
Posts Tagged ‘lianna giovannoni’

Our Own Petitelion Has Some Wisdom About How To Deal With Loneliness!!!

 By: Lianna Giovannoni

      It is highly improbable that anyone ever would decide to wake up one morning and declare to the universe to God “Let there be loneliness! Please God bless with the miracle of loneliness or ask for loneliness as they wish upon a star! Loneliness is not an item on anybodies “bucket list”( things they want to experience before they die) No loneliness is not one of those things that people find and are willing to die for or take an oath for ,devote their lives to. It is never included in a small child’s silent prayer before bedtime. There are no monuments, walls, plaques, etc. that have been erected in honor of loneliness, no encouraging or patriotic or devoted slogans for loneliness(Give me Loneliness or give me Death!LOL).Loneliness is relegated to stories and poems and those are referred to as tragedies or tragic poems.(Dictionary meaning: a medieval narrative poem or tale typically describing downfall of a someone. or a story,poem or play that ends in some misfortune., a serious drama typically describing a conflict between the protagonist and a superior force (as destiny) and having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion that elicits pity or terror , the literary genre of tragic dramas, a disastrous event ( calamity misfortune). Yes, there are poems and stories etc. that use lonely or loneliness to describe something like the look of a tree or the sound of bird, like ” the only thing on this remote mountain were just clouds and lonely pines, or the only thing that could be heard in the dark was the lonely call of the owl”. The use of lonely or loneliness as a descriptor is probably one of it’s most positive attributes.

     Loneliness is worse than sad. Sad is an integer to the formula of loneliness, such as sad+(bleakness/desolate/alone)= loneliness or sadness x 2=loneliness….in other words lonely has sad in it. It is a darkness that eats you from the inside out.

     Alone is not lonely…Alone just means that you do not have company. Whereas lonely is an constant ache of absence, one that even if you are surrounded by people you feel isolated, alone, bleak, desolate, imprisoned by some invisible wall. Loneliness lays dormant in everyone of us waiting for the right catalyst to wake it up and begin to thrive and grow. There are an infinite amount of catalysts out there, as many as their are feeling creatures and beings in the universe. No one or no living feeling, thinking, being or creature is immune. Although some seem not to suffer from it’s grip as much but they do not have a complete immunity. I’ve even seen pets express loneliness and sorrow, like when on owner dies or when another of the household animals die or leave. I, personally watched with my pets this , we had a male and a female Siamese cats that were pretty much raised together, and when the slightly older male passed away,the female literally cried, would not eat, and even pulled out big patches of her own fur out. She would go each day for weeks to each of the heat register looking for him (for the last 3 years or so of the male cat Robert had a touch of arthritis and would lay on those to loosen his stiff muscles in the morning or when it was very cold weather) she would look for him and she would see he was not there, she would look up at me with such a sadness in her eyes and in her body language and she would let a sad wail that sounded almost like a young woman crying out in loneliness, despair. It was heart wrenching, she would not let anyone console her or touch her.

     Loneliness can not only come from loosing someone thru death, or absence but from a perception that no one can understand or relate to you or that you don’t fit in for some perceived belief or story that you told yourself that somehow you are different or less than and that no one is there that wants or would desire to share life with you experiencing all of life’s ups and downs, no one to share the joys and sorrows, no one that would or could understand you or would share or care the same opinion as to what you consider significant. That there would no one to make memories with that you can share together later no one to enjoy the little things in life with. Sometimes when there is a loss of a person you life such as a life partner, husband/wife or a best friend that you shared all of those things with for a long time, when they are no longer in your life due to death or a breakup because of that loss and the grief that comes from that it may seem to you that you will never be able to find anyone to fill that space in life the void left from those kinds of loss can create such a deep grief that it creates a wall of despair and an over the top feeling alone. Because of that deep loss because of the grief a very pervasive and unique type of loneliness ensues and nothing or no one will be able to change that sense of aloneness the grief of the loss the darkness the sadness that is gripping you, except for going thru your grieving process and the healing effect of time.

     Loneliness can also awaken and grow when you feel so different from those around you that you convince yourself to believe that there will never be anyone for you. You can experience and create a prison of loneliness when you perceive that an impenetrable barrier exists between you and everyone else due to language and/or cultural differences or you moved to a new area where you don’t know anyone or if you suddenly get ill or disabled or anything that you perceive as a barrier between you and other people.

     First of all like I mentioned before, alone is not lonely. A lot of times, alone is what is preferred,wanted and sometimes what is needed. It is important to be comfortable with your own company and to be confident that you are a complete whole individual rather than feeling that you are not enough or that you are incomplete. Sometimes alone is necessary for your mental and/or physical well being. Alone gives us the best way to get perspective for yourself to gain clarity on life decisions , be alone with your thoughts gives us time to meditate, process things or events, gives the opportunity to quiet the chatter of your conscious mind to reduce stress, connect with your higher self or with the Higher power, to ground yourself,or just to have sometime to not be distracted or influenced by others to just to get to know your true nature without any input from others.

