bees are starting to appear and bulb flowers are growing when they shouldn’t be until March or April at the earliest. So I can say with relative assurance, there is a big time change in the magnetic grid system. Further proof of that was a bunch of Dolphins just beached themselves inCape Codthis week! I believe this is the physical pole shifting currently under way.   So what does all of this have to do with the sounds? Well, I believe that at least some of the tapes very well show that the Earth is definitely changing and these sounds are natural occurrences that come with such a pole shift, however, too I do not believe that ALL of the taped recordings are legitimate. The ones with the animals reacting and people reacting, yes I find those to be legit, the ones with no reaction, I have more difficulty accepting.   Below you will find some examples of the sounds we are discussing here today, so you can make your own determination on what they are saying to you. Could they be aliens communicating? Is the time of rapture and these are the trumpets in Revelations? Or is it just a loving and living being telling her residents to prepare as she is about to have some big contractions in the rebirthing process? 






















CURITIBA 3/11/11






There are dozons of these reports all over the net. You can investigate for yourself. I would be interested to see what your ideas are on this topic! 

I think that is it for today’s report! Have a blessed day!! Thank you for stopping by!

In Love and Light and Oneness of Heart





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Greetings and Salutations! One and All! Today is a beautiful day and the Love/Light energies are running high! The air is full of magic today! Go outside and tell your animal companions thank you for being here with us! We love you! And send out a radiating heartfelt pulse of love out to the universe and all beings. Wrap it in gratitude! Feel the joy and the love coming back into your heart directly from them! Feel their gratitude fill your heart! Then look around you, see the beauty that is our Mother Earth fill your heart, she can transmute any of your fears or negative thoughts and help you find the balance and peace within your being. Thank her. Love her. Then thank Creator and All that exist for their part in your life and the lives of all here. Breath in the Crystalline light the energy that is in the air which feeds all living beings here, Exhale, and release all the stress within your being. A few deep breaths, and you are at peace. Listen, what do you hear? What messages await you? Do you feel better? More refreshed and relaxed? Great! Carry this moment with you as you face the challenges of your day. Share the love. Remember to Love yourself too! Say to yourself, “I am Love!” “I am a great person! I am full of good health and lots of loving energy to share with the world!” “I am fantastic! Life is working things out for my highest good always, and I am grateful it does!”


We choose which mood to set our day, I think this is a good way to begin today!


There is so much going on in the world today, and so much information coming at us from everywhere each moment, I think it’s important that we remember to take that moment to just breath and be One with everything. I think too that many of you will argue there is just not even that free moment for that but I argue to that, we must make that time happen, like showering or brushing our teeth. We must nurture ourselves, and daily remind ourselves we are loving spiritual beings with limitless opportunity in each day. Since most of us do not get compliments and kudos from the outside world, it’s important that we give OURSELVES those things we need. Hug yourself, tell you that you love you and you are a great person, that everything is going to be alright, you truly only need you. We have been so programmed to think that we are lacking, we lack nothing except that which we perceive. We never lack love or companionship, for we are truly never alone. We never lack for what we need, if we ask and believe, it will usually appear when we need it most.


A healthy spirit requires that we feed ourselves on a daily basis. A question was posed to me by a friend recently, “What do you do to add value to yourself as a person everyday?” I argued that the question was subjective to one’s opinion of what is considered valuable to one’s self and you would have to essentially guess what is of value to another person based on their perceived senses of what is valuable in their opinion. But really, does their opinion count when you ask what I do to add value to myself?


So I took that question and expanded it in a way and asked myself, “ What am I feeding my being?”


I broke this down on the literal level, physical, what am I putting into my body on a daily basis and is this adding to or taking away from my overall energy and vitality level? This led to some alterations in diet adding more of what I felt when I asked my body what is it that you are needing, what it had requested, more leafy greens as one example was an answer I received.


