
Posts Tagged ‘universal living light’

On Sunday, Kimberly was asked to be a guest on Colorado We Cannabis Radio, which aired on time4hemp radio on iheart radio. The topic was cannabis and the 3rd eye. There were many technical issues on the show so only half of the show recorded, we have salvaged what parts of the interview lived. In a nutshell, the discussion was how cannabis for SOME can create spiritual experience and open the doors to the Creator’s consciousness. It as with any other tool, should be used in moderation, with reverence and respect and as a medicinal thing. It can be a tool, a stepping stone to achieve altered states of awareness, and allows those who suffer physically or emotionally to function whereas they cannot otherwise. As with people, each individual is different, and not all people will have a positive experience with it, but if we keep it in perspective you can have negative experiences in an allergic reaction with any substance, not exclusively pot. You must use discernment what works and doesn’t work with you and use anything in moderation. I have known many people who have had “god like” experiences or expanding consciousness and relaxation to the point that the brain moves into a meditative state instantly. It was a great way to give back and share the 420 holiday with the folks of Denver. Thanks to David Smith for our intro, to Tim Tipton for inviting me to be a guest, to Charles North and company for running the show while Tim was away, and to all who support our efforts to educate.

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Greetings and Salutations! One and All! So I know it’s been awhile, since you all have heard from me…..I went to spend time with family and when I returned home, I slipped and fell at the airport and was fairly hurt and have been in recovery since. However, inspite of the delays, I am still moving forward in my expansion and feel confident that new and wonderful things are on the horizon for me personally. I have been working on classes which will be available very soon! I will be starting a spoke to my wheel which I developed awhile ago. Universal Living Light will be the venue to book classes and or purchase online materials.  I ventured out early this fall, and put an ad in Living Social and got a tremendous response locally. So I was pulled to start doing something with the educational and community spokes of my master wheel. Through difficult challenges, I persevered and we are very close to launching our online and in person classes in addition to one on one mentoring and of course still doing readings and parties etc through Illuminations of Light. There are 8 spokes in my wheel currently so I am excited to see some movement in my creations finally. Which brings me to why I felt the need to blog today. 

There have been some main stream messages from Spirit to me that I want to share with you all now.  We are all feeling the pressure cooker waves of energy and love which are helping us to clear up all the negative sides and memories and experiences of the meat suit or the human body. We are moving into our Light bodies. In doing so, we are under a tremendous amount of release and this can feel very scary to a lot of people. Take heart, hold faith, and know that it is all going to work out in the end. Even with all the things looking terrible, we have the ability to turn things around by fighting fire with love and prayer. Our prime directive is to help the Earth and each other rise above these times of greed and self serving behaviors. We are co creators in the game and can turn around things like chemtrails, fukishima and the water issues by seeing a different outcome. Pulling from our hearts with love that all will be OK! Getting mad at political people and issues, serves nothing but making others upset as well as yourselves, if you don’t like it, change it. Go to the caucus and let your vote count. If you feel you are out of control, control is an illusion, there is not any control over anything but ourselves. We can inspire, influence, etc, but in reality we do not ever control outside things or people. Only how we choose to react or respond to them. Us, we control ourselves. Every path tells us we must change ourselves first. What is outside is a reflection of what’s inside. The collective consciousness is working through a great deal right now. The only thing we know for sure is it all changes. Sometimes fast and sometimes slow, but always change is in the air. 

This entire month we are being showered with tons of pure light. We must continue to have faith that this is all part of the process, nothing is going to stop the changes from happening, but we can bring them with ease and grace and we can definitely contribute by our prayers that balance be brought, with ease and grace. Shower the problems with love and ask the solutions manifest with ease and grace for the highest good of all concerned. Forgive those who trespass against you and move forward. Baby steps, setting smaller, attainable goals. This is one of the keys to success as we ride these waves. On those days when you feel blah and cannot think for your life, GREAT! Then just BE and FEEL! Try however, to accomplish one thing on your never ending lists of things to do each and every day. If you get an energy burst then do a bit more. The name of the game is balance and pacing. We are running an energetic marathon as we transmute the lower frequencies and vibrational items in our lives which are no longer serving our highest good. This process can be painful, lonely, frustrating at times, but as we have all been told, there is an end. The waves of change are afoot and nothing or no one will stop the Divine will from being manifest in Love. 

Goals and happiness keep you in flow. If you cannot be in flow then let yourself rest and play. I myself have been coloring and cooking and writing to keep myself from feeling like I am doing nothing, the reality is I am processing, healing, assimilating, contemplating, resolving and reprogramming with all the new information and light coming in. So it’s like, release, sleep, new info, process, energy boost, release, and so on. There has not been much room for living in past or worrying about future, I really have only been able to stay present in the moment, be gentle with myself, recognizing that the feelings I am processing are not only my own but that of the planet and the beings upon her. These moments pass, but when I am in them, panic feelings, anxiety, tears and fears flooding through me. I ground and start to count my blessings, “This is what I am grateful for right NOW” , “blissipline” is a daily effort and requires time and attention to make the changes so that those moments of negative feelings will not bother us as much. With each release and refill, the peace gets greater, the fear gets lessened and the blessings begin to flow forward. 