     Back to lonely now….First of all I want to say “YOU ARE NOT YOUR EMOTIONS YOU ARE NOT YOUR STORY! AND ALWAYS BE PRESENT!”. Having made those statements I want you to understand that I will be clarifying those shortly, so just keep them in your mind to the side. It will come together just bear with me thank you. What I am about to say can be applied to any emotional response but we are discussing lonely at the moment so if you find yourself asking the question “what about sad, or anxious just substitute the appropriate word for the word lonely okay? So here goes nothing!! Lonely is an emotion that you tied to the story you told yourself or bought into from someone else that your ego told to respond with to with the current situation that you seem to be experiencing at the present time. If we realize before you respond to the ego’s advice that all the emotions is just a list of emotional responses that you have available to choose from as the emotional response to the situations that you perceive you are experiencing as you move thru each moment in your life. Yes Virginia “YOU CHOOSE WHAT EMOTION YOU WANT TO FEEL in response to your perception of the reality of the situation that you are experiencing ” not the other way around. I know right now most of you are saying to yourself (I can’t help what I feel, I control what I feel they just happen, they just are! Yes, I know it may seem that way, because most of us for most of our lives our ego and all the other egos that you have been around throughout your life from the time of your birth, the ones you learned from and emulated as you were growing up have led you to believe (thru no fault of their own) and reinforced over and over one of the great human untruth list is that “We are at the mercy of our emotions” That they own you, they are calling the shots as to your emotional responses. Well guess what? That is the human ego’s ploy to get you to keep you believing that it is real so it can continue to exist and be in control keep you trapped by fear which creates resistance to soul expansion and to create a prison, to put a barrier to blind you to the truth so to speak and continue to buy into the falsehood, the false perception of the reality of your true nature, to state that plainly… to continue the illusion of “That you are at the mercy of your emotions and the story you tied them to, that you don’t have a choice in the matter”! Now, I’m not saying that people and situations, and old programs that you bought into for one reason or another don’t make it hard to choose a more positive emotional response. Let me just briefly give you a side note to this. I want you to understand that with the aforementioned “old programs that you bought into” It is nobody’s fault that you bought into that there was some wrong doing or error in discernment or that you are “stupid and should have known better!”, that is not it at all. It is just one of those human challenges that all of face so that we learn and grow and evolve. It is built into the system of the human process of growth. No one is exempt, no one has the knack or talent to not buy into old programming, because when you bought into them they were necessary for your survival at the moment but once they are loaded onto your hard drive it is difficult to know when or to remember to delete them. Know this “EVERYONE IS CHALLENGED BY THIS AND HAS THE SAME DIFFICULTY AS YOU IT IS JUST PART OF LIFE!” so “DON’T BEAT YOURSELF UP FOR IT PLEASE”!!!! It is just one of those things that is a standard catalysts for all beings to challenge us to learn and adjust and change things in the present so that we can have the opportunity to expand our souls, evolve as spiritual beings having a human experience. Bottom line,it is just part of life!Just like when we grew to adults from being children the average person’s bones lengthen and grow larger, and in puberty we get hair in places that we didn’t have as children, it is just part of becoming, well so is the program buying into thing. Again you are not your story nor are you your emotions. Anyone who tries to tell you or convince differently ….This is what I have to say to them….QUACK! Yes quack! Check this out, your emotions are yours! Yes folks, those puppies are yours to command! Yes, you too can choose what to feel as a response to stuff! Like I said before things, situations and people may make it more difficult to choose a positive emotional response, but with some effort and practice you can do it. As with anything that you learn, especially when it comes to changing old habits, old programs that we have used forever that really in the present do not serve us anymore it takes a minute to become successful at right away. Be patient with yourself do your best to remember to make the effort to slow yourself down, take a breath and as you do this stop the auto pilot decision making process and stop and take the time to think and ask yourself,”How can I stay in the present and choose a best emotional response for what I am truly experiencing now?…not based on what you responded to a similar story from your past that ego is trying to convince you still are but, on who you truly are from you true nature, from your high self, now in this present moment.With the intent of doing it for the highest good for yourself and the highest good of all. It does get easier as you go along and each time you remember to do this the closer you come to do it effortlessly and with a 100% success rate, and really you will be surprised that it will happen easier and quicker than you think! You may be asking yourself,” well how does this apply to loneliness? ” well, I will tell you. When you sense it creeping in and ego begins it’s existence saving dance running it’s jib in your head, trying to convince you to buy into it’s sales pitch. Take the time to look at the story or thought processes or beliefs behind why you are leaning towards choosing lonely as your emotional response, why this emotion is tied to the story why the ego is trying to convince you that this is the response that you need so desperately(from ego’s perspective) to respond with, why this present situation triggered ego to know it is time to get it’s licks in, why ego needs you to respond this way, what is ego’s motive and how this particular? response helps ego to maintain it’s illusionary existence? Ego is like when you were a kid and you had an imaginary friend that keeps sabotaging and causing trouble and because no one else can see them you get blamed for it’s pervasive behavior. Ego like the imaginary friend is forever trying to convince you that it is real, like Pinocchio before the fairy godmother got to him-he is not real and never will be , he will only able to fool you into thinking it is real and that you are the puppet! Well it is time to take back your throne be the ruler of your reality! It is time to pinch yourself and wake up and see that you aren’t the puppet and ego the puppeteer that you are the master puppeteer and ego is the wooden puppet! You are the creator and the master and ruler of your emotions and ego, they are to do your bidding, they are your subjects and not subject to them! When you are suffering with loneliness or that the situation that you are participating in is one that perhaps the all time best scenario for loneliness to thrive and grow and in the present moment you are not able to see a way out from your current perspective reality, that there could no other choice for you. Stop and without hesitation but with complete faith that no matter what things seem like it is truly an illusion do not believe it for one second!!!!!Tell loneliness to get out of town take a long walk off a short pier, take a hike! Turn and face it and see that it is just an illusion. Find your voice… use your imagination and create for yourself a much better reality for yourself by pulling yourself out of the illusion and create the new true perception of reality in your mind. Realize that emotions and stories come and go. Nothing stays the same, things change all the time, nothing is static. Even if it seems to you that it is the lowest worst moment of loneliness of sadness in the world and that is no way out of it could never ever change…Stop, breath, look at the story behind all of that fear, all the loneliness that you tied to that story, or belief/thoughts that aren’t you , are not in the present not your true nature, just not real and pull yourself out of your illusionary perspective and change your perspective to one that serves you better in this present moment, even if it is to incorporate this thought, It won’t be like this forever it will change because nothing is static. Maybe Close your eyes and hold on to that little bit and release the emotion(loneliness) as the emotional response to the present perspective of the situation . Say out loud if you want or just think it, it works either way, it is your coloring book your crayons, I Release it , let it go – then look at some other more positive way to perceive the situation as to why you are experiencing this based purely in the present moment from your true highest self change it to perhaps as an example: Maybe if I see this as something as this situation isn’t about choosing this to be bad but rather a gift of the opportunity to find a better way see this situation as a plus rather than a negative, an opportunity to gain than a loss, that it is for you not against you. you could change this into you have the opportunity to become a hero and to receive blessings by sacrificing and experiencing a little discomfort so that someone else will get an opportunity to get the chance to expand their soul their skill sets raise their vibration by getting a chance at to allow someone their chance to discern and choose to be compassionate, to recognize that one of their own needs their help , to motivate them to learn to be a better expression of God having a human experience, by motivating them to choose to become a more loving kind person, awaken them to their true nature, more of a true human being and discern and choose love and compassion recognize it is the time to give and transform themselves and receive blessings and grace which raises their vibration which raises the vibration of all humans. For your small sacrifice you not only do you get to be a hero and give someone a chance to receive blessings you get the chance to raise the whole humanity but you get to receive blessings and grace and to raise your self up which also does the same for all. So the point is look how much can be accomplished, look at the scope of the effect of just a small change in the way you choose to see things, change your perception of reality and your emotional response to things. It is so a win win win win situation for such a small amount of effort that it is just mind boggling for me. What a small thing to have to experience or that you have to put effort to accomplish so much.

So by changing in ways like this, taking that pause that moment, to slow down take that breath and adjust your perception of reality, let the old programming that no longer serves you go and eliminate that the loneliness story is tied to and choose a more positive emotional response to the present situation you become a big hero and everyone gets blessings.