I then expanded this idea into what was my environment feeding me? My friends? Television shows? Music and lyrics? Commercials and advertisments?


Again in assessing this, I found that there was a lot that was not really feeding me but feeding off of me in terms of energy consumption. So again, I began to adjust things in my life to only have those things which lifted my spirit and made me smile around me.  In doing these things, I found, I was more easily brought back to center and peace, when life and it’s events and people knocked me for a loop. I found that not having to deal with all that other stuff, allowed me to have more time and energy to focus on feeding myself the right ways. More meditation time, more time to process how I felt about things that occurred during the day or ponder solutions to challenges that had come up. It allowed me time to focus on my healing and clearing out my own closets and applying the techniques I have been teaching others for a long time now.


Now this is not to say that I stopped helping other people, but what I did do is set boundries and I made time for taking care of me too. Healers often fall into the trap of feeling obligated to work til there is nothing left for themselves. It is I believe very important to not fall into that trap of burnout.


When people talk about doing the inner work…..


What we are talking about is looking at those things which continue to present themselves in our lives. What is causing us to be fearful? Some say that all things boil down to two emotions, Fear and Love. What old tapes have been played since you were young?


For me, abandonment, no love, betrayal, and not being heard were big players in my life, and when I was done looking at them, my final conclusion was I didn’t have to have those things from outside sources. I had to have them for myself. To have the expectations of people to be like me, to think like me or experience and come to the same conclusions about life the same as me were big players as well. The idea that I had control or wanted to have control instead of just allowing things to happen.


Taking an honest look at how we feel about things, how we are reacting or responding is usually a reflection of something within ourselves which is not in balance, needs healing and release, or some adjustment in perception. Looking at the past on the levels of observer, what gifts did we receive from that experience. Even the most horrific experiences offer some lesson or gift of knowledge or building block for something we encounter in the future. Such as deeper empathy for one who may go through a similar experience in the future. Had we not walked that path, we would not be able to reach them as a person who had survived and was able to move forward to be there for them at that moment. There is always a silver lining, at times, our pain doesn’t allow us to find that lining, but that too is part of the journey.

I am sure I will come back to this topic more in the future, but for now, I would like to close this message today with this thought. Suffering and pain are increased or decreased by our ability to accept or our need to deny what is. How can you reduce your suffering by allowing yourself to accept what is? What are you not wanting to look at or accept about a person or situation? Your own judgment? Your lack of ability to control? The expectation? These are some of the kinds of questions we ask ourselves when we are doing our inner work. For our thoughts, beliefs and focus, bring to us what we feed ourselves. What we are receiving as input, learning, are we growing or are we holding onto an old way because it’s comfortable but it’s stagnant and still?


Be loving to yourself, forgive your trespasses as you forgive others who trespass against you.


In Love and Light and Oneness of Heart, Namaste. Kimberly

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Greetings and salutations!, One and All. It has been some time since I have written as I have been undergoing a time of transformation and change and have been focused on that. However, as I sit here tonight on this full moon Sunday and thru til today, I feel inspired to share with you all some of the experiences I have noticed to be consistent in people this past few months. **this message took a few days to get down on paper, please forgive the bouncing of topics, I wrote as I got it….part of the process of getting messages for me. Thanks for your understanding. 

One is that almost all those who are awake are undergoing major transformations on all levels of life. Most have felt some relief since the first of the year as the golden light of Creator’s Love pours into our atmosphere and planet. We are filling some of the now empty spaces of our lives with things that are more in alignment with our growth and preparation for the future waves of change. Yet others are still feeling like a continuation of the end of the year energies have followed them into this year. Usually an indication that we are holding onto something yet not completed within that cycle that must be released prior to moving to the next levels so to speak.

Some of the things I want to cover is symptoms, issues, time / memories thru the hour glass, potentials, inner work. The trees and energies and beings which are coming to help, fairie world etc. Collaboration and cooperation essential to eliminate competition and separation.