Whether you are conscious or unconscious and asleep, these changes are happening. These days are good ones to pull within and recharge and regroup and take baby steps to be the reality you want in your life. Write your goals, short, medium and long term. When the little stuff comes up, like we are not getting our way, remember, focus on the solutions and not the problems, be in integrity and be fair, where your thinking is, that is where the energy to manifest goes. If people are not cooperating or being difficult, bless them, love them and walk away until they are in a more receptive state of mind. Getting upset only makes things worse. EVERYONE is going through this process at different levels and paces but they are experiencing the weirdness that is in our fields today. 

Keeping in mind that this is all a holodeck and we can reprogram the machine to make the game run the way we prefer. Everything is always perfect. We must have the good/bad balance in duality. We are hopefully rising above this and into the Oneness and to a new kind of world that doesn’t deal with these lower vibe situations and feelings. So keep on keeping on, if it’s too much then ask Creator, the angels, the universe to lift the negative thoughts and feelings and transmute them as they are being released. 

Keep moving your body, learn a new dance. Learn a new skill. Keep your brain, and body in the mode of expanding not exploding and put positive statements in place of the negative, put positive people instead of the negative, into your world. Seeing  the challenges is fine, even good, accepting they are there and seeking solutions through physical action or prayers, stating a challenge, or recognizing it’s there is not being negative, seeing it as impossible to resolve or complaining that it’s there and doing nothing to move toward solutions, is negative. Nothing is impossible in Creator’s dream, and nothing gets resolved by focusing on the problem or playing the blame game. We cannot change the past, it’s done, we might have tomorrow, but not guaranteed, all we have is right now. What can we do and be successful at in this moment of now. If there’s nothing to be done, timing is everything, then move onto the next thing that you can be successful at today. 

Follow your bliss, be the best you at all times you can be, challenge yourself to strive for the impossible dreams. Be your own person, be your own parent, best friend, lover, business adviser, creator. Nothing outside of yourself is responsible for your happiness. You have the power within you just tap into it and do not give up. Failures are subjective. Don’t let anything consume your happiness. If you do, then pull out, stop and change your mind. Use music, art, movies to help you get through those moments of wanting to scream or die. Call a friend, write a letter and burn it. Do what your inner child needs to stop feeling afraid. Scared is different than afraid. Keep letting it go, keep letting it flow. We are going to continue in this energy for awhile, so make the best of it, and cherish the moments of now. 

You are not crazy, there is chaos, but from this, there is also growth and rebirth. You are most loved, and supported, hug yourself, you are doing GREAT! Be kind to yourselves, and to each other, the best you can, hold on and stay in integrity. Smile, laugh and enjoy today, for that ‘s all we have. Let go of those people who take more than they give, who make you feel less that for not living up to their expectations of you, if people let you down, then do it for yourself. We can count on Creator and Ourselves, that’s it. If someone is kind, follows through, is honest, these things are gravy , bonuses, but the bottom line is we are our own happiness, those things just add to it, not complete it or make it so entirely. 

What are you going to do to be happy today? What is your “blissipline” routine? If you don’t have one, then make one up, and start today! Write 10 blessings everyday and email it to yourself, so you can remind yourself, “It’s not so bad…what good can come out of this?”  Expect your day to be great! Laugh! Define your day with positive reinforcement. ” I’m going to hear my favorite songs on the radio on my commute to work!” , “I’m going to drink my coffee and love each and every sip of it!” , ” I’m going to meet each challenge today with love and wisdom and reflect back what I would prefer people be like” these types of declarations will eventually become self fulfilling prophecy. When you say, ” I do not feel good” , ” I’m sick of work!” , ” I just know it’s gonna be a crappy day I can see it already!” These statements we say to ourselves also can be self fullfilling. 

lfilling prophecy. When you say, ” I do not feel good” , ” I’m sick of work!” , ” I just know it’s gonna be a crappy day I can see it already!” These statements we say to ourselves also can be self fullfilling. 

Bad things happen in life. We experience so much stuff. Loss. Defeat. Abuse. Etc. we can be victimized but we are not victims, we are survivors, winners of the greatest survivor episodes ever! We have much to do, but we have come so far, congrats! 

So to recap, we are loved and supported. Our feelings are fleeting and pass, allow them to. Control you, nothing else. Feed positivity to yourself, turn the pigs ear into a purse, depend on nothing outside for your anything. Less expectation/less disappointment. See solutions not problems. Pray and kill them with love and kindness, it comes back to you. Make the moments of now, the best they can be. Let go and let God. I think that pretty well sums things up! Keep going for gold! You will get there! Setbacks are normal! Overcome them! Nothing is impossible! 

