
Posts Tagged ‘self healing’

Greetings and Salutations One and All! This week we have a very different show for us! We are hosting a panel show with four amazing guests! So in our blog focus this week we will be doing a series of close ups on our panelists! Today we start with the super amazing Elyce Monet! She is so phenomenally talented! And what an amazingly down to earth gal! She will astound you with her wisdom and insights! We are truly honored and excited to have her as a part of our panel on the topic of Angels this week!

Here is a bit more about this beautiful spirit and her work!

Biography of Elyce Monet The Heart Healer

Elyce Monet’s goal is to bring greater love, balance and harmony into the world, through spiritually based workshops and coaching.  She cherishes people, and understands that life does not always go well.  She is here to serve as a bridge to help people know who they are, why they are here, how to love themselves and experience living the life of their dreams.

Now based in Southern California, Elyce’s career has been marked by substantial contributions in three fields – Media and the Arts, Medicine and Healing, and Spirituality and Transformation.

Elyce’s book The Me I Couldn’t See, to be released early 2011, is a testament to the life lessons she has learned, notably the duality of our natures, and how learning to love one’s self is key in relating to everything that exists.

As a businesswoman, Elyce has been able to combine her creative skills to pioneer new fields.  In 1986, she created Parangello Players Theater and School, which have served thousands of budding artists in the Pacific Northwest.  In 1993, she pioneered the first program in the U.S. bringing together alternative practitioners with staff M.D.s through a hospital system.  It was highly successful, paving the way for others to integrate alternative and traditional medicine.

As an artist, Elyce has personally excelled, winning awards from music associations, including Rising Star Female Entertainer of the Year, Songwriter of the Year in 1995 and 1996, and Dancer of the Year in national competitions in Las Vegas.  She has written and recorded several CD projects in various styles, including country-funk, swing, and smooth jazz.  A Positively Entertainment review of her CD“The King of Swing” stated,  “[The CD is] a cross-over style swing beat mixed with the pristine vocals of Elyce Monet. In this number [Way After Hours] she comes off sounding like Michelle Pfeiffer from the movie The Fabulous Baker Boys at that unforgettable Christmas gig.”

In 1999, Elyce joined a nationally syndicated broadcasting firm, and earned the top producer award for the next eight years.  Next she launched her own media and communications consulting firm, Connect The Dots, Inc. Its clients include some of the world’s largest media companies for creative ideas and copy for infomercials, advertisements and the like.  She is hired as a writer, consultant, director, producer, and talent.  She has produced long-form programs with T. Harv Eker (Secrets of the Millionaire Mind), Dennis Prager, Dr. Steven Rosenblatt, Mariel Hemingway, Dr. Marc Darrow, Dr. Robert Marshall, Dr. Garth Nicolson, and Nutritional Therapeutics, Inc.

For the past nine years, Elyce has headed a campaign that sends gift packs to the U.S. military personnel stationed overseas, which has run every major holiday.”
For more information visit http://www.elycemonet.com!
Tune into the show this Tuesday Night 9pm MST on blogtalkradio.com/illuminationsoflight.

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Greetings and Salutations One and All! Today I would like to discuss mindfullness. “What is that?” I’m sure you are asking yourself. Well in my definition, it is being absolutely present within the moment. Most people might think that they are truly in the moment most of the time, but if you really pay attention a lot of the time we are not in the present moment. We are in the future, past, lost in thought. Most of us check in and out of the present most of the time.

Spirit has really been on me about this particular issue of late, and I am sure that I am not alone.  What it means to not just know it but to own it and walk it and intergrate it into your everyday life. I was recently faced with a situation as most of you know, where in I had to come to a place of radical acceptance of another person’s decision. A betrayal, and several losses within a very short period of time. I shared with all of you some of the processes that I used during this time period. One of the things that I have found is that it is not so easy to stay in the present when chaos is surrounding every aspect of your life.

So I am coming to you now, having been exposed to some great new information from Sue Piver, who wrote the book, “The Wisdom of a Broken Heart” and Dee Wallace, who wrote the book, ” Conscious Creation” and from several other great books that are out there right now on the topic of changing our thinking. For what we focus on we bring to ourselves and we are creators that have the ability to change what our reality looks like. How we see things and perceive things has everything to do with that. These two dynamic ladies have come up with some fantastic hands on ideas on how to overcome the challenging emotional states we all get to at some point in our lives.  I have been using their techniques within my own personal life and I will tell you I have been astonished at how well it has worked for me.

I have invited them both to be guests on the show, and hopefully they will graciously accept. I can only tell you that it would be a complete blessing to all of you if they did. Truly amazing beings! Amazing books! Amazing results!

I have recently been attending DBT technique training and it is so interesting that some of the very techniques they are teaching for psychology now have their same roots as these two books. Funny how the universe works, especially when a message is loud and clear. The techniques help you to cope with strong emotions and emotional responses. It helps to reprogram the old programming from your earlier years and all up to now. You become self empowered to see how these very simple and quick techniques can change your entire perspective about life and the people in it when you begin to do the homework!

I challenge you all to the next time you feel in a moment of emotional overload, find simply 20 things in the room around you. Take notice of them and what about them caught your awareness. What you are doing by doing this is taking yourself out of emotion and into your mental bodies. If you begin to note where in your body your are feeling the discomfort and address the fears at the core of the emotion you can allow these emotions to pass through you without stuffing them.

The idea is to become aware of wha tis actually happening around you when you get to these crisis moments in life. Stop and notice what is around you, what is going on. Most times there is nothing going on. Whether you are in your car or a room, there is not usually alot going on when we are having these momentary melt downs. You begin to become aware of right now. Usually the emotion is coming from a past memory or a thought of what could be but it is not right now. This moment. As you begin to do this, catch yourself when you are on the phone or talking to your kids, see how much time you are really being present in this moment, versus, being in thoughts like, “I have this, this and this to do ….” or “If only I could get this going I could>…..” these types of statements in your thoughts are not what is right now. The power is in the moment of right now. You can create and choose in this moment only. Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come. Right now is where you are and where it’s at! You will find that if you stay in the now moment you are less likely to experience waves of emotions that are not real but more illusion.

Look at the fear that is causing the emotional outburst. I am afraid to be alone, I am afraid to die alone, I am afraid I will never find love again, I am not worthy, I am not deserving, I am not pretty enough or smart enough, whatever tape is playing in your head at the base of that fear reaction, then counter that thought with I am never alone, I will not die alone, I will find love again, I am worthy of all good things, I am deserving of love and happiness, I am beautiful and I love myself, I am smart and funny, I am love and I only accept that which is healthy and for my highest good in my life, life flows to me with ease and grace, my lessons come with ease and grace, i am creation, these types of statements can replace the old tapes. These affirmations help shift what is causing the pain. Our stinking thinking about stuff. This is not to say life is always wonderful, this is to say these are some ways on how to pick up the pieces when there’s a million of them to pick up. The nice thing about that is you can paint your own picture how you want the pieces to fit! It’s your paint and your canvas how do you want your picture to look, make it so. We cannot control others or what they do or say or think, if we are trying then we need to look at our own need to control and work with it.

Try this mindfullness awareness exercise for a week. Let us know what results you found out about yourself!

Love and light everyone!


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