One of the things that I think all people have noted is time is speeding up. Things are happening much more quickly then some are truly prepared for. I know for myself, time has been playing tricks with me for several years now. Some of what I can share with you is this, we have the ability to slow down or speed up time as we need it to within our own lives or within the moments of now. A couple of ways to envision this, see yourself in a bubble and you see like traffic coming towards you on the other side, begin to take a step backward from where you are standing only just slightly not completely and this will slow things down, if you begin to step forward it will speed up. Another method is to envision time as a linear line and you can fold time, much as described in the classic book, “A Wrinkle In Time”. Bringing the fold lines together will quicken the time to travel from point a to b, seeing it as already together see it separating to slow it down. I have played with this many times on long trips, making it from point a to b in half time.

We have to slow things down in our mind to reflect it on the outside programming. Life experiences are played out on a holographic program. We can interject to go fast or slow speed.

The exception to this, currently, is that people have been experiencing lapses of time. Where they are feeling like they are traveling outside of this reality into another and they are not realizing or functioning in this reality and cannot remember where or how long its been until they look at a clock or realize that their television program is over to measure how long they have been missing.

There is a great deal to be said about this time we have the honor of experiencing, and truly, I cannot put it all into words to accurately describe ALL of the things I am and have experienced up to this point. I can only offer that which I think I can.

Being in a human suit, we find ourselves, for some of us a new experience, others old hat, that of limitation or the belief of limitation. Our density here in the 3rd dimension and also into the 4th, is a very heavy frequency, and therefore more is required to maneuver in our physical world. One of the ways, on an intuitive and physical level, that I can feel that we are in fact experiencing some dimensional warbles at best, is the air around me. There are times when things seem to be moving in slow motion or like it’s cumbersome to do simple things like wash the dishes or do mental work, this I describe as walking in plasma or as my friend describes being in jello and trying to move around. There are other times when the air is completely heavy and like my immediate personal energy space is being weighted down like an anvil on my bubble or lead shoes on my feet, I am very aware of being earth bound like a stronger then normal magnetic pull on my being. There are other times when the colors of the area around me, the sky the sun, the mountains and trees seem to appear almost surreal and in different hues, colors I have never seen them be, pinks, blues, very bright white, and green, or a lavender hugh, not at times when you would expect your eyes to see such changes, sunset or sunrise, but the middle of the high noon sun! Then there are moments of complete silence, like the world just stopped around me, and the normal backround noises are not there! Then you breath and all is back to normal. Usually in these moments there is a physical response to this in the form of a woozy or light headed feeling or a sense of losing one’s balance. The need to hold onto a counter or a wall or a chair, to compose yourself. Too, there are moments when there is a newness and freshness and love and harmony and clarity when you can breath and it’s like someone opened a window after being cooped up in stuffy rooms! A strange contentedness that overcomes ones being even though you would normally be freaking out stressing or crying over your circumstances. A feeling that all will be ok as long as you go along with the flow of life. It’s a very odd feeling when it comes because it’s like looking in the mirror at the more perfected you but the new energy still feels a bit awkward and uneasy until it assimilates itself with us.

Some of the physical symptoms associated with these changes are related to the magnetics bouncing around on the planet. Most if not all things are tied into the magnetic grid system on this planet. This includes humanity. We are psychologically and physically reacting to the current pole shift changes and the photons we are being slammed with as we approach the milestone of 2012.