Thanks for reading today! Make it a great day! 

In Love and Oneness of Heart, 




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Greetings and Salutations, One and All! Well it’s been a crazy week and the energies seem to be gearing up for something big here in the next few days! I know we here at Illuminations of Light LIVE! are gearing up for an amazing guest this week! Mr. Stan Romanek! I had the distinct pleasure of meeting this man and his wonderful family and friends recently and I was so pleased when he agreed to do the show with us. Stan is an interesting man with a great story to share with the world. His experiences and messages and evidence is pretty compelling to say the least. In doing my research on Stan, I came to find that the media has not been so very kind to him nor to others like him. A recent guest Andrew Basiago has experienced much untruthful ridicule. Stan is no different. It’s appauling to me that we are so entrenched in fear that we are not able to open our minds or hearts to each other let alone other beings from different planets and dimensions. Stan’s personal experiences have ranged from close encounters with ships of various forms, leaving and being returned, psychic and channeled experiences and implantations. Stan also has experienced children while away that referred to him as father. This occured on a phone message as well as in space. Stan over the past few years has documented all of these incidents and has hundreds of witnesses to his encounters in some instances. We are honored and pleased to be able to welcome Stan to the show and look forward to hearing his story and what has transpired since the release of the book and what is in store for him in the future. (good things we know!) This man is very real and genuine and down to earth. You are going to so enjoy this show, I just know it!

” Messages” published by Llewellyn, and available through most of the major distribution stores and through Stan’s website covers his past experiences. He has a movie currently in production and a second book which will cover the various races and realms which we are looking forward to seeing! Stan is a very busy guy trust me on this one with tons of new projects coming down the pike and very active in getting the word out to the public! Click here to purchase the book.


Here is a bit more on Stan and his story pulled from the events chronology page on Stan’s site:

Stan Romanek

Bestselling author of “Messages” published 2009 May be the world’s most documented extraterrestrial contactee. The multitude of unexplainable events involving Stan Romanek and hundreds of witnesses continue on a near weekly basis. The sheer volume of trace, video and photographic evidence is astounding! This ongoing mystery continues to become more complex with each twist and turn. Aside from any individual interpretations or opinions about these experiences there is much for humanity to learn on these very important matters. Stan will be presenting his evidence in a “live and in person” presentation. Stan Romanek’s case has created a stir in the scientific and UFO communities and his presentation is an amazing look in to a mind bending and real alien abduction case!

How the contact began:

December 27, 2000 hoping to entice his girlfriend in Nebraska to visit him in Colorado, Stan decided to
videotape a popular and scenic area just in the foothills of the Rocky Mountings called Red Rocks
Amphitheatre. Hoping that the video tape might help persuade her to visit, Stan set out on his little video
excursion. Following the back roads, just before before arriving at Dinosaur Ridge near the base of the
foothills, Stan noticed that cars were pulled over to the side of the road and the occupants were standing
along the roadside, pointing toward the sky to the south. When Stan looked to see what they were looking
at, he was amazed to see a multi spherical UFO hovering above the power lines just to the left of him.

After pacing Stan’s van, the UFO eventually flew away. This was Stan’s first UFO encounter and being the
skeptic that he was, he was convinced that this was either a prank of some kind, or a military experiment.
He would never have guessed that this was just the beginning of a life filled with unexplained encounters.

September 1, 2001 Stan and his friends were returning from a trip to Pennsylvania.
Traveling west on Interstate 80, Stan’s girlfriend noticed a large UFO up in the clouds.
It didn’t take them long to realize that the UFO was following them. It followed them
through two and a half states; Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, then suddenly disappeared.

September 20, 2001 Stan was about to close the retail store that he managed for the evening when
suddenly, his customers came running back inside to inform him that there was a large, blinking object
hovering in the sky above the building. Everyone watched as the UFO eventually flew away, only to
return and follow Stan home. Stan quickly ran up to his apartment to get his video camera but by
that time, the UFO was too far away to get a clear shot. That event. Stan started to get a horrible
headache in the back of his head. He decided to go to bed early to relieve it. He eventually did fall
asleep, but he was awakened at 2:00 AM by a knock at the door. Stan remembers three “people”
waiting for him in the hallway. As he approached them, he realized that they were not fully human.

When Stan awoke the next morning, he tried to convince himself that what had
happened to him was only a bad dream. As he went about his morning activities,
family members noticed that Stan had strange marks and wounds on his body.

The wounds also fluoresced under black light. The Investigators say that this is a
typical sign of abduction. It has been documented with many other abduction cases.

The wounds healed to nothing but scars in less than forty-eight hours.