     There are many surface ways to help you to accomplish these things to help with the changing your perceptions of reality of situations that you are experiencing with loneliness and it’s fertile ground for growth. Yes, surface ways, like joining a class that improves you, your body, your mind like yoga, or a class at your local junior college or something that you would like to see if it is something you might be interested in, there are many avenues for this such as local city town or rural community centers that offer adult classes at night or weekends etc. for things like arts and crafts, exercise, or dance, music, Internet and computer, parenting, golf, yoga and so on. These are good ways to break down some of the perceived barriers and to connect and meet people with similar interests. This a good way for humans to help prevent that fertile ground for loneliness. Some other surface ways are to join a spiritual group, or join a church or religious group of your own choice and persuasion, or create your own group of your choosing such as rock hunting, paranormal group, science, book reading, or whatever subject matter that floats your boat because I guarantee you aren’t alone in your interests. If you are sure how to find those people for the group[ you want to create, here are some tried and true suggestions for that issue. Advertise on your local bulletin boards in your local grocery stores etc, community centers, church and meeting centers, community colleges and adult education centers, freebie newspapers , or on the Internet sites like Facebook and Twitter or Crisis type sites. Volunteer for various charities in your community. If language is a barrier go to your local community centers and adult education centers or churches or spiritual centers and take a class in the pertinent language and from there you will find people with similar language barriers as you. If it is cultural thing, learn about the culture that you are living in, expand your being with knowledge and truth and with the knowledge you can understanding and release the fear and encourage tolerance in yourself and others or teach others about the truth of your culture which also helps others to release ignorance and fear and allows tolerance and compassion an understanding to grow. This not only helps to ward off the loneliness thing but it raises the vibrations for all. If you are disabled or are not able to go out and about, create a group that again is something that you are interested in or create a social network group of disabled or inside bound people or if you are elderly and are homebound etc. this social network group is applicable also, you can connect thru phone, or the Internet or something like Skype which is free thru the computer and you can have several people be able to meet virtually without ever leaving there residences. If you are able to each get an Internet video cameras for your computers you can actually see each other. Nowadays those kinds of things are fairly inexpensive and there are various federal, state and local programs that could help you. Don’t give up if you want to help yourself to choose something more positive this is a real good tried and true way to begin that process.When we take the initiative and realize we are the creators of our realities and do these little things it reaffirms to the universe what you want and need it is like an active prayer, it reaches into the Creator’s toy box and pulls out and brings to you the thing you want that is for highest good which with that intent brings the highest good of all. It brings the real magic that is in us by our birthright as the children of God. What it does, to put it another way, it allows you to connect and have the opportunity to find and share with you fellow human beings common interests and it changes the parameters of the situation and brings in the fertile ground for growth for the positive, breaks down your perception that there are barriers and replaces the barriers with clear smooth avenues to accomplish what just recently you perceived as impossible. This will make the growth of the possibility of loneliness less of a possibility to happen. I’m not saying it will eliminate it altogether at this moment of our existence but it will take it from a high and impossible to get over mountain to in the least a small hill that you face and if enough of us take this perspective it will a some point become a mere speed bump. It is however a step closer for all of us one day to make something that has been highly improbable to eliminate from the human experience to be eliminated within the human experience. All it takes is one person to tell or show one person and it will catch on and once again you can know that YOU ARE A HERO!

      So to recap for you, “You are not your story nor are you your emotions. Become aware and notice the story, the thoughts, the beliefs, the perception of reality that loneliness (or any negative emotions) that you have tied to those stories or beliefs. Release it. Take the moment to pause and take a breath ,and stop and think and decide and become aware change your perception of the reality of the situation, be present and choose the best positive emotional response ( and the list of all the positive is available for you to choose all the time with no exceptions!) based on who you truly are in the present moment. Play with them and discern the best one that serves you highest good and the highest good of all. Then congratulations are in order because you are now on the best and fastest road to becoming a hero in your own right to making loneliness(and if you apply that mind set to sad, despair, etc it will do the same for those) all those painful soul expanding and suffering causing catalyst for humanity evolving cease to exist in this current human experience(at minimize them enough that they are speed bumps instead of impossible to climb over mountains). For sure it is a fact it help you when it is your turn to experience those painful moments, you will be able to move thru them with the greatest of ease and grace and receive blessings for yourself and all humanity.

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Greetings and Salutations! One and All! Well I hope you were able to tune into our show tonight! If not, you can always catch the entire interview in our archives at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/illuminationsoflight.

As promised here is the second entry in our month on relationships! And our very own miss Petite Lion is going to share with all of us what she believes is the Secret to Success in Lasting Relationships.

When I started to write this blog I already had the basics that I wanted to write about, the points that I wanted to include on this aspect of relationships. I have formulated in my mind that the first thing that I felt I wanted to make clear about relationships is an understanding that relationships were more than just love, lust, friendship etc., that when people say they are “in love” or that they have found “someone” that they wanted to be married to or that they want “grow old ” with, have a  “life relationship or Partner” or  are looking for  potential life relationship candidates, these are all only parts of “one” thing. Really their understanding of what that one thing  is and what that involves is less than complete . This lack of a true understanding of what it is they want, and what to call it, you may say to what  it is I said in my last statement, ; on the surface it may see m that is what I am eluding to a confusion in meaning is just something that really has no substance that it is just about a confusion due to semantics, but it is more than a pronunciation or the way a statement is worded it is about the complete whole picture of what it takes to make something work correctly, missing a wheel on a wagon it does not function properly if an integral  part of its components is not there.  Let me clarify. I think that people are not seeing the big picture of what it is that they truly want and all that it requires to work, they seem to focus on one or two of the components or sub-components of the picture of what they want. That they are focusing on certain parts of the whole  and those parts although important and desirous are not all of what it takes to work right unfortunately the only reason they want the relationship with a person is that the part that they can fulfill addresses issues, or fears, physical wants and/desires that at the moment is in the fore front of there mind. with no thought to the bigger picture . I’m not saying they don’t want more than those forefront thought  (majority will say if given the broader scope that the relationship is offering – heck yes that is what I want! ) what I’m saying is that until someone gets the “understanding’ the big scope or picture of what really a relationship encompasses and the skill sets it involves they are selling themselves and the significant  short, they are sending out incomplete or cloudy picture of what they want out into the universe. Which as anyone who has read about manifesting or “getting what they want, or changing old programs paradigms to manifest their dreams of a better life or reality”.(. What many books etc like  “As a Man Thinketh”, “The Secret”  tell us is a main important step to manifest your needs and desires thru their “step by step how to’s to  manifest  or to change  things for the better in our lives) A  clear  and complete picture of what you want is  a  very critical and  necessary part to achieving your perception of happiness or contentment to fulfilling your dreams, or what it would take to complete the list of what needs you feel  it would take to choose  happiness the easiest . (Note here, happiness isn’t something you find or put together, it is an emotion you choose to feel , our emotions are ours for us to use not the other way, we are not our emotions, our emotions do not own us, we own them , people and things or the lack thereof or situations and outcomes, old programming may make it more difficult   to choose happiness, contentment, joy and so forth .but. nonetheless we choose what to feel at any given moment .  I never said that the choice was always going to be easiest skill set to master at this moment in humanity’s existence, but ,that planting the seed of a change of perspective , the clarity the understanding is the initial and the most integral part to master that skill set or whatever skill set you to master.)  Now back to the business at hand! Just as I just planted the seed of a change in perspective for those that didn’t have the understanding  with regards to happiness thing I  just mentioned, I feel it is necessary to plant the seed of complete understanding and the true definition or the big picture of what relationship means. Once that is clarified ,for some you out there , (and you will know very quickly who you are) will get an automatic shift in consciousness , an epiphany and it will have an almost seemingly immediate  effect on the relationship area of your lives. What that means or entails is an individual  personal  thing, but the long term result is very positive. It will either motivate you to change what your responses within a current relationship are, or you  will choose to change it  totally for another more suitable one or it will give you a more complete and accurate picture to  hold to  so that what  you picture and desire to manifest in your life for your relationship comes to you is  really complete and accurate, that it is real deal for you, rather than close but no cigar type of thing or that the understanding  is able to take away the blinders away from your minds eye then you might be able figure out why you seem to be still in a toxic and/or abusive (physically and/or mentally) relationship  or keep picking the same types of partners and situations that bring you the disastrous or less than good results that after awhile you   cant understand why you end up always feeling stuck or trapped , really have the most difficult to choose happiness, as I said there are many , many things that the simple clarification that I’m going to share in this blog  that will  positively alter the relationship area  of your life in some way for the better or at least find the path to change , and no matter what, I am confident to ,say  all of them the end result will be positive . Now as I said this simple explanation of the true nature of what a relationship is with regards to ” marriage, life  sharing etc.” types of relationships will for some ,give you the instant shift, for others it will alter slightly the road that they are on, that in time will be the lick that gets them there, and for others at least it will expand and hone list of  choices that their brain or being has to choose from when they are stuck with what to do and why the problem happened. (the seed).