Physically you may feel the following:

  1. More body aches and pains in unusual places.
  2. Ringing in the ears, or toning.
  3. Headaches
  4. Vision problems
  5. Digestive issues/ Eating pattern changes
  6. Sleeping more or way less then usual
  7. Increased Dreaming, with strange dreams
  8. Sinus/Throat Issues
  9. Times of instant lethargy and need to sleep
  10. Low energy for no reason
  11. Hyper-Sensitivity in senses and skin, ie: hearing way better then usual, noises are more intense and can be deafening.
  12. Attention deficit issues, unable to focus on any one thing for more then a few moments.
  13. Fogginess in the brain, unable to keep a clear thought for more then a moment.
  14. Forgetfulness, loss of time.
  15. Mood swings, experiencing the waves of emotion, then being totally fine and then back to another wave and then totally fine.
  16. Increased psychic activity.
  17. Panic attack symptoms without cause.
  18. Difficulty breathing or forgetting to breath.
  19. Decreased immunity system issues.
  20. Hot and cold flashes.

I am sure that there are a few that I have missed and you can fill in what your own personal experiences have been. On the flip side there are moments when I am filled with love, energy and vitality and in those moments I accomplish the feats of a hundred people I feel. There is always balance.

Really a lot of what we are facing is things in our lives that no longer serve us are prevalent in our realities in a plethora of ways, we must look at and deal with the issues as they present themselves and move thru them as quickly as possible in order to move forward and allow new information or energies into our lives or experiencing them differently. The key to beginning the process is noticing the patterns, and identifying how they have served us, what did we learn, and then forgiving and releasing. How you do this processing and understanding is going to be as unique as you. There are many books out there on how to process and many methods if you google it I am sure you will find a wonderful selection of what you are looking for.

Many people who are not wanting to experience these shifts in body are leaving, if their physical beings are not wired right the frequency increases will cause the heart to just stop and they exit immediately with no waiting time to otherside, this is unusual as they normally stick around til the funerals, but they are not. So we will continue to see mass exodus of spirits from this plane. 

The idea of leave it all behind, the old ways of thinking will not apply so much in the new realities. Way easier said then done. Take it in baby steps. Focus on one thing at a time. Be gentle with yourself and try to find the balance of time that works for you.

Other things that you may begin to notice is things like putting an object in a particular place and coming back and it’s gone, absolutely no where to be found, you come back a day or two later, or hours in some cases and it’s sitting right where you thought you left it, or at times in a completely different location. This is losing things in the vortex, as I like to call it. It’s like we are moving through various dimensions and we come back to that place in the time line eventually and things are as we left them. In this same genre one can also access the other aspects of yourself, dopplegangers in some people’s terms, aspects of ourselves which are experiencing different realities, simultaneously, and therefore, like the original divine creative source we too are experiencing all things, all possibilities in a multitude of dimensions and realities, but this one, the one we exist in is like the mothership, they all tag back to the now moment. We can cross those normal barriers at the moment because of the waves, like standing in the ocean at foot level and the waves come in and hit your knees. Same idea applies with the various realities, the veils are thinning on all levels, we can see them sometimes, shadows out of the corner of our eyes, people who are not there, some might mistake as a ghost but in reality is a person existing in another dimension where they cannot see us but for a moment at the peak of the wave or the ebb we see them.

The collective beings, are communicating with us through all means possible. Animals too, as well as the other kingdoms of this planet, plants, birds, finned ones, all are going through this and are working with humans who will hear them in how we can prepare, where to go, how to get along and be in harmony, we have received messages to lie on our stomachs and connect to the mother and tell her how grateful we are to her and how not all humans are parasites, some want her love to continue, that we agree to make the shift with her and shift within ourselves, tell her how you have released and forgiven and ask her to forgive as well. Sending her love and healing and support. I give thanks each and every day and when I am in the throws of an anger wave or a sadness/despair wave, I do this, sit and pray and give thanks for all that I have in my life, great and small, for the experiences I get good and bad for they help my being grow. Ask for strength to endure what waves may come, and ease and grace as they do. I call upon angelics, God, Jesus, Ancestors, Committees, and Councils, whomever I am guided to in the moment I am in need, with humility and understanding that this is a team effort and for the highest good of all concerned. Sometimes these waves, make me so sad and in so much agony in my heart, that I beg to go home and a tiny voice tells me to hold on and the waves will pass to rest when they do. I listen, and they do.