September 30, 2001 Stan had just gotten off work and was headed home when he noticed a spotlight
illuminating the ground next to his van and then make sweep over the van. At first, Stan assummed it
was a police helicopter but as he watched the expressions on the faces of the other drivers at the
intersection, he knew that it was more than that. As he strained to get a better look at what had just
beamed his van, Stan realized that above him was the same UFO that had followed him days earlier. Not
long after Stan spotted the UFO, it quickly flew over a park full of people called, “Old Stone House Park.

August 9, 2004 Stan’s stepdaughter had just purchased a new camera. A storm rolled in, which provided a
great picture taking opportunity. After saving the picture as a background for the desktop of the
computer, doing so enlarged it. At that point, everyone noticed that something else was also in the picture.

Most abductees encounter something called, “High Strangeness,” where
paranormal events seem to happen around them.
September 27, 2005 in the
evening, Stan and his wife heard noises in the back yard. Every time they went
outside to look, they found nothing. Stan decided to take pictures. At first, all
they noticed where some orbs. Orbs are very controversial. Most are dust specks
reflecting the flash, but for some reason, Stan’s orbs seem to have faces in them

November 24, 2005 more High Strangeness! Stan and his wife Lisa invited friends
and family over for Thanksgiving. Stan complained that their bedroom was
haunted, so their friend Rick set up his video camera in the bedroom. You can
hear the computer keyboard clicking away but keep your eye on the chair!

July 28, 2007 Stan was to be a speaker at the UFO Watchtower in Hooper, Colorado. As he was walking to
the RV that he rented, Stan noticed a UFO directly above him. It seemed to Stan that the UFO was
following him. Although Stan had his camera, he was only able to get one shot before the UFO disappeared.

Two hours later after, discussing the UFO, it returned; this
time with a “friend” and everyone at the event saw it!

There was a storm the night before. The next day everyone was out playing in
the mud. Too bad everyone was so busy having fun to notice all the UFOs above

There have been times that as Stan sat in his home office, he would see UFOs outside
the window.
August 2, 2008 Stan watched a triangle shaped UFO hover in the sky for
over two minutes! You can tell that the picture was taken through his screen window

July 6, 2009 Stan watched a disc shaped UFO hover in the sky for forty seconds before imploding

For all of the pictures and vids that go with that stuff click here. Stan’s story is well known and there are many YouTube videos out there. I personally do not like how they have handled the Truth! I do hope that you will tune in this Tuesday Night at 9pm MST on blogtalkradio.com/illuminationsoflight to hear this man’s fascinating experiences!

Stan’s website is www.stanromanek.com. He has information on the book and his appearances and his story with pics and vids for your review. See you all Tuesday Night! If you are not able to join us live then you can always catch the archives later on! In Love n Light! xo Kimberly


W3Counter Web Stats

The Milky Way Galaxy contains nearly 100,000,000,000 stars. The latest estimate suggests that 40%
of these stars may contain planetary systems. That’s 40,000,000,000 stars with potential planets.
Estimates of the average planets per star is currently unknown. If one were to place 5 planets per
star into the equation, the number of planets equals 200 billion possible planets. What is even
more amazing is that scientists now estimate that there are over 30 billion earth type planets! It
would be idiotic to think that we are the only so called intelligent life forms out there!
How the contact began:
December 27, 2000 hoping to entice his girlfriend in Nebraska to visit him in Colorado, Stan decided to
videotape a popular and scenic area just in the foothills of the Rocky Mountings called Red Rocks
Amphitheatre. Hoping that the video tape might help persuade her to visit, Stan set out on his little video
excursion. Following the back roads, just before before arriving at Dinosaur Ridge near the base of the
foothills, Stan noticed that cars were pulled over to the side of the road and the occupants were standing
along the roadside, pointing toward the sky to the south. When Stan looked to see what they were looking
at, he was amazed to see a multi spherical UFO hovering above the power lines just to the left of him.
After pacing Stan’s van, the UFO eventually flew away. This was Stan’s first UFO encounter and being the
skeptic that he was, he was convinced that this was either a prank of some kind, or a military experiment.
He would never have guessed that this was just the beginning of a life filled with unexplained encounters.
September 1, 2001 Stan and his friends were returning from a trip to Pennsylvania.
Traveling west on Interstate 80, Stan’s girlfriend noticed a large UFO up in the clouds.
It didn’t take them long to realize that the UFO was following them. It followed them
through two and a half states; Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, then suddenly disappeared.
September 20, 2001 Stan was about to close the retail store that he managed for the evening when
suddenly, his customers came running back inside to inform him that there was a large, blinking object
hovering in the sky above the building. Everyone watched as the UFO eventually flew away, only to
return and follow Stan home. Stan quickly ran up to his apartment to get his video camera but by
that time, the UFO was too far away to get a clear shot. That event. Stan started to get a horrible
headache in the back of his head. He decided to go to bed early to relieve it. He eventually did fall
asleep, but he was awakened at 2:00 AM by a knock at the door. Stan remembers three “people”
waiting for him in the hallway. As he approached them, he realized that they were not fully human.
When Stan awoke the next morning, he tried to convince himself that what had
happened to him was only a bad dream. As he went about his morning activities,
family members noticed that Stan had strange marks and wounds on his body.
The wounds also fluoresced under black light. The Investigators say that this is a
typical sign of abduction. It has been documented with many other abduction cases.
The wounds healed to nothing but scars in less than forty-eight hours.
September 30, 2001 Stan had just gotten off work and was headed home when he noticed a spotlight
illuminating the ground next to his van and then make sweep over the van. At first, Stan assummed it
was a police helicopter but as he watched the expressions on the faces of the other drivers at the
intersection, he knew that it was more than that. As he strained to get a better look at what had just
beamed his van, Stan realized that above him was the same UFO that had followed him days earlier. Not
long after Stan spotted the UFO, it quickly flew over a park full of people called, “Old Stone House Park.
There were many witnesses.
The local news did a feature on Stan’s UFO encounter.
Even Entertainment Tonight said NASA cannot explain Stan Romaneks UFO video
Amazingly, 4 years after the “Old Stone House UFO” a woman sent this letter and
these pictures that her Grandfather had taken of the UFO beaming Stan’s van.

