
Posts Tagged ‘god and pot’

On Sunday, Kimberly was asked to be a guest on Colorado We Cannabis Radio, which aired on time4hemp radio on iheart radio. The topic was cannabis and the 3rd eye. There were many technical issues on the show so only half of the show recorded, we have salvaged what parts of the interview lived. In a nutshell, the discussion was how cannabis for SOME can create spiritual experience and open the doors to the Creator’s consciousness. It as with any other tool, should be used in moderation, with reverence and respect and as a medicinal thing. It can be a tool, a stepping stone to achieve altered states of awareness, and allows those who suffer physically or emotionally to function whereas they cannot otherwise. As with people, each individual is different, and not all people will have a positive experience with it, but if we keep it in perspective you can have negative experiences in an allergic reaction with any substance, not exclusively pot. You must use discernment what works and doesn’t work with you and use anything in moderation. I have known many people who have had “god like” experiences or expanding consciousness and relaxation to the point that the brain moves into a meditative state instantly. It was a great way to give back and share the 420 holiday with the folks of Denver. Thanks to David Smith for our intro, to Tim Tipton for inviting me to be a guest, to Charles North and company for running the show while Tim was away, and to all who support our efforts to educate.

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