Things I do when I need to be quiet and still and go within myself:

  1. Coloring is one of my best ways to rechannel negative energy and thoughts.
  2. Music, there is something about it  that can transmute any negative thinking or mood that needs an adjustment, pure joy exists here.
  3. writing-journaling out or writing letters to people that I may be trying to work through til I can get to the point of gratitude for their role in my learning my lesson.
  4. exercise/cleaning- this is always a great way to work out anger and or resentment or excess energy that may build up from being still too long. I find I can get clearer thinking and better rest when I do something physical, and when I am feeling out of control or life circumstances are , cleaning helps me feel like this is something I can control, my environment.
  5. talking things out with friends. – I have a hard time dumping on people my problems because no one really likes another to do that to them. However, if you do not abuse it, friends are great sounding boards if you approach it as “ I need to vent, please just listen do not comment or hold it I just need to vent” and if the friend is a true friend they will allow this for you as you would do for them if they too were in that state of mind.
  6. doing things differently= this can include positive affirmations, giving yourself what you expected another to do for you, going for a drive or to a new place, taking a class or seeking a club to join.
  7. catching yourself when you are falling into past or present or things that could have been or should have happened, those things really take us out of the now moment and take away from what we could be doing now. Cannot change the past, no control over others, only how we respond or react, what can you do right now that you can be successful at and what will have to wait.
  8. Surrendering those things we have no control over to your higher power or the universe. Trusting that what you need will be there in the perfect time, and that which is taken away, is done so for your lesson or higher good. ALLOWING the flow of life to unfold instead of forcing it.
  9. meditation- a must daily, cleaning chakras, grounding, praying, giving thanks, paying attention to all things for messages from your higher self and guides.
  10. taking care of you- this means what you eat, what you feed your spirit and your mind will manifest, taking time to nurture yourself, realize that we must do for ourselves what we expect the outside world to give us. Loving yourself, healing yourself, talking with yourself, instead of seeking it outside from others. We suffer less disappointment and hurt this way. There are no limits, its subjective.

Do not waste time, open your mind, seek the answers to the questions. Do not take other people’s words for it as gospel, do your homework and look for other sources or opinions always, form your own opinions based on facts you know or find for yourself. There are always two sides of the coin in duality. Remember to remain unattached to things for things change good or bad rapidly in these final days. Just BE.

Our planet is going through both a physical pole shift and a polarity pole shift right now. The weather patterns are going to change quickly and we are going to see alot of hurricane/typhoon, earthquake/tseunami, and volcanic action this year as the sun continues to pound the magnetic grid, fish and birds dying and beaching because the magnetic grids which have been there for aeons are not there anymore and that is why they are dying and losing their way. Even the plants are confused, I have spring flowers almost full grown in January, birds that should not be here are here in the winter, bees everywhere flying around like its April. There are many signs of the pole shift in motion if we look. 

We are going through the eye of the needle, and doing a galactic flip, our galaxy now in the northern hemisphere will be in the southern, i have seen visions of two suns and three moons. our star system is totally different and all astrology etc has to be re written for the future generations. I see many on star ships and other planets they call home, others going through star gates which take them to farther places. yet others blink out in Merkabah suits to the celestial realms. All beings working together as the transition completes itself in 25-35 years. I’m not sure how it all goes down but I have seen bits and pieces of it and I know others out there have as well. Lets put all our pieces together and see what are the same and what is new. We then get a bigger picture or more of it then before. The fighting and competition and control must cease, we must cooperate and respect the differences, agree to disagree, but agree to work for the common goal of humanity and this planet our Mother and all upon her. Work together and we accomplish great things, remain separate and divided we fall. 

These things we are experiencing now will be a dream in a far away memory, looking thru the hour glass the 3d and its ways and memories are already in the past, soon to be forgotten by all, then those things of now will follow, only the new reality of the 5th will survive. So see these things of peace, total healing for yourself and all people on all levels. what we put out comes back. I am whole, I am happy,  I am healed,  I am well again. See it! Believe it!  