I know , long intro, but I needed to know that I did everything to make it clear to as many people to as many perceptions of reality as I could.  Now I will share the bit of wisdom that was given to me to share. I attained it thru many agonizing moments  of my 51 years of this life of taking ” wrong turns at Albuquerque ” in relationships. In other words I did things all the wrong ways for all the wrong reasons that thru process of elimination (and God and the universe took pity on me LOL!)  I had this major dot to dot that was completed, an epiphany , a gift of wisdom, divine clarification, I had a “should of had a V8” moment whatever you want to call it. It was so significant for me and such a gift that I felt so much  gratitude for that gift that it was very important and not just to me ,that  I wanted I needed to give someone else ,share the pleasure, of that wondrous gift from Spirit that I received I also knew I craved  to experience that rush that this epiphany gave me again, thru giving it , sharing it,  with my fellow human beings that were struggling and suffering as I had been  with this area.  To give a ray of hope to others that having the possibility of fulfilling that sought after dream was  still breathing, it was still attainable that all was not lost that you still as Kahlil Glbrane says so eloquently in “The Prophet” That the possibility of “laughing with all your laughter  weeping with all your tears ” is still on the table.
So here is the big TA DA HERE IT IS!!!!! DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!  THE SURVEY SAYS!!!………….. That when people say ,”I Love you” that is only part of what or is only one of the skill sets that you must have to have the possibility to experience a functioning long lasting whole harmonious relationship that humans have been seeking en masse since the beginning of time. There may slight adjustments or personalization’s to achieve that each partnership make need to make individually friendly, but, the basic” have to”   that are non negotiable items to even achieving the possibility of having a shot at that is, that you MUST be aware ,that to know the meaning of true love and what that skill set entails plus the meaning of true friendship and what that skill set entails and (here is the one that is the one that most people forget and/or try to lump it in with friendship as t he heading, actually ,it is the other way around , that friendship in this instance, should actually be listed as a component of partnership . I include this for those who really need that friendship word in there, it is important but it is under partnership heading.) the other main part of the formula for a true lasting relationship for life is true partnership , besides love skill set we need be aware  what requirements that skill set entails ; these are the main skill sets that is essential that you and the other person you choose must have to have the complete picture of what a successful life relationship requires (please read this last bit several times as it with a strong emphasis on must !!!).
Here is where I will briefly break down the skill  sets and why they are “must haves” when you desire life relationships that work etc. First of all I will explain the skill set of the love that is required for the formula I speak of . The billions of people out there that are made in the “image and likeness of the Creator” made of the stuff of the Creator, the sons and daughters of God that we all are that those billions are, have so to speak  the ability to love hard wired into us or that is included in the general construct of human beings. Now remember that sometimes due to one reason or another some sort of glitch happens or a personal choice is made that certain individuals don’t develop that  hard wired ability into any real functioning skill set . When I speak about humans having a natural instinctual desire and ability to give and love  I am speaking of the average human, they have innate ability built in to give and receive love , wether they choose or  develop the skill set of the kind of love required to carry out a functioning life relationship that is an individual thing and under certain circumstances there really is no choice they were born disabled in that area. After saying that , Imagine this, say you are all good and the ability has been developed and you have made it and have mastered that skill set  to love giving and the receiving of it , that is only that only one part of the essential parts that is needed and really it proportion as opposed to the other skill set is not equal, it is more love 40% and partnership is 60% (and here is what poets and people thru get caught up and have misled  the masses to believe and  understand that love is all that it takes.) It  is even in songs like  Lennon’s “All you need is love” well that may be true i n a bigger scale as a people or unite the planet the species, but it is simply in error , not true, with regards to life relationships and what it takes  to make it be a success although very integral part for it to work , just love  is not going to cut it.  What is required almost more so right from start is the skill set of Partnership. Love can be acquired after or it can grow with time and patience and a good partnership ability ,it can be  developed or perhaps be transformed from other lesser than feelings thru nurturing  and compassion understanding , tolerance, forgiveness that partnership brings to the table.  The  real true thing that people are desirous of  that people attribute solely to love is really the guts of it all  the most lasting and successful life relationships is partnership, love completes the dream makes it go to its highest and best and gives you that motivation to practice and continue to practice and use your skill sets so that they perform at their optimum and gain their optimum potential so that you are able to achieve optimum performance and satisfaction out of life relationships.  I will give you more of a real life example of this, When people make a commitment to a life relationship such as marriage, unfortunately a lot of the time what happens we get up in front of a bunch of people that are important to us and we enter into a verbal and written and witnessed contract that most of the time sounds more like some love sonnet or poorly written poem or speech  that at the time we have gotten all caught some either an arrangement made by others who really do not have the two parties that are actually having to live this contract in mind  or as it is for most cultures in world  now days they get caught up in some sort of lustful and/or  ooey gooey fairy tail naive  or fear based  perception or reason for making this contract. The words that they vow to each other whether sonnet like or  common marriage speech  the commitment the contract is lost on the two making the commitment ,  it is done without a complete understanding knowledge or education  of what they are really vowing to do  and what they are actually agreeing to. They are really not owning what it is that they are agreeing to have the skills that it requires. Even people who wouldn’t lie or make promises that won’t keep if their life depended on it or enter into the simplest contract for trivial things without a lot research and thought have no problem with doing this, Yes,  like it or not and I am just as guilty of this myself  …making a commitment to be in a life relationship without knowledge or the skill  or understanding and without truly having the right intent is a lie . I know that sounds evil but its not its just one o f those weird human idiosyncratic  oxy moronic things that humans do. So don’t beat yourself up for it this , I’m letting in on this bit just for perspective sake… really there is no judgement about it so don’t go there. Nonetheless because of this lack of seeing the whole picture and understanding what skill sets are required to this formula as you know leads to disaster namely high rates of divorce and you know the pervasive results to that little gem. The other part of the picture is people that are in the process of sorting thru candidates for this life relationship because they are not knowledgeable of the required parameters that the formula requires they pair up or choose partners that may have the love skill set but have no desire to use or be a partner to the other, they are willing to receive the love have their other be a partner but are only to either go thru the motions of the love or hit with reciprocal lust in such a way and with the right timing t hat the other are fooled and believe love is being returned in kind and the partnership is just skipped on over.  Another scenario that happens is that the lust or sexual compatibility is there big time and/or one or more of the parties fulfill in some issue that gives the person some unreality based solution to the issue or it is fulfilling some dependent co dependent beliefs that is  programing that we bought into or relieve some fear based thing that we have bought into. I could go on with the scenarios but I think you smell what I am stepping in here.  Partnership is not just friendship or saying or vowing to be a partner it is one that takes constant awareness , consideration  and work and even though it takes that much the reward is well worth it in a million ways so many I wouldn’t have the time or the paper etc to do it. Partnership means that when you make plans or commitments or decide to change jobs change beliefs that instead of just thinking in terms of me or I that what you do or decide or effects you effects the other person and their life  that the thought process MUST always be  a “we” prospective. That you no longer think in the terms that has been with you since birth that when making the decisions about your life your wants desires  and that it all about you instead  you must always think in the we terms that when making those choices that as a partner and being partner requires you to discuss communicate and validate the others concerns and opinions and keep the other persons needs and wants and welfare when you do things. Even though you must think in “we” terms , you are still individuals and that partnership is not 50% and 50% it is 100% and 100% two whole people not two half people, understand that you are still able to keep your individual self for even though you are in a partnership you  must let the winds of heaven bl ow between you again from “The Prophet” and Kahlil Gabran eloquent words  ”

Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other’s cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.

Give your hearts, but not into each other’s keeping.
For only the hand of Life can contain your hearts.
And stand together yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart,
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other’s shadow.
Bottom line when people do not understand that Love is not the  only thing that in this instance Love is not all we need to consider. That the person we choose to commit to or that we should consider as a potential life partner we must not settle for less. We must know and be willing to use as well as require in our life partners the skill sets of partnership and of love for  our life relationships and not settle for anything less in our selves or our significant others. I will hopefully in this series go into the details in more depth what Love  and Partnership are composed of but I hope that you take the time and the effort to process the wisdom that I was given that I have passed on to you  today because I know that it has helped me to be a little better of person and expanded my discernment to choose better that the aspect of the divine that is experiencing itself  that I have been privileged to be , that I am , at this moment and the gift of this bit of understanding  that Spirit  bestowed on me for my soul growth and expansion has helped become a step better brighten the path so that I can walk and stumble less get lost less than I did before. Please if you should find this a gift as I did please do not thank me just pass it on, for if it makes one person better raise their vibration it does so for all.

Thanks for letting me share….hopefully it will help in some small way….many blessings! xoxo Lianna aka The Petite Lion

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Greetings to one and all!  In this life we basically live in two worlds(multidimensionality aside) outer world and inner world . One is very obvious, just look around you. Notice the familiarity of it how well known they are. Notice that you can put a name to everything trees, grass, hills, people, sky, buildings, cars , also notice you can say what each thing is, for ,  their cost, how long they last , who owns them, how attractive they are how unappealing they are, what happens at the end of their days.Look at the people , observe how you can categorize them men, women, children, old, young, tall, short, friends, strangers, familiar, unfamiliar some you can even name them, dark haired, light haired . well dressed, groomed, casual, scruffy.   Notice how easily they fall into categories, assume labels become understandable almost predictable. The world of your basic five senses is for the most part, clear, comprehensible one, full of sights sounds, tastes , smells and sensations that all define for most of us on the most basic of levels what it means to be alive.