May 31, 2003 There was so much activity surrounding Stan, that the researchers
involved with Stan’s case persuaded him to install a surveillance system in and
around his home. this amazing events was captured by the surveillance

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Greetings and Salutations One and All!

We are very excited to present Mr. Allen Lottman on the show tonight! He’s just an amazing person so totally down to Earth, and all about helping people get better and live happier lives!

For over 25 years, Allen Lottman has studied, participated, and led a multitude of Transformational and Metaphysical Programs, He has been trained by some of the best leaders in his field and was certified as a “Directed Breathing” coach in 1986. He was Reiki 2 Attuned in 1986, at which time he felt his deepest connection to Spirit, and knew he was meant to heal people as part of his life path.
In 1987, Allen deepened his spiritual training when he became Yohti 5 Attuned, which is spiritual work to release negative entities from the body

Allen finds his inspiration in the work and philosophies of Dr. Tom Johnson, Werner Erhard, Sandra Ray, Deepak Chopra, Catherine Ponder, Dr. Wayne Dyer.

He has shared his powerful gifts with hundreds of people, in both his one-on-one sessions and in his workshops. He has worked with Actors, Athletes, Artists, Therapists, Students, and people from all walks, with one objective – to transform their lives. When asked what his strongest asset is, Allen says “My ability to create a safe environment and to connect on both a human and spiritual level with all my clients”.

“Breathtaking Solutions” is a safe place for people to let go of emotional memories stored in their body. The proprietary method of directed meditative breathing is designed to allow people to release negative feelings such as Fear, Anger, Hate, Pain, Guilt, and Sadness. My intention is to create Clarity, Power, Ease, and Freedom for people, so they can live their dreams!

I invite you to come and experience “Breathtaking Solutions”!

You can visit www.breathtakingsolutions.com

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Greetings and Salutations One and All! Tonight we are proud to present the one and only amazingly wonderful Oberon Zell Ravenheart! This man is truly a joy and you will only be blessed to listen to our show tonight at 9pm MST on blogtalkradio.com/illuminationsoflight. This blog entry will tell you alot more about this truly gifted and inspiring individual and what he’s done and who is he is. We hope that you will join us tonight!

Oberon Zell-Ravenheart is a true modern-day Wizard, and a leading Elder in the worldwide magickal community. Oberon is a modern “Renaissance Man:” a shaman, psychologist, metaphysician, naturalist, theologian, artist, sculptor, teacher, author, animal handler, explorer, showman. He also serves as an ordained Priest of Gaea (Mother Earth).

As a child, Oberon had a natural affinity for the creatures of Nature and spent much of his time alone in the woods. His early attunement to Nature helped to sharpen his natural psychic abilities, and he has worked with many animals—both wild and domestic—over the years. He was an introspective child who loved to read—particularly natural history, mythology, science fiction and fantasy. He went on to earn college degrees in sociology, anthropology, psychology, education and theology. He has worked as a Headstart counselor, school teacher, social psychologist, school counselor, college professor, artist, journalist, author and publisher.

Inspired by Robert A. Heinlein’s 1961 visionary science-fiction novel, Stranger in a Strange Land, Oberon co-founded the Church of All Worlds on April 7, 1962, incorporating it legally on March 4, 1968. He currently serves as Priest, Primate and President. Oberon is also a Priest in the Fellowship of Isis, and an initiate in several different Traditions of Witchcraft and Paganism. He has created and participated in many interfaith projects, including the Council of Themis, the Council of Earth Religions, the Covenant of the Goddess, the Universal Federation of Pagans, Bay Area Pagan Assemblies, the Dictionary Project, the Papal Apology Project, the Pagan Summit, the Grey Council, and the Sonoma County Pagan Network.