Seek your peace however you can. Detach from material things and ways, money is going away, think in small communities how to help each other if it all went away. Prepare but do not fear, for you are prepared. Think in terms of humanity not us or them, our alien brothers and sisters are on their way to help, to intervene in the catastrophes we have brought upon our planet and ourselves. Trust it, believe it and send love to all who are still in denial or disbelief that they will waken and see the truths being revealed at a rapid rate. Pray that our leaders feel peace in their hearts, not war.

Remember, this has already all been done, peace does win. Love does win. We have to clear the old to make room for the new to be built.

In Love and Oneness of Heart my brothers and sisters, I share these experiences and thoughts in the hope that you will feel not crazy or alone in a very chaotic time. Balance, be centered as best you can, stay in forgiveness, love and gratitude and this will ease the waves.


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Greetings and Salutations One and All! I do hope that this blog finds you all well and happy! Well it’s been quite a week for me lots of obstacles and challenges presented themselves to me! But with each one I give gratitude for the opportunity to grow! This week’s show features an amazing man whom I met through a mutual friend. For almost an hour he and I chatted and he truly is a pioneer in his field. And is breaking ground in some pretty amazing territory with his teachings! So we are truly pleased and honored to bring him to you all tonight on Illuminations of Light LIVE! 8pm PST and 9pm MST on blogtalkradio.com/illuminationsoflight! here is a bit more about this amazing man and his work!

About James Strohecker


An e-health pioneer and wellness visionary, Strohecker has focused on bringing fundamental wellness principles from the world’s great healing and wellbeing traditions into mainstream cultural awareness for over 30 years.  Currently, his focus is on stimulating the creation of a “Culture of Wellness” in the U.S. and supporting the dissemination of wellness worldwide.


CEO and co-founder of HealthWorld Online, he is co-creator of Healthy.net (www.healthy.net), the world’s first Internet network for wellness and alternative medicine, the Wellness Inventory whole-person assessment and life-balance program (www.WellPeople.com) and the Wellness Inventory Coach Certification Training (www.CertifyWellness.com). He is on the faculty for the Wellness Inventory Certification Training, as well as the faculty of the Institute for Life Coach Training.  He also co-founded NPICenter.com, the first business-to-business Internet network for the natural products industry.


As founding Vice-President of Future Medicine Publishing,

he served as Executive Editor of the classic and influential work, Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide. Co-author

of five books, including Natural Healing for Depression: Solutions from the World’s Great Health Traditions and Practitioners  (Perigee), and has collaborated on over 20 titles in the fields of natural health, human potential, meditation,

yoga and world spiritual traditions. He is also publisher of Healthy Update, a weekly e-newsletter serving over 30,000 subscribers for fifteen years.


A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of the University of Tennessee with a degree in cultural anthropology, his interests have taken him from National Geographic-funded archeological expeditions to Mayan ruins in the jungles of Yucatan, to three years of intensive study of meditation, self-inquiry, and yoga in India.


Strohecker has served on the numerous boards, including the Board of Trustees of the American University of Complementary Medicine and the Institute of Natural Medicine, the President’s Advisory Council for Bastyr University, as well as serving on numerous advisory boards including Nourish America, Academy for Guided Imagery, the Dove Health Alliance, the National Workforce Health Economics Summit, and the National Wellness, Prevention and Fitness Conference. He is a member of the Transformational Leadership Council of Southern California.


He lives in Los Angeles with Nancy, his wife of 22 years.

Contact Info:

James Strohecker

CEO / Co-founder

HealthWorld Online




Here’s another article about John and his work:

From Alternative Medicine a Definitive Guide to the Wellness Inventory – An Interview with Pioneering Entrepreneur Jim Strohecker

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