
Posts Tagged ‘forgiveness’

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Greetings and Salutations to One and All! As we continue our treasures of Hawaii series, we encountered an amazing opportunity to meet with one of the 13 grandmothers, the Kahuna Happy Pahia. She was introduced to me by Mahealani Pontius in the course of our pre interviews with her and we were just blown away by the synchronicity and timing of events. I had just begun forming the ideas around my newest spoke of community/foundational work in the form of the Sisterhood of Gaea. Through my work with readings, I found that there was a basic need in most of the women I was meeting with. The piece which is missing is that of women gathering. When I was young, and for most families I believe this was true, there would be a gathering of the women to share, food, story, wisdom, problem solving and teaching of the old ways to the younger generations. In my family, we were taught that family was the most important thing above all. We were taught that what we do now affects 7 generations ahead of us, that each thought and action would send a ripple in time which will magnify as it spreads out, so to choose carefully which path we walk and to always walk in our integrity. My great grandparents and my grand aunts were some of my greatest teachers of the old ways. So there is a kindred heart already in play with the 13 grandmothers whom I wrote about several years ago in my shift blogs. So when I had the vision of the Sisterhood, it was really a replay of visions of past lives from my time in Mu or Lemuria, to the time of Odin and the nordic gods, to another time of Atlantis and so on. The Sisterhood of Gaea consisted of the women schools of light, it has taken on, as we all have, many incarnations and forms, but the basis of protecting the huna (secrets) of the ancients and of Gaea our Mother Earth and holding the energies and teaching has never died, just slept. We were the keepers of the crystal medicine, the history, the tapastry and tapas of our people, back to the time of Earth’s inception. We like the whales were the record keepers of our beloved Mother. In this lifetime we have come back to gather once more and to resurrect the huna and use it for this time and beyond. During the time of great change. This message of unity and sharing is critical right now.

The Kahuna Happy Pahia, was right on time and in line with this message and this mission. It is is an honor to have her join us on tonight’s show and to share with you all, her amazing light and messages. She was adorable, helping the elderly in her community and teaching, just sharing her love everywhere she went. She shared with me that she was once upon a time a flight attendant and she loved to fly. She also shared with me, when asked, who are you? and when did your training begin? Her answer to me was I go back to the beginning of humans in Hawaii which is the remaining land piece, the top of a mountain, in the land of Mu. Mu proceeds Atlantis and reflects a more innocent time of our time here on earth. (My words) Her mission here as with all of us, is to help concepts in today’s society change rapidly. That each of us, must take an honest inventory of ourselves within, and live in a more harmonious way with each other and our beloved planet.

Her lineage can be tracked back to the first inhabitants and royal families who lived in paradise. She was born into the family of Kahunas and taught the old ways and given the initiations and knowledge which she shares today. Her life was and is destined, it is set in stone and as is her namesake, her job is to spread happiness and gladness to humanity. She prays daily that she is able to complete her mission and assignments so that she may end this incarnation in peace. She has had many wonderous spiritual experiences in her mere 70 years upon this planet, and her wisdom is timeless. She was chosen to be a part of the second circle of grandmothers, the foundational circle, traveling the world and sharing with other grandmothers and grandfathers, about her people and her journey, healing and spreading Aloha wherever she goes. She has learned well, the concepts of living in the moment, her day begins with asking Creator what the day shall bring.

She speaks on Ho’oponopono and helps many of her people on a daily basis. Truly a golden hearted being, you all are gonna love her!

To reach her, you can write kahunapahia808@gmail.com. She will be back in Kauai in January for a retreat in Kapaa at the Dolphin Healing Wellness Center.

Listen to her show on Illuminations of Light LIVE! 9pm MST tonight 11/27/2013.

Much Aloha until next time!


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We have recorded most of this blog to audio, we did not include all the videos on the recording but a few snippets to get the idea of what was shared. Thanks! Now onto the blog!

Greetings and salutations! I do hope the day is a beautiful one for you!  We have been working very hard on adding new features to the blog as well as the sites for Illuminations of Light. Preparing for our guests up and coming on the radio show.  I am pleased to announce that we will be having Ronna Herman as our first guest, we also have Michael Jaco, ex USNavy SEAL who has written a magnificent book called “The Intuitive Warrior” which I have to tell you guys is a fantastic book for everyone especially the young men in your life! My fifteen year old couldn’t put it down! That show will air 3/9/10-9pm mst. Then of course the Sedona Lights crew joins us 2/23/10! So lots of great guests, we are so blessed and honored to have them joining us! Be sure to tune in for the show!

