
Posts Tagged ‘psychology of change’

Epigenetics is the new biology that will soon be taught in our schools. The discovery of this new science was a result of stem cell research. Conducted by a man named Dr. Bruce Lipton, who is now dubbed the grandfather of epigenetics.  This man is brilliant! So in honor of the fact that this wonderful man is going to be this weeks guest, I am going to do two sets of blogs on him and his work.  Today’s focus is his work, why it is that we are so very excited to have this man on our show! He has been a hero of mine since I first began studying epigenetics! I almost a year ago posted stuff up on Facebook showing the world this man’s brilliant work! So it truly is an honor, blessing, and dream come true to be able to speak to this man in real time and tell him personally how very much I appreciate his work and courage to present it to the world!

So onto what is Epigenetics….well in summation it is this….when we were in school, we have always been taught that the nucleus and dna were the brains of the cell operation and that we were basically slaves to our DNA make up. Well, this was based on old religious teachings that it was “presumed” this was the case and everyone just kinda accepted that truth and went on for generations teaching this as truth, ahhhh until Dr. Bruce Lipton came along and said “Hey why don’t we test this to make sure that is the case since there is no scientific evidence stating this to be true” and so he did. Tested it that is. And guess what he found??? The cell operated like cells operate without the nucleus when he removed it from the cell! Now not being a brain surgeon or anything, but if you take the brain out of anything it will die! So what does this mean?! Well it means that the nucleus is the gonads of the cell, the blueprint for the cell, not the brain! So then where is the brain? Well that was his next question.

What he found was this, the brain of the cell is the skin or the membrane around the cell. Hence “Epi” which is outter or skin of …. “genetics” the study of cells. BRILLIANT!!

So what Bruce explains in his book, ” The Biology of Belief” , all about the “HOW” that works. I would recommend you read his book highly. I will be posting some YouTube discussions on this particular subject. I will warn you this is a long presentation and it is accompanied by Bruce’s friend and associate on the psychology of change. So I will post these as part of this blog so you can see for yourself the “how” this works.

I can tell you this. ALL of the big boys have quoted this man’s work. Wayne Dyer, Deepok Chopra, Gregg Braden, and many others. This is the breakthrough which merges science with metaphysics, the tangible proof that we can heal ourselves and change our entire being by simply changing our thinking to a different perspective.

Thanks to Dr. Lipton, we now understand why that works that way. This work needs to be taught to our children. The truth of biology revealed to them. I encourage you all to share this book with everyone you know especially educational types. Teachers, principals, etc. Because this is truly revolutionary information.

Not new certainly over 10 years in the making but certainly worth investigating and educating yourself and others on for sure.

For the sake of space I will post only the first three of Bruce’s lecture and three from his counter parts, you can find the rest on the right on YouTube in their proper orders. I would encourage you all to listen to these over the weekend and tune in for the show on Tuesday 9pm MST on blogtalkradio.com/illuminationsoflight.

Without further adieu….Dr. Bruce Lipton on the Biology of Belief lecture series.

This is the actual lecture, the previous was an interview with Bruce explaining the new Biology….

part II

part III

There are 7 total videos in this lecture series and part 4-6 he really gets into the how and why. I do hope you enjoy this portion of the lecture.

Bruce’s counterpart is Rob Williams, now Rob focus’ on the Psychology of Change and the understanding of how on a psychological level Bruce’s work is so phenomenal in working with psychology.

Here is part One of Rob Williams on the second half of the Biology of Belief lecture series.

Part II

Part III

There are 8 parts of this portion of the series and again you will see them in order to the right of the video on YouTube.

This I hope will give you an idea of some of Bruce’s work. Why we are so excited to have him as our guest this week. This is one interview I wish I had four hours to talk to him! LOL he’s just great! Down to Earth and friendly and funny!

Tomorrow we will focus on Bruce the man and talk about his latest book ” Spontaneous Evolution” and you will see he is the man with the plan!  So be sure to tune in for our show and come back tomorrow to read more on this very fascinating man!

http://www.illuminationsoflight.com click guest star pages for more about Dr. Bruce Lipton. or visit Bruce’s site http://www.brucelipton.com !!!

Be well one and all! xoxo Kimberly

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Greetings and Salutations! One and All! Well I will tell you this has been a very dynamic week for me personally with all the energies going wild and bouncing off of everyone and everything! Some awesome new stuff was born out of this chaotic energy but it was very difficult to ride this wave!