The inner world is the other world , equally at times vivid and integral on a basic level what it means to be alive, but, it is for the most us not as easily described or understood. This inner world of thoughts, emotions, imagination, dreams and the mystery being that is always with you that you can’t see in this inner world, the one that sees both worlds, observes everything you do, think, imagine and dream, every decision, every story every pause, everything on every level. From time to time even though  this person is always with you and always observes both your inner and outer worlds, we forget their existence like when we are fast sleep, or comatose(LOL), are absorbed in a task such as reading a real good book, or painting  or drawing a picture or creating artwork or something that takes all our focus  , watching an all absorbing movie, or listening to a moving story or piece of music or speech. This mystery person always re-emerges the moment we begin to think our own thoughts once more or when we wake up from sleeping or the coma (again LOL!) when we come to ourselves again. This mystery being if you haven’t guessed yet is (drum roll please!) our very individually assigned the one the only “I” ,” the me”,  the”self”,  “the mind”, the”numero uno”.
Think about it , how seldom do we stop and reflect upon the existence this elusive “I” , “the me” . Who is this person? Where is this person going ? Undoubtedly this person is experiencing life, but what actually is life, this strange, weird, scary,frustrating, at times infuriating, magical, surprising, joyful, wondrous, invigorating, safe, simple, complicated, long, short, confusing, clear thing which expresses itself through us, and for most of  the time balances us very uneasily between joy, happiness, contentment, clarity and safe and sadness, angry, confusion, fearful. What is it for? Does it have a purpose and if it does what is it? Can we know it, understand it? Can we know our role in it? The more we think and ponder these questions, the more we become aware that to answer the first of them is to answer all the rest as well. Because to know who we are is also to know where we came from and where we are going, and to know what life is and what, if anything is it for , knowing who we are  we will know what our role is or how we fit into it. Each one of these questions boil down to the one eternal question that has been asked since humans began , “Who am I?”  This eternal question from which all other existential questions come from, and on which they depend on for their meaning and importance. Since the dawn of our existence we have pondered this basic question of “Who am I?” and all of its subsequent variations and periodically some strange individual  appears and seems to know the answer , their answer though is usually strange or sort of cryptic, extremely metaphor like , they answer symbolically, or puzzle, riddle or parable like. then they give us an enigmatic set of techniques or practices through which we can gain the answer and  then when we ask for clarification on what they say or what the techniques or practices are for with regards to answering “who am I?”  then they seem to always respond by  implying  or eluding to, with a very confident  clear and concise answer of , that we can find the clarity that we keep trying to glean from them or  that we try and outright demand or threaten them for (in some cases kill them to get) that we can find that clarification within our own self, that “the answers” are all within us. We are thus being told over and over from those strange individuals that have appeared from time to time, that the answer to the eternal question and their subsequent variations of “Who am I?” is not a  formula that can be just handed to us by somebody else but a direct personal experience. It is very individual in nature. When you come to think about it what else could the answer possibly be, since it is we ourselves who are what we are.
Having said this, we have established that we have a very good understanding, familiarity with the outer world, and a lot more reference materials and education on the outer world as opposed to knowing or understanding of the inner world of thoughts , dreams, imagination, memories, emotions and the “I”, the “me” the self, the mind we have reference materials most of them come from other individual “I’s” other individual self’s which again like the answers from those strange ones can be guide line like but is lacking their completeness for the individual minds they can give you generalities  which is helpful to answering the question but since the answer to the eternal question is completely individual the reference material or practices have to be a helpful starting point for the answer but to completely answer it those starting points have to be customized to the individual by the individual . Although you may think that the question will never come up for you but, I am here to tell you that on some level in one of its millions of variations you will at least ponder it at least once. Really you can trust me on that, really you can!
Now that I have rambled on you are probably asking yourself  “,what the heck is this all about? What is her point?”  Where is she going with?”, and I say to those questions ….They are extremely valid!   What my point is that if you should want to know the answer to the eternal question and all of it’s variations and any subsequent related inquires that you might have along with changing or healing any part of who you are right now or improve add to who you are, which you  would have to know who you are first in order to change heal improve add to who you are. The answer that is tried and true and proven and the only real way that any one has been able to find is MEDITATION! MEDITATION!MEDITATION!.  Don’t get upset I heard that heavy sigh loud woe so please Before you walk away give me a chance please to explain just a couple things that you maybe aren’t realizing about meditation that there are as many ways to meditate as there are answers to the eternal questions!!!!! Their are as many ways to meditate as their are and have been people!!!!! There many books pamphlets, articles web sites, etc etc. that show us meditation and the various modalities of meditation but like answers to THE QUESTION they will always have to be customized to you by you!!  Not only will you be able to get clarification and some answers there is so much more that it can accomplish. I like to say that there are a billion reasons to meditate and not a single reason not to !!! I didn’t say that you might just find what variation works for you that you are comfortable with that takes care of what you need and that there are never difficulties in trusting it . What I said is there is not a single reason not to. It is about desire and perseverance. Ask yourself would you like to experience life but never really know who  it was who experienced your Life? Think about it, like anythi ng it is a choice.  Go ahead weigh the pros and cons , what you stand to gain  having the opportunity of your lifetime to gain all the possibilities and abilities that YOU are as opposed to knowing a very small  and limited view of you and your possibilities and abilities available to you to not know who experienced your life, in my mind  really the effort is way worth it..
The following will be one way in the billion ways to meditate that you can do that I found and many, many others found worked very well and can be used to accomplish a lot  and to understand and clarify and heal and know you. Remember the option is always there to tweak and adjust, customize for you.
I have found that the use and various different ways that breath can be used with meditation is very significant and enhances the benefits of meditation and in many instances is quite helpful in accomplishing what your goal is , what you it is that this particular form of meditation that you chose you felt would be for you. Breath work is always  a good thing both mentally and physically. You can’t live without breathing!!!  For those of you who have meditated for a long time you know what parts of this you know well . But the rest of this meditation just please roll with me people !!! ;-) The following includes breath work along with meditation, don’t worry it is not complicated you can do it , you do it all the time !!! LOL! First find a place where you won’t be distracted or disturb ed by phones, T. V. kids, dogs etc. (note: after you get the hang of it and that is an individual thing, you will be able to meditate with a few of the distractions, just like anything the longer you do it the more it becomes part of you, automatic in a way)  Wear comfortable clothes nothing restrictive you don’t want to be distracted because you can’t breath or something is pinching etc., get comfortable either sitting with your feel flat on the floor or laying with your legs out in front and just left to fall to the sides just let them just naturally relax. Have your back  completely supported. If this position makes it difficult to stay awake try the sitting position. You want to relax not fall asleep, where you are going is somewhere in between. For my tech’s out there It is called Theta state that your brain enters into.  Once you are comfortable etc. I like to pick a general subject of something that you are wanting work on in yoursel f such as fear ,anger ,sadness, frustration , you get the idea. Then after you’ve picked this general subject and what the area it of you or your life  then find a saying,  a phrase. a word that is a opposite energy or vibration of your subject such as courage, safe or joy ,forgiveness, contentment, abundance, and keep that positive focus on that opposite vibration, you can repeat to yourself if you like but just take a moment and hold that within you and focus on a clear picture of how you would like it to be with regards to the issue hold the energy. Holding the opposite positive vibration to your issue it cancels it within your subconscious and rewrites old programming that is no longer working for you. It is not something that will happen the first time it will happen after a time, they say it approximately 21 days to change behaviors, note the word approximately it can happen sooner it can happen later , but it will work. It will depend a lot on you and findin g the niche that works for you. Most likely it took you a while to acquire the behavior or the programming has been running for awhile before it was recognized it wasn’t working. it may take a moment to change it.