Oberon’s work has played a major role in the unity of the magickal community and in reclaiming the spiritual heritage of pre-Christian Europe. In his award-winning magazine, Green Egg (founded in 1968 and now online), Oberon was the first to adopt the words “Pagan” and “Neo-Pagan” to describe the newly emerging Nature religions of the 1960s. In 1970, he developed and published the thealogy of “deep ecology” which has become known as “The Gaea Thesis”—the premise that all life on Earth comprises a single vast living Being, known as “Mother Earth,” or “Gaea” to the ancient Greeks.

Oberon met and fell in love with his soulmate, Morning Glory, at the Gnostic Aquarian Festival in 1973, where he was a keynote speaker. They were married April 14, 1974, in a spectacular public Pagan ceremony. From 1977 to 1985 Oberon and Morning Glory lived in a 5,600-acre intentional community in the mountains of northern Califia, creating a rural homestead and magickal retreat center under the aegis of the Holy Order of Mother Earth (HOME). In February of 1979, they created and led a ritual with a number of Pagan leaders to celebrate the solar eclipse at a full-scale restoration of Stonehenge in Washington State, a transformative event attended by over 3,000 people.

Oberon and Morning Glory founded the Ecosophical Research Association (ERA) in 1977, and their research into arcane lore and legends resulted in the “Living Unicorn” project, begun in 1980 and culminating with the leasing of several of their authentic living Unicorns to the Ringling Bros./Barnum & Bailey Circus. Oberon and Morning Glory also traveled around the United States and Canada exhibiting their Unicorns at Renaissance Faires. Continuing to delve into fables and mysteries, in 1985, Oberon organized an ERA video diving expedition to Australia and New Guinea to solve the ages-old mystery of the Mermaid. These stories and more are told in full in his encyclopedic A Wizard’s Bestiary, with Ash “LeopardDancer” DeKirk (New Page, 2007)

In 1987 Oberon led a pilgrimage and research tour of ancient oracles and archaeological sites throughout Europe and the Mediterranean. Other legendary journeys have taken Oberon to Peru, Hawaii, Alaska, Costa Rico, and back to Australia. In 1999, he visited England for the final total solar eclipse of the Millennium, which he celebrated with local Pagans at an ancient stone circle in Cornwall.

Oberon is the author of many published articles on history, Gaian thealogy, magick, shamanism, mythology, anomalies, archaeology, cosmology, and related topics. He has been interviewed and quoted extensively in many newspapers, magazines, and books on New Age religious movements, magick and the occult. His best-selling first book, Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard (New Page, 2004) is an essential basic reference work that will continue to serve as a resource throughout the reader’s lifetime.

In 2004, Oberon created the online Grey School of Wizardry, of which he is Headmaster. Incorporated as a 501(c)(3) educational institution, the Grey School is non-sectarian, welcoming teachers and students of all faiths (and none at all). Accepting students of all ages over 11 (with some into their 70s), the Grey School offers a complete Apprenticeship program, in 16 Departments of magickal practice, at 7 levels, culminating in a Certificate of Journeyman Wizard. Around 340 classes are currently available, taught by a faculty of 30 highly-qualified teachers. Social aspects include student Houses and Lodges, Forums, clubs, merits, awards, challenges and other activities, a campus tavern, a student-run quarterly magazine, and summer camp Conclaves held in various locations. The School’s motto is: “Everything is alive; everything is interconnected.”

With many years of theatrical experience, Oberon is a popular workshop presenter and an accomplished ritualist, creating and conducting rites of passage, seasonal celebrations, Mystery initiations (such as the Eleusinia and the Nashville Panathenaia), Earth-healings, and other rituals, both large and small. With Morning Glory, he wrote Creating Circles & Ceremonies: Rituals for All Seasons & Reasons (New Page, 2006)

Oberon’s artwork has illustrated various magazines and books since the late 1960’s. His favorite art project, however, is his ongoing sculpture series of Gods, Goddesses, and mythological creatures, presented as “The Mythic Images Collection.” His masterwork is “The Millennial Gaia”—a visionary representation of Mother Earth.

Oberon and Morning Glory now reside in Sonoma County, California, where Oberon currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Sonoma County Pagan Network.