One of the things I have been learning to do is to be aware. We touched on this in the last entry on mindfullness and we gave you an exercise to play with over the week. How did that go for you? Did you start to notice any changes within your being?

Dr. Bruce Lipton, talks in his book, ” The Biology of Belief”, about how our ” Perceptions” can absolutely have a profound effect on our physical and emotional well being. How we “see” our world through our filters of experiences can be skewed and absolutely create real physical issues. It’s been said, there is your truth, my truth and THE truth. The fact of the matter is, all of us have these experiential filters that cause us to have the experience of something loving or something fearful. If we are in a state of fear, our physical bodies go into a protection mode and we stop growing, we lower the immune system, and deplete from other systems in the body that we use for growth, because on a very primal level we are telling the body to prepare for fight or flight. When our bodies do this, extra blood etc. is sent to the muscles to get ready to run or fight. When we come from a place of bliss or peace or love, our bodies are relaxed and in the mode of growth. The very interesting thing which I found amazing in the ” Biology of Perception” was the tidbit that all of our habits, and beliefs are stored in the “subconscious” not the “conscious” mind. That these two are like two different people. The “subconscious” is very logically based and likes order and is “timeless” it does not know past or future, only current input in the NOW moment, it does not understand otherwise. The “conscious” mind is the part of us that says, “Hey let’s go check that out and get some new experience!” It is the free flowing creative side that doesn’t mind chaos, and getting stuck in the past or the future creates issues if we address issues from this perspective. This is the problem with self help books. They address the conscious mind not the subconscious. You have to address both to gain true healing and balance.

So what are some ways that we begin to reprogram the subconscious mind to be in harmony with our conscious mind? Well there are many tools out there which can be used to achieve this goal. As with all things intent and commitment are key. You have to have a willingness to achieve this. Now at times the subconscious is not ready to accept that change.

How can you tell if the subconscious is ready or not? The human body is equipt with its own bio feed back equiptment! It’s fantastic! Kinesiology is a wonderful tool to help assess and diagnose an issue that may be blocking healing. This same idea can be used to correct thinking and perception.

With regard to mindfullness, where are you feeling it in your body. Last week we had you note 20 things in a room when you found yourself triggered. This week I want you to be aware of where you are feeling your feelings in your own body. What physical signals are you getting from your own body (natural bio feed back) about how you are feeling.

If you wish, take this a step further, and write it down, so you can see in writing, what time of day, what are the triggers, what is the core emotion that is associated with that, it can be simple like feels good or feels bad. By creating this record you begin to see the patterns of your own responses and how your body is affected. By doing this you can begin to reprogram the thinking patterns which were learned at a young age.

I am going to post some videos which far better explain this process of kinesiology and the ways you can use this modality to shift yourself and your perceptions.

Dee Wallace shared a wonderful exercise she did with her seminars, that she would give everyone a PlayDough ball and tell them to create something. Everyone would. Then she would instruct them to mush it up into a ball and create something else.  Her analogy being, we as humans complicate things, that changing our life and our reality is as easy as mushing up that playdough and starting another creation. Instead, we like to hold that creation, drag it around with us everywhere showing it off to everyone etc not doing anything to change that thinking.

So practice being aware of what you are feeling, and where you are feeling it in your own body. Use your own natural biofeedback to help you identify what the challenge areas are within your own being.

Watch these videos on some tools to use to begin to make real changes in your life, in your “perceptions” and beliefs! Let us know what you think!

Until next time! Blessings from me and mine to you and yours in the heart of Oneness. Namaste~!

This first set of videos are from Bruce Lipton, he explains the biological reasons that positive thinking works and how.

I will only post the first one, there are seven in the series! Watch the entire set!

This second set is part II of the lecture featuring Rob Williams, the creator of PSYCH-K, who gives wonderful tools to remove old programming and replace it with new improved ideas that are more in alignment with where you want to be!

This is the “Psychology of Change” by Rob Williams this is part 1 of 8 and you will want to see all 8!

This is a different take on his method

This is a short one on self testing

This again another version of self testing from the folks at enjoyabetterworld.com

This is Dee Wallace on Creative Consciousness, interview on Braveheart Women

This is part 1 of 3, this book is dynamite! You will want to see all of this interview!

Finally Gary Zukav and Linda Francis talk briefly about Authentic Power!

I do hope you find these videos helpful, I know I certainly have.

Blessings all until we meet again!

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