Ok so enough of the radio stuff and onto today’s subject.  This is a difficult topic to discuss for most people because trust like love can be an illusive emotion. Not sure how to describe it. Why do we require it? What does it mean to you? How do we trust when no one has ever given us something to trust about? These are questions I hear a lot from clients and myself in my own evaluation of what trust is.

Well I cannot say that I am an expert, but I can share with you what the experts say… and give you my opinions about this topic based on what my feelings are.

This is a fairly good article on the topic of rebuilding trust after betrayal

I have had some difficulty in writing this particular entry of the blogs, because on a personal level, the breech of trust has been a prevalent message for me on a personal level.  In the course of this year, I have experienced in people that are close to me, turning on me and betraying me on many levels. So in the course of doing research, a lot of my own stuff came up.  When I evaluated it, did my list, I recognized that I was continuing to have the expectation that people would do what they said, behave a certain way, keep their promises, honor my belongings in my home and vehicle, to honor my wishes, my physical body, to do a job well done for monies earned, be my friend and not my enemy. That is a lot of expectations to have out there in the thinking processes. Then came the word FAITH. To have faith that everything will be handled and fixed. If I believe it will. But you know in the throws of my panic, and I definitely was panicked! I found it very difficult to focus on anything else except how in the world was I going to do all I needed to do and make things come together. This led to looking at my need to control. I had to tell myself, I had no control over any of the things which were taking place around me. And mad about it! Then I had to come to a place of acceptance with that idea, not easily, my inner child was fighting this big time! So once I evaluated what I did and did not have control over, I was able to breath again.  I was able to put things out of the emotional state back into a spiritual state with some deep breathing, talking to a friend, food, crying to release the built up frustrations, rest and then processing.  In the end, it was a computer error, all was fine and I was not as bad off as I originally thought. But I will tell you the drama that set off in my mind was pretty amazing even to me! I was going there! After so much loss this past several years, after all the fighting I did last month to make the radio show and such come together financially, the friends I have had to say goodbye to for good, trust and trusting the universe was not in my mindset. I had to consciously pull it back to get to that point of balance again.

So what is trust?

Trust is a comfort zone within our being that allows us to fully relax and be ourselves. To know that our confidences will be kept and our beings honored and respected. By my definition anyways.

On a metaphysical level however, it is holding onto expectations. If we are having expectations and or judgment about a thing then we are not coming from a place of unconditional love. Because unconditional love has no room for either by definition. Things just ARE. People are where they are in their path and lessons, and sometimes they can act out of character due to outside circumstances, or imbalances which are not within our ability to control. Circumstances can look one way and turn out a totally different way then we thought. If we allow our past experiences to rule our reactions, we are not coming from that place of peace or love.


When we agree to forgive a broken trust or betrayal it doesn’t mean that we forget. But it is in the not forgetting that we remember our lessons with regard to that incident.  It’s in the remembering that we recognize certain signs right? Many people would agree with that statement, but the reality is if we are staying truly in the moment, in the right now, then we are not experiencing the exact same thing in the exact same way, we are in a different place because we are different and have hopefully grown from that past experience. If we have not let go then there will be reactions, expectations and lots of self sabotage.  Of course I am not referring to life threatening circumstances, I would not recommend that you stay with a person who continues to be abusive, but you can in the recovery come to a place of tolerance and forgiveness of that person.  If we know a person is a chronic liar, white lies, half truths, omissions of facts to the whole story, or just bold face lies to our face. The person is more then likely coming from a place of fear that they would feel the need to lie.  So try to see things from their eyes. Why are they doing what it is they are doing? Are they ill? Are they afraid? Are they within their rational thinking zone? If not then know that they will have to deal with the consequences of their own actions. They will be repaid by the law of cause and effect. Look at them with pity not anger and loathing and disgust, with compassion for the pain they must be under. This is coming from the place of uncondtional love. Remember, ” Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone.” None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes. Sometimes those mistakes are repeated because the person does not see themselves as doing that, i.e. compulsive liars, sociopaths, co dependents, addicts, or just people who are in denial or believe their own lies they have been telling them so long. In the instance of adultery, this is something that can definitely be worked around and through if you love your partner enough to put the effort and the work involved to make it work.  Often times cheating is a symptom of much deeper rooted issues within a persona or a relationship. It’s the core reasons WHY someone looks outside of a relationship which are the real culprits of the break down. Communications are essential, being honest with one’s self and then their partner is also essential.