Now that you have your positive mind set close your eyes place your hands on your lap either palms up or down or facing each other just as long they are comfortable and not tensing. Now I want you to find the center of your head, find the top of your ears and draw an imaginary line from both sides of your head from the top of your ears and where they meet at the top of your head is the center of your head straight down to the center inside your head. Tech note this is where your Pineal gland is in your brain, and this is where they believe your imagination, psychic abilities, metaphysical and religious experiences are enabled here on a physical plane your the  part of your body, brain the allows that ability flow thru and be experienced in this physical form. Once you have located that destination the breathing starts, take one deep breath thru your nose that starts in the lower part of your lungs your diaphragm and let the air com e in from the bottom of your lungs fill from there up  . Blow out thru your mouth opening your throat and your mouth as if  as if the large breath you just took of fresh air will go to every corner of you collect any stale or left over useless negativity and when you open up your mouth and throat and expel the breath it cleansing your inner life force, blow all of it out of you; once again using your diaphragm on the bottom to push it all out so that the next breath in will be unblocked by the sludge of the left over negativity, it is like cleaning and sterilizing that takes place between batches of beer in a brewery. The vats are cleared and clean so that when the next batch is put in it is not clogged or contaminated by the last process of fermentation. After that cleansing breath take another deep breath thru your nose but this time try and hold it in for 9-12 counts then blow out, do three of these breaths as you do them focus on relaxing your muscles in y our face , jaw , tongue ( let the tip of the tongue just touch the roof of your mouth) , neck , arms , shoulders, back, internal organs, buttock, thighs ,legs, feet, as you breath, and hold the breath and exhale feel all the tension and stress and worries etc just flow out of you like a plug being unplugged in the tub it just releases into the core of the earth to be recycled and transmuted to neutral energy to be used again and revitalize the universe and Mother Earth and creation, if you want you can get creative and imagine a drainpipe, or a chute that is attached to your first chakra and the pipe or whatever extends about 6 inches of out on both sides of your body and runs down to the core of earth which is a big molten ball  or pyramid whichever resonates for you ,of iron that uses and cleanses and transmutes the energy to neutral so that it can be used in a clean manner. It is not wasted or having a negative or  pervasive affect . It clear s the path and allows the positive energies to flow in and take your issue and change it unencumbered by obstruction. If you use this simple breath work as a sort of ritual every time you meditate it will become a trigger for your brain so that you are able to achieve that meditative state much easier, like Pavlov’s dogs, after a time even in a noisy room or distraction filled place you will be able to perhaps achieve that state of mind of meditation or at least give you the ability to bring those times where you are overwhelmed and your feelings are becoming overwhelming, your blood pressure rising, perhaps fear is coming in, frustration etc. this will trigger your body in such a way that you will have an easier time of keeping a handle on those feelings ,and it help  you  to feel and be in the drivers seat rather at the mercy of the overwhelming feelings the stress that may be coming up at the moment and it helps to release certain chemicals to help your bod y to cope with the stress much better so our discernment when comes to the choice of our reactions to the external stimulus, it helps us to cope and choose balance in the times we find our beings overwhelmed by life. Now that you’ve relaxed with the deep breathes ;the next breath just go back to your normal breathing in and out thru your nose, notice your breath how it feels as you draw it in , follow it down into your diaphragm imagine the breath as a golden cleansing revitalizing  and renewing healing light that as it flows in it spreads out throughout your whole body down your arms an legs fills your head, every cell infused and surrounded by this clean vibrant life force charging every fiber and cell. Feel the tingles flow in as you follow the breath of life to the various parts of your body allow your simple act of breathing to help you to remove and clear any stuck energies or negative influences problems, obstructions let it renew and reset your inner being the real you with the outer you the mechanism that holds us and allows us all a spiritual beings experiencing being human to balance ourselves between the left and the right sides of our brains so that we return to our default positions where we function at our optimum. We become grounded and balance so we can see clearly where the issues are and remove and replace that which is no longer working for us for the highest good. Now I want you to imagine either steps that either you walk from the front of your head where you have been doing your preparation for your journey and feel the feeling of moving up and back to the center of your head, some use a tunnel that goes there other steps, escalators myself I think of Willie Wonka and his wonkavator where it was an elevator that can travel up, down, sideways, long ways, back, forward as you move back notice where you feel that movement in your body like when going up in an elevator, even if you don’t know by seeing with your eye s you still know whether you are traveling up or down , for me I get the feeling in my chest in the center. Notice that feeling and it for me is an affirmation that my visualization is doing the trick , when you realize that you can “know” that you can move your being to different places internally it opens up many possibilities such as if I can do it within and the physical reality of your body structure does not prevent movement then logically neither could the outer layer that separates the  inner and outer worlds. (This is just something to ponder.). Now that you’ve arrived to the center of your head with your positive energy or affirmation it is time to decorate your safe place. Yes, safe place! This a place you can go to that you are always safe and protected, nothing or no one can get in unless you want it there unless you invite it or them. This is the home base of  the control room whatever you would like to call it, where the high self hangs, the “I” goes when it is in default optimum position. This space can look or be decorated any way you want, it can be a luxurious room full of pillows or it can be a hammock under the palm trees next to a water fall or it could be something out of a magical fantasy, it is your “I” place the place of safety and healing it is the place where you merge the inner with the outer, a place of wholeness a place where you become the best expression of the divine expressing it self, centered, grounded, knowing, balanced , a place that we can find or ask for the clarity and/ healing. From this perspective we can look down thru the chakra’s, the dimensions of the body and look where perhaps requires clearing of blockages or where negative energy has attached and needs to be removed, this the place to release the positive energy or affirmation that you focused on before we started our journey that you brought with you this the place that you can release that positive vibration the one that carries the opposite peaks and valleys in it’s vibration to the negative vibration that the issue that you want cancel out or rewrite the program that no longer is for your highest good or the highest good of others. Take that positive vibration release it to flow throughout you entire being after it flows out thru every cell in your body imagine it flowing out your hands and finger tips and out the top of your head like a water fountain and wash over your body and aura and as it does see it clear all the sludge in and thru your aura and outer body as well as inner , see it repair and fortify any holes or dark murky spots in your aura and inner being, (note*if it helps for visualization purposes put a color or “look” to this positive energy that you have released such as I like to see it a clear bright sparkling fluid that have a gold and silver sparkles shimmering thru it sometimes I change the color of the sparkles , I use my intuition or feeling to determine its color or look, find what resonates with you at the moment, there is right or wrong to how it looks it is up to your own imagination, whatever you feel you want it to look like it is yours so it will do it this is your place .) For those of you that have been practicing meditation , this particular type of meditation even though it seems very simplistic or basic , it is but it is very powerful and there are many ways this can be used from this perspective there are many higher levels of meditation that can enhanced from this perspective. It is a good and easy way to approach meditation it allows us to be creative and gives us the choice to be active or passive. The universe does work very well with simplicity and visualization . We are bombarded with so many complicated and intense practices and situations in every day life that this very simple meditation practice helps us to release the misconception that it is difficult to connect with ourselves like only the elite with years of practice and devotion can or are deserving of the tools that we were created with. Understand this we don’t need to earn anything to use what is already ours, Remember “ask and you shall receive” , Keep it simple ; don’t get me wrong all those ancient practices are wonderful but this is not only very effective it’s fun and most people do not have the resources or the time to go through years of study. Most people that really could use meditative practices the most that need to be able to become whole are people that are not able to process or learn the more complicated forms those who simply do not have the time to do the more intricate practices or techniques. Surprisingly enough I have been keeping track of the success of this form as opposed to the more complicated forms and this way really holds it’s own it is as effective besides that it gives you the basic tools to allow those who perhaps the more intricate techniques or practices are too much or see m to be overwhelming and perhaps may make someone feel turned off from meditation because its seems to complicated for them, this particular type is something that they can feel comfortable with due to simplistic structure. Remember there much beauty and strength to simplicity. Less obstructions easier to access less chance for us to get in our own way. Even after all these years of practicing meditation and its many forms many modalities I still find this simplistic elegant creative straight up form quite useful and effective and I use it quite often. There are many options that you can use to build upon this type to add to it , direct it to for more specific goals, more room to customize to make it individualized.
Now back to the process, after release of the positive energy sit for awhile in your space and play with it if you like change it around, redecorate if you want. Sometimes you may want to get in there and clean it out it is up to you , listen to yourself your gut only you can decide what you need or want. When you are ready beginning to come back slowly by moving your fingers hands and feet and move up then slowly open your eyes and come back to the here and now, shake your arms get the blood going . Thank the higher powers or the universe and take a deep breath like you did with the beginning with the cleansing breath, then call all the energy back that you left past present and future see it as filling up a bucket full and when it is full pull the cord and feel it dump into the top of your head and flow down to your toes and down to the tips of your finghers and feel it fill you up and recharge, it is like filling your gas tank so that you are good to go , You’ve just had a tune up an oil change and now a full tank you are ready for life!! I hope that this has touched and given encouragement to at  least one person to begin to meditate to make this something that you do regularly like brushing your teeth, washing etc. because it is as important to our well being as taking care of our bodies, Thank you for listening, Love and Light to you all,xox Lianna