Books by Oberon Zell:

Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard (New Page, 2004)

Companion for the Apprentice Wizard (New Page, 2006)

Creating Circles & Ceremonies: Rituals for All Seasons & Reasons, with Morning Glory Zell (New Page, 2006)

A Wizard’s Bestiary, with Ash “LeopardDancer” DeKirk (New Page, 2007)

Green Egg Omelette: An Anthology of Art & Articles from the Legendary Pagan Journal (New Page, 2008)

The Witch and the Wizard OZ, with Morning Glory and John Sulak (Llewellyn, 2010)


Oberon Zell: www.OberonZell.com

Grey School of Wizardry: www.GreySchool.com

Church of All Worlds: www.CAW.com

Green Egg magazine: www.GreenEggZine.com

Mythic Images: www.MythicImages.com

Contact info:

Oberon Zell

PO Box 758

Cotati, CA 94931



Here are some YouTube Interviews with Oberon……


You can now see why we are sooooooooo excited to have this man joining us tonight! Hope you can be there too!

In love and light, make it a wonderous week!

In Oneness of Heart,


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lluminations of Light LIVE! Presents Stanley Victor Paskavich to the show March 30, 2010 9pm MST on blogtalkradio.com/illuminationsoflight

Stanley was raised in Glendridge, Illinois, the fourth son of five to Stanley Paskavich and Dora Mae Marie Paskavich. He graduated in 1977 at Sandoval High School and worked as a janitor there until he joined the USAF in 1979. He got out of the Air Force for medical reasons in 1991, shortly after running a shift in the Dover Deleaware Port Mortuary.

His book Stantasyland is compiled from different times and beliefs in his life. Some of the poems go back 30 years or more. He writes about his life, himself, religion, and spirituality, along with some other political things thrown in for good measure and some interesting perspectives on life. He states in his own words, “often I write per perspective. I don’t intend to convince, confirm, or condemn with my writings, just possibly stimulate some different lines of thought. I respect anyone who is convinced in their belief and convictions, and/or belief systems as long as they do not use it as a weapon against another. Truth, Peace, Tranquility (TPT) Stan”

Stan is an amazing survivor and visionary and has a lot to say about alot of things.  He is difficult to follow for some and amazingly inspirational to others. He is a humble person who has seen more then most in his short time upon Mother Earth. After handling dead bodies for several months, it had a profound affect on his world and his thinking. He is a walk in which is something that most do not know about him. We will be discussing this on the show with him and about some of his views of the cosmos and life in general. It’s simple but complex much like Stan himself.

We are pleased and honored to welcome Stan D’Man to our show! March 30, 2010 9pm MST on blogtalkradio.com/illuminationsoflight! Don’t miss it!

More recent musings from Stan D’Man!
“I was listening to Coast to Coast AM this morning on Paltalk. There was a guest speaking about NDE’s ‘Near Death Experiences’. I’ve had several NDE’s. I’ve never seen the tunnel of lights. I’ve never seen the loved ones welcoming me home. But when I awoke I realized that I was having a NLE a ‘Near Life Experience’. I believe many of us are. So I suggest we might want to try harder to live every moment to it’s fullest. Because like they say. “It’s not a dress rehearsal.”
You have seen his poetry featured on my pages and now is being considered for a poster for the NRA and of course Stantasyland.!
Stan is one of the most interesting people I know and his views on walk-ins and war and life will definitely make you think! So be sure to tune in this Tuesday Night 9pm MST and 10pm CST for Illuminations of Light LIVE! For more information on Stanley V. Paskavich please click here. To purchase his book click here. To visit Stan’s Stantasyland homepage click here.

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The audio blog for this blog entry is now available!

Greetings and salutations One and All!  The energies have been running high, people’s emotional bodies are clearing house it would seem. Lots of our stuff coming up in our faces to deal with and transmute. Seems like de ja vu, like you have been here before only with other faces or perhaps the same ones, coming back from the past to finish working out the details of our lessons together. There is a new moon and the feminine energies are running rampant as people’s hearts are opening and clearing all over the planet. Venus will be crossing Jupiter and this combination with the new moon should prove to be a very powerful love weekend just in time for Valentine’s Day. So hold onto your hats, and remember that these things shall too pass.  I feel that if you are in a relationship things will get deeper and if you are looking for a relationship the stars are in the right place for new opportunities in relationships. So enjoy a little indulgence and treat yourself and or your honey this weekend to some TLC.

Our topic today is about Empathy. Empathy has so many aspects to it, we are going to break this down into a series of blogs in the next month.  What is empathy? It is the ability to feel things.  It is in the sensory way can mean feeling emotions, in a healing way to feel someone’s pain, in a cosmic way to feel the planet and the events which are taking place here or in the Universe. It is a lot of things rolled up into one.

Who has empathy? Well I believe that we all have empathy to one degree or another. For example, if you have burned your finger on something hot before, and your child burns their finger on something hot, you can empathize with that feeling of burning because you have experienced it before, you have the total understanding of what that experience is about, what’s involved, how long it will take to heal etc. It’s a knowing through experience. This is different then sympathy, which is that we can IMAGINE what that person is experiencing but we have not walked that experience so we can only share in that to a degree.