Honesty. To be able to at the very least, be honest with yourself. When you are cheating and lying to your family, you are a liar. That’s not calling names, it’s stating a fact. You are lying to yourself to think otherwise.  If you are not following through with your word, you are lying. If you are not keeping promises or going back on them, you are lying.  If you are flaking on appointments and making excuses that’s still a form of lying and if you are telling a half truth, or half information, that too is a lie.

Webster’s defines these terms as such:


intransitive verb 1 : to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive
2 : to create a false or misleading impression

transitive verb : to bring about by telling lies <lied his way out of trouble>

synonyms lie, prevaricate, equivocate, palter, fib mean to tell an untruth. lie is the blunt term, imputing dishonesty <lied about where he had been>. prevaricate softens the bluntness of lie by implying quibbling or confusing the issue <during the hearings the witness did his best to prevaricate>. equivocate implies using words having more than one sense so as to seem to say one thing but intend another <equivocated endlessly in an attempt to mislead her inquisitors>. palter implies making unreliable statements of fact or intention or insincere promises <a swindler paltering with his investors>. fib applies to a telling of a trivial untruth <fibbed about the price of the new suit>.
Main Entry: li·ar
Pronunciation: \ˈlī(-ə)r\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English lēogere, from lēogan to lie — more at lie
Date: before 12th century

: a person who tells lies


Main Entry: hon·es·ty
Pronunciation: \ˈä-nəs-tē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural hon·es·ties
Date: 14th century

1 obsolete : chastity
2 a : fairness and straightforwardness of conduct b : adherence to the facts : sincerity
3 : any of a genus (Lunaria) of European herbs of the mustard family with toothed leaves and flat disk-shaped siliques

synonyms honesty, honor, integrity, probity mean uprightness of character or action. honesty implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way. honor suggests an active or anxious regard for the standards of one’s profession, calling, or position. integrity implies trustworthiness and incorruptibility to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility, or pledge. probity implies tried and proven honesty or integrity.
Main Entry: 1trust
Pronunciation: \ˈtrəst\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse traust trust; akin to Old English trēowe faithful — more at true
Date: 13th century

1 a : assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something b : one in which confidence is placed
2 a : dependence on something future or contingent : hope b : reliance on future payment for property (as merchandise) delivered : credit <bought furniture on trust>
3 a : a property interest held by one person for the benefit of another b : a combination of firms or corporations formed by a legal agreement; especially : one that reduces or threatens to reduce competition
4 archaic : trustworthiness
5 a (1) : a charge or duty imposed in faith or confidence or as a condition of some relationship (2) : something committed or entrusted to one to be used or cared for in the interest of another b : responsible charge or office c : care, custody <the child committed to her trust>

in trust : in the care or possession of a trustee


Main Entry: be·tray
Pronunciation: \bi-ˈtrā, bē-\
Function: verb
Etymology: Middle English, from be- + trayen to betray, from Anglo-French trahir, from Latin tradere — more at traitor
Date: 13th century

transitive verb 1 : to lead astray; especially : seduce
2 : to deliver to an enemy by treachery
3 : to fail or desert especially in time of need <betrayed his family>
4 a : to reveal unintentionally <betray one’s true feelings> b : show, indicate c : to disclose in violation of confidence <betray a secret>intransitive verb : to prove false

synonyms see reveal

be·tray·al \-ˈtrā(-ə)l\ noun

be·tray·er \-ˈtrā-ər\ noun


Main Entry: for·give
Pronunciation: \fər-ˈgiv, fȯr-\
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): for·gave \-ˈgāv\; for·giv·en \-ˈgi-vən\; for·giv·ing
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English forgifan, from for- + gifan to give
Date: before 12th century

transitive verb 1 a : to give up resentment of or claim to requital for <forgive an insult> b : to grant relief from payment of <forgive a debt>
2 : to cease to feel resentment against (an offender) : pardon <forgive one’s enemies>intransitive verb : to grant forgiveness


Main Entry: ex·pec·ta·tion
Pronunciation: \ˌek-ˌspek-ˈtā-shən, ik-\
Function: noun
Date: 1540