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Blind faith, that is the message that God and the universe keeps telling me, no shouting to me over and over again for at least for the last year or so. At first I didn’t realize the implications of those two words have on my life and really now I know, on the whole of humanity. I received this message one evening while meditating . I wasn’t asking for or even thinking about faith or anything so noble, I was in the middle of some emotional self inflicted lame drama that I was dealing with. At the time it seemed like some tragedy but in the grand scheme of things it really was no big deal except to me. I was in the process of clearing some stuck energy, and in the stillness of the void that I was enjoying at the time suddenly this very loud chorus of the angels, guides and last but certainly the least the Mother/Father God those two words were given to me very loud. My first response in my head was Huh? Wow where did that come from ? You talking to me? Then with a another louder blast of the chorus they said, “It is about blind faith, it is time , it is and will be the key that is very important for all to have blind faith!”. I replied, ” alrighty then … um A couple questions.. Have blind faith about what or in what? and a key to what? Please clarify okay?”. Then they responded again,” It is about blind faith you must learn to have it and pass the message it is one of the keys”.  I was getting a little angry and got an attitude and thought sarcastically, ” Can you get any more cryptic? That was about as clear as mud!!@! “. I asked again and this time I opened my eyes coming out of my meditative state and said it out loud and with selfish impatient annoying overtones,” What the heck am I  to have blind faith about and key to what? …What message am I supposed to pass on? Could you please stop the cryptic thing I’ve never been a fan of the deciphering thing that you all do, you know I don’t do that hinting thing tha t you guys do Please clarify straight and to the point please, I don’t have time for this I’m clearing negative stuck energy here!” In other words ,”I’m working Here okay!!”. They replied with great patience for my naivete, “When you ready you will know and understand.” again with the cryptic stuff , so I just blew it off and went back to clearing. It wasn’t over, little did I know, this message that they had just introduced, planted the seed with was just the preface not even the introduction. They (and when I say they I mean the aforementioned chorus) said this over and over and over in fact they have hounded me with it ever since. Thank God they did help me with the clarification stuff and as hind sight is 20/20, I know now why they didn’t clarify it at first I had to figure some of for myself to have me realize the importance of the message that they had handed to me. I know that I’m not the only one that they entrusted with it like any message from God , Spirit especial ly if the message is important their are many messengers bringing the same message because their are so many people that need to hear the message and own it and each person has a way they will get it and a way they won’t, so their has to be many messengers as many as there are ways to say it so everyone will get the message and own it  . You know each person has their own way expressing things and the person expressing and the person receiving will be matched up. Maximum coverage for maximum success. Well I digress (I have a tendency to go off on tangents so please bear with me) This blind faith came to me in a myriad of ways like when I flicking through channels on the T. V.  some little blurb from a commercial would jump out with the message or I would be reading book or magazine etc. and some sentence would jump out. (You know they stopped doing that burning bush thing or that loud booming voice from the sky thing with Abraham and Moses, they have kept up with the times and do it more sophisticated and sublimely, you have to pay attention, they want us to keep us on our toes or they do it for entertainment I’m not sure LOL! )Anyway, I kept getting the message and each time they would give me more of an understanding of it and they would give me some example in the 3D so as to reinforce the understanding. It has just been recently that I have completed the course and graduated so now it is time and just in the nick if time, (they always go down to wire…you know that divine timing thing that happens, I felt like a little kid sometimes always asking, “are we there yet?” ) . The crescendo of the piece that I was being taught to play came about 2 or 3 weeks ago with full 3D technicolor vision of the schematic of integral  and most critical part blind faith was to play in the grand transformation or the ascension process, Mayan calendar ,end of times ( or whatever name you want to call (depending on your belief system and perception of reality) the thing that is happening to and around to planet earth and all of its inhabitants). I want to state here that as I got this message in parts ,I need to deliver it in parts so that you who are reading this will have time to process this and own it and understand all of it. It will definitely not take a year because you all I know are not that slow on the uptake and I don’t do that cryptic thing very well and you get to read it instead of getting a chorus of invisible spiritual beings in your head that you have to take the time to see if it is for real or just insanity, just going there thing. Having said that, I will tell you the vision of what I saw on a spiritual and dimensional level and energetic level as well that has started to take place just recently due to the fact we have begun the last leg of the transformation that we are experiencing. The powers that be that have been helping us and watching over us s ince the beginning for thousands perhaps millions of years the “end is nigh ” all there efforts for so long , this the last hurrah before showtime. everything must be in place so that all will not be lost (meaning us). What the vision was to show me that the highest order of beings who all the other dimensional gate keepers and guardians and all the beings from the other planets all those in the universe that have had our back so to speak , what has just started to happen that the higher order that I spoke about I call them “the Celestials” this includes several types of beings which for the time being the Celestials will suffice as to what to call them , have arrived . What I was shown was 12 beings of light have come and have surrounded the planet and have linked and have individually and as a group have begun to spin and an angelic looking being has taken to being in this ring around the rosie spinning celestial group the center over the planet and this sort of bubble tha t is shaped like a diamond with and hour glass shape inside the diamond has taken this angelic being with six sets of wings in to the center to where the narrow part of the hour glass is lined up with where you would have the angelic being’s heart be in the center of the chest. There is a large intense beam or tube of light that seems to come from the void of space and is being funneled through the bottom and the top of the diamond and then the hourglass and into the heart of the angelic  and then out again in smaller beams or tubes to each of the 12 Celestials heart (I’m guessing as that it is hard to tell since they are spinning) and back and to the earth and when it comes out of the 12 the light is transformed to a pulsing  rainbow colored light that I seemed to have knowing that is on every level of the spectrum of light. I know that doesn’t make sense and how does that tie into blind faith? Well blind faith in our God selves  and in the love that the crea tor and all these beings that have been with us having our back helping us to do what it is that we are to do have for us. For the planet to survive for humanity to survive and take the most important role that we have in the universe. We must wake up en masse as many as they can so that the grandest of all 100th monkey effect can take place and all will Good with the universe. So there is where I will leave this until next time same blog channel same blog time …To be continued until we meet again. You all come back now you hear!  All will be revealed…..(trust and believe have blind faith that it will all be worth it! Thank you for your patience!)

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