An empathic person, is a person who experiences more then most and therefore can feel exactly what the other people are feeling and therefore can help to heal and or transmute that energy. This experience may not be experience in this lifetime, this may be knowledge or experience carried forth from past lifetimes as well.

This gift of empathy is a very useful gift but one which comes with a great responsibility as well. For when you are working with people in the capacity of assisting them, you must be careful to not do it for them, but to allow them to discover within themselves how to surf the emotions and feelings they are experiencing.  This is not always a pleasant or comfortable thing, empathy. In fact, more times then not, it’s very uncomfortable for the empathic person. To absorb all that is around you and feel it, can be very overwhelming, confusing and unbalancing. Because often times, we do not recognize that we are experiencing, someone or something else other then our own stuff. It takes time and conscious effort to make that distinction for many. What I found to be most difficult was how to shield myself from those outward energies. The second most difficult thing was learning to control that energy we call empathy. How I finally gained that control was through the help of a friend who not only understood what I was going through but was willing to teach me how to work with it at least enough to live with it.

It was about this time when I had made a vow to myself, to help as many as I could understand what was happening to them as people awakened. I swore this code of mystery and secrecy of the gifts would be shared with everyone, not just the elite few. This is why I am starting a radio show, why I started to write and do chat rooms, why I am driven to complete the books I began to write all those years ago.

What does empathy feel like?

Empathy is such a mish mosh of stuff, it really is difficult to put into words, but I will humbly attempt the description of the feelings associated with it. On the emotional level and the psychological level, these “feelings” can appear to feel like bi-polar or depression symptoms. You are suddenly crying for no reason at all when you were just fine a few moments ago, or you are agitated and angry for no reason,it can be the feeling of an anvil on your entire being, it can feel like there is no hope and a sense of loss or being lost. The inability to focus on anything because you are a mess inside. It can feel like a sadness that will not leave you. It can feel like you are a totally different person then you were yesterday and feel like you are misplaced out of time and space. Because, the emotions and thoughts go against everything you personally know or believe in this life walk to date. I always tell people try describing what salt tastes like when you have NEVER experienced “salty”. Not so easy to put into words. So it is with empathy, unless you have experienced all that it is, at times it is difficult to express what it is we are feeling. How empathy is felt by people is on a very physical level. You can actually feel the same pain as another being. You have never had a history of knee or back problems and now all of a sudden you are feeling pain and symptoms as if you had the issue yourself. This is a valuable tool when learning to heal others. It helps you to identify exactly what the problem is in the other person so healing energy can be directed to that point. If you were to go into a doctor’s office they would tell you there is nothing wrong with your physical body, yet you still feel the pain how does that work?? Well, again, we are “feeling” it and understand it because we on some level have experienced this same thing before on a physical level. It doesn’t mean we are experiencing those feelings as a result of our own injuries currently but we can “feel” other people’s as they are in the present time. There are times when you can feel as if you are losing your mind, your faith, your ability to carry on. Many respond to this inability to “deal” with the issues by secluding themselves to avoid “feeling” everyone’s stuff. I find for myself, I have done that as a natural defense to it. I go into the world but also need the sanctuary of my own space to NOT feel if I so choose. And the thing of it is, this gift never turns off, when it is awoken it only continues to grow and grow stronger. So trying to run away from it or deny it is futile really.

So, continuing, on a physical level, it can feel like flu, fibromayalsia, a cold, sickness to the digestive system, a loss of appetite, headaches of all kinds, neck and back aches, difficulty breathing, panic attacks, irregular heartbeats, tingles throughout the body, hot and cold temperatures in the body (extremes, feeling like you will combust or you are so cold you are almost in convulsions) ,  insomnia or the opposite wanting to sleep all the time, irregular menstrual cycles and the physical symptoms associated with that, can reduce or increase sexual desires as well.

These symptoms can also be applied to the ascension process, so it’s important for you to be able to go within yourself to identify the energy signatures and speak to the cellular and atomic levels, as to where this “feeling” is coming from and ask how to disband it. I tend to run light through myself and release through a tube to the center of the earth for transmutation or up to the heavens in twinkles of gold so they are carried forth for transmutation in this manner.

The key things to learning to control the “feelings” is to be able to identify it within yourself. To go within so that you can be guided as to how YOU can separate the different energy signatures and work with them in your own way. These things I share are from my own research, study and experience. But like people, the gifts are equally diverse and what works for one may not work for another. My experiences may not be the same but similar, and I will say this, one thing that is true of most empaths, is we experience far more trauma in our lives then the average person. The answer to why we have to walk through more is because we are the example of how to overcome the difficulties and challenges of this world, we are the ones the masses turn to when nothing else makes sense and all the old ways begin to fall away. We are the wayshowers, the healers, the light in the dark, the weak are made strong through the power of what many call God. In our weaknesses comes His greatest glory and power and strength.

I will revisit this topic more in the coming weeks, but for now, I bid you all a good day! Blessed be!






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