1 : the act or state of expecting : anticipation <in expectation of what would happen>
2 a : something expected <not up to expectations> <expectations for an economic recovery> b : basis for expecting : assurance <they have every expectation of success> c : prospects of inheritance —usually used in plural
3 : the state of being expected
4 a : expectancy 2b b : expected value

ex·pec·ta·tion·al \-ˈtā-shə-nəl, -shnəl\ adjective


Main Entry: judg·ment
Variant(s): or judge·ment \ˈjəj-mənt\
Function: noun
Date: 13th century

1 a : a formal utterance of an authoritative opinion b : an opinion so pronounced
2 a : a formal decision given by a court b (1) : an obligation (as a debt) created by the decree of a court (2) : a certificate evidencing such a decree
3 a capitalized : the final judging of humankind by God b : a divine sentence or decision; specifically : a calamity held to be sent by God
4 a : the process of forming an opinion or evaluation by discerning and comparing b : an opinion or estimate so formed
5 a : the capacity for judging : discernment b : the exercise of this capacity
6 : a proposition stating something believed or asserted

synonyms see sense
9 : mental and emotional steadiness
to love unconditionally, no expectation, no judgment or opinion, to allow people and things to just BE as they are right now.
If we are communicating well and effectively, if we are coming from a place of forgiveness and unconditional love, if we are allowing the other person to be themselves in a non controlling fashion, if we are being courteous and kind and understanding and compassionate to those around us, trust comes naturally. When we lack trust, we are coming from a place of lack, of fear, of non belief and non faith. This does nothing for the other party or the situation, only serves to make us upset and angry. We have to release the expectations that people behave a certain way or we are trying to exert control over something we have no control over. Thus our feelings of betrayal. We are truly responsible for how WE feel. No one else. Trust in yourself. Trust in the universe that all things are perfect at all times. Trust in the ebbs and flows of life. Give thanks even in the moments of greatest frustration and despair.
FAITH- Find Answers In The Heart!  If you are truly a spiritual person, then KNOW that things will work out for your highest good and the good of all concerned. KNOW that you are not alone EVER! When we say a prayer, say it like this…”Thank you for <insert the thing you are asking for>” and KNOW that it’s been heard and will be answered one way or the other. Then LEAVE IT THERE! If you begin to worry, or fret or discuss it you take it back from the universe! Let go and let god! Means leave it there, and know in your heart that it will be handled! If you can do this, if you consciously make that choice in the middle of the worry, you will see that things clear up much more quickly, answers are revealed, solutions brought to the light, opportunities open up again. We are truly our own worst enemies. We muck things up all the time. People are human. Humans learn from experiences good and bad. Sometimes, it takes a lifetime of experience to get it, sometimes several, but it is neither right or wrong. For there is no right or wrong. There is what works and what doesn’t work for us. Cause and effect. But there is no right and wrong. Just what is.
So if you are struggling with the issues of trust. Whether to trust or not. How to feel that peace and flow where trust and safety just are there. Begin with YOU. Look at those things which you do not really wish to admit to yourself. Healer, heal thyself. Begin with being honest with yourself brutally honest. See if this doesn’t change your attitude and your life just a little bit. It is something which is earned, how we treat each other makes a big difference. Consistency and repeated behaviors instill security and that safety feeling. Keeping confidences. Keeping your word. Things that we all would like to have. So put that out. Be an honest person to the best of your ability. Be a forgiving and caring person, you would want that if the shoe were on the other foot. Do not be extreme, use good common sense. If someone is hurting you, do what you can to stop them from doing it again. Do not put yourself into circumstances which will encourage the behavior. If someone steals from you, do not leave valuable things alone with them. If someone constantly lies to you, take it with a grain of salt and verify it. Do not accuse just because they have done it before, doesn’t always mean they will do it again, so ASK for clarification when words and actions do not line up. If they still lie then walk away, do not engage. Feel sorry for them and walk away knowing you know what the truth is. For they may see their version of the truth and they are entitled to it even if you disagree. If someone has left you for another, then they are not meant to be with you, it’s their choice too. If they have been unfaithful and broken an agreement, look at the reasons why and assess the core issues. It may or may not work out, you may find the other issues are not ones that can be worked out, then again you may find they can be and it will bring you together even stronger then before. No the love and the feelings can never be the same, but we can choose which way they go. We choose, we decide. We also when dealing with others have to honor their freedom of choice too. That’s a tough one to swallow for most. Why we love them and they will not love us back. What did we do ?? Sometimes, most times, it’s not about YOU. It’s about them and their own issues or insecurities or fears. Sometimes its just time to move on, people are in our lives a day, a season or a lifetime. Not all things are meant to last forever, just for their time. Acceptance is difficult. WE want to control outcomes, we want to control other’s behaviors. Reality, looking at things as they are , not as they could be or should be or were.  I’m sure there are many out there who would disagree with this assessment of trust and the solutions it provides and that’s fine. These are my perspectives, how I get through, how I can forgive even the most dreadful behaviors. Perhaps some of this will  help you or someone you know when you are faced with betrayal of any kind. The disappointment which stems from expectations not met. That’s on us. Not the other person. They have to live with their actions and words and choices. Just as we all do. But we can overcome the lack of trust in others and ourselves. It takes work and real honesty within ourselves.
I think that’s enough for today. Blessed be, one and ALL.
with love n light in my heart,
Here’s some other experts and what they have to say on this topic.

Patty German-Individual Therapy: Learning to Trust Again

Burt Harding on Trust
Burt Harding on What to do when caught in emotional suffering….What’s Next?

Burt Harding on Loving Acceptance Brings Total Change…
Learning to trust again …. Why should we?
Part II of Learning to Trust Again….
There are 15 entries to this last video series, you can access them on the right side of youtubes other videos.
Learning to trust others the right way….
Be an encourager
How to get your partner to trust you again….

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Greetings and salutations one and All!  Happy Tuesday to you! I do hope today’s blog finds you well!  Today I would like to focus on forgiveness.  During this time frame, I have noticed there are quite a few people coming out in defensive stances and taking things personally. I have said before that in order to stay in the heart, you must learn to accept people as they are, where they are in their own path.

We have no control over other people, only ourselves, our own reactions/responses to various people and situations. And IF we are getting reactive and angry or hurt, then we need to look to ourselves to find out why. Where is this emotion coming from? What is there that I am supposed to see? What fears are at the core? Why is it bothering me that people do not like my work? Why is it bothering me this person is being unreasonable? Yes, normal REACTION is self defense, but the RESPONSE could look more like, “You know, I really do love you, and because I do love you, I am walking away or hanging up the phone right now. When you are done with your moment then get back to me!” Then let it drop at your feet. Think about something else or do something else in another location.

What happens quite often times, if we do not do this immediate releasing and allowing, then we stuff that emotion until the core of it explodes in our face. Usually through some over reaction to something else. Not feeling good about myself because others my whole life have told me so. I could never amount to anything because they told me so! These are old tapes playing that are not truth. They are someone else’s truth forced upon you that you accepted and bought into. So in order for us to deal with the lack of self worth, our higher self will call forth people continuously! YOU  brought them into play with that particular message so you could work on this issue within yourself! Learn to recognize your own responsibility in why things happen to you. Why particular circumstances are presented to you. This is not the solid rule here either. Sometimes we are put into situations to witness some behavior or being so that we can discern later when we see it again, or just to bare witness to a scene or behavior. We are Creator’s eyes. What we see reports back to the ONE consciousness.

So if you were to step outside the situation, scene of the crime, whatever, and really look at it from an observer’s perspective. How was the other person’s bio rythm that day, or how was their horirary chart in that situation. What was their intention, and how did the actions and words differ, and what was the fear base in this whole situation? Mine and theirs. This is how you begin to break things down. When you can look to see the patterns in your experiences. i.e. a person needs to deal with co dependency so they choose a family with nothing but alcoholics so they can experience that. A person who needs to deal with abandonment fears will have multiple failed relationships until they over come the fear of abandonment. Do you see? This again is how we begin to take responsibility for our own stuff. It’s not about what the other person did or didn’t do, it’s about how you looked at it, how you perceived it, how you experienced it,  and to be honest with yourself about it, i.e. admit you could have possibly mis interpreted the other person’s perspective because you were playing old tapes, bringing the past to the present, or can you see this person as just playing a role , like role playing to help you see yourself. Holding the mirror for you to see you?

I do not proclaim to be anything except a woman who has experienced an awful lot of this in her own personal journey and learned a lot along the way.  When I get discouraged I look behind me and see how far i have come, even though the road ahead is still seemingly long. I can perservier.

People have no idea what it is to be a light worker in some capacity. We get hit harder, faster, more often then most with just the most bizzare situations and circumstances, which never seem to stop! WHY?! We demand to know! Why me?! Then we want to blame everything and everyone else around us or the situation. They didn’t have to say it that way! Can you believe he did that! They don’t like me! This type of behavior is called projection. When we blame others for our own issues. Again the mirror thing.  We are really mad at ourselves. Mad that we allowed this to happen. Our inner child runs rampant with fear and causes all kinds of crazy behavior and reactions. This is part of the human journey for many. Not forgiving can manifest in all kinds of ways and colors. It’s not just pinpointing to one area, it is usually many areas of our lives which are affected. The dis-ease of carrying all that anger and hurt around within our being is a huge weight. We auto dispense it when it gets to be too great! Part of the trick is what I just explained earlier in this conversation. Prevention through logic and unconditional love. If it’s too late for that and the damage has been done, then do some meditation work around the person or situation. Write it out, take a picture of that person and draw a heart around it. Remember the good things this person brings to you, even if it’s hard to find right then. Make a tape recording and listen to it later, write a letter and put it away for a few days when you have a different light on things. I have found that if I take time to not react, and just be still until I get to a place that I have the greater understanding, I will not say a word until I have thought about it and what I want to say about it if anything. Most times, I find, it’s so NOT MY ISSUE! It’s the other person’s! I do not have to pick it up and FIX it! I do not have to FIX THEM either! So I can walk away, thinking to myself, I feel sorry for them being in such a place of pain they have to react this way. I instantly forgive them for they know not what they say or do….for if they did , surely they would not behave in this manner.

Here’s the nuts and bolts of it. THE LAWS OF CAUSE AND EFFECT AND KARMA. What we put out we get back three fold and sometimes more if we did it with malintent. Here let me say that just a tad bit louder so you can really HEAR IT! WHAT WE PUT OUT, WE GET BACK!

If you put out anger and hatred towards another person, then that is what we are going to attract to our lives. More people, more circumstances, same stories different actors. Holding onto anger and fear etc. Doesn’t affect the other person ONE LITTLE BIT! Who is getting affected? Who is sick and all high blood pressured out with tears and a headache and cannot eat?? Them! NOT! YOUUUUU! Why in the world would we do this to ourselves? Well, because those are all triggers to tell us to look at it, so we can just avoid it or accept it more easily the next round.

If you look at it this way, that this is self sabotaging and really counter productive to feeling happy, we can at this point make a different choice. We can choose to forgive them and pray for them that they get their lesson with ease and grace. Because we are all human. We are all subject to the same sets of lessons just in a different order. We cannot judge them, non forgiveness is a form of judgment. We have all been there at some point in some lifetime if you are an old soul. We get more of the lessons, because we already passed the semi final exams. In this lifetime we are in the finals. So all of our accumulated experiences in all lifetimes are coming to a nexus point. That is why all the bad stuff happens.

Or perceived bad, I try to not see things in duality anymore, things just ARE. Not good or bad , right or wrong. It’s not an easy thing to forgive, and to take responsibility for our own stuff. Nor is it easy to admit we need to forgive ourselves in addition to other people.

It’s important we forgive for ourselves, for our sake, our health and well being, for our spiritual growth. Otherwise it’s toxic and will like all poisons come out worse the longer it’s in our system.

Make a list of the important relationships in your life. What was the common message each brought to you? What are the patterns. In seeing them on a cognacant level we can then adjust our thinking and address the issues. Until then , until we can see it and admit it within ourselves. and believe me acceptance is at times the most difficult thing to do! Phew! A doozy in some instances! The key is to forgive, not necessarily forget, but forgive for sure. You will have learned a very valuable lesson if you learn this one well.

Love n light to one and All! xoxo Kimberly

Here’s a song that is always my theme song when the energies get thick!

Some beautiful reasons to forgive…..

Dr. Laura on Forgiveness

More from Dr. Laura

Letting go… Dr. Laura

that kinda reminded me of the story the hopi told that i posted last week!

This next video is the Gift of Forgiveness-Healing Humanity

Thought this was interesting too. I do not look for the videos until after I write what I think, just so you know. These are really good affirmations for me that what I am saying is good and true. Smiles. Thank you spirit for guiding me so well. Aho!

This is a good example of real forgiveness…..

I do hope you found these videos thought provoking and will lead you to journey within. God bless you each and everyone !

Until we meet again!

Love n Light and blessings!


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