
Posts Tagged ‘differences’

Greetings and Salutations One and All. I want to focus on getting along. It has been a very intense few weeks globally as we have been faced with facing our worst fears. From a very personal level to a very public level. The fact of the matter is, things are changing, they have to change the old programs will no longer work in the new frequencies. People rather then focusing on who’s fault it is, or what you are gonna do if they do this or that, why not focus on the solution? If you really stepped back and took a really hard look at the bigger picture, all of this hooplah over immigration is a bunch of fear that we will somehow lack. We are the richest country in the world and we are acting like it’s all going to be taken away! Even if it was, karmically we would deserve it, we are paying for the sins of our fathers and their fathers before them! They stole this land at gun point and by strong arm tactics! We forced them to sell by gunpoint!

Reality check, the bible says there will be an invasion silently by the yellow serpent. That would be the China, USSR union, now that the water way is opening up on the northern end of Canada, it makes landing soldiers very easy, and since Canada does not have a militia to guard those northern boarders we are setting ourselves up for invasion. So if you look at the bigger picture of why unionisation of all the countries on the Northern Continent is not such a crazy idea, and the bigger picture that most are not getting about WHY the change is taking place! Also if they really looked more closely, we have SOLD most of our land to foreign lands including our HARBORS to CHINA! Now the smart thing to do is take what America needed, an answer to healthcare issues, so we borrowed some ideas from our neighbors, if we were to join forces we then can protect that Northern boarder for Canada as our own and now Mexico, well we know that this country has a not so great government, and much depression and oppression this is why they flock here for jobs. We complain that we are paying for their healthcare, well we are also paying them sub minimum wage in many industries! Our red tape to immigrate in is a four year process for most folks! Now if we join with Mexico in a union type of deal we get their resources which are great, they get the freedom they seek to live well and we eliminate the issue of immigration and their plight for survival all at the same time. SOLUTIONS to the PROBLEMS! Not being hateful and bullying and rude and downright FOUL to our fellow human beings! WE ARE OUR BROTHER’S KEEPER! LOVE THY ENEMY! We are all humans, each has a right to be alive and happy and raise families and be educated and healed when sick and fed when hungry. DO I THINK THEY SHOULD DO THIS AND NOT WORK, NOOOOOO, SO WE CREATE SOMETHING NEW TO ALLOW THEM TO FEEL LIKE THEY CONTRIBUTED AND WE DO NOT FEEL RIPPED OFF! Like a community garden or child care in exchange for their food stamps and health care, there are solutions, we as a country are so focused on whose fault it all is, rather then just getting a grip, realizing that change is inevitable and begin to cooperate with each other and see what we can do together to find that solution that works for everyone! Unless you can show me the original deed from God and Mother Earth, this land belongs to everyone! We need to move from seperatism to cooperation and tolerance. Stop the hateful words and thoughts,  there is no excuse for being so ugly to each other. Even if you do not agree with policy, you still have to respect the office of president. We look like childish fools talking badly about our government to the rest of the world! All we can do is complain and blame! We all allowed it to get to this state! We are all responsible for this problem together! OUR APATHY AS A COUNTRY is what brought us to this point! OUR GREED AS A NATION is what brought us to this point! Stop complaining and start being a part of the solution instead of the problem!

We do not NEED OIL TO PROVIDE ENERGY FOR OUR HOMES AND BUSINESSES! We have had the knowledge and the ability to produce other means of energy and transportation! Greed is locking that down and keeping the people from growing. We are making strides in the right direction towards this! This oil deal was a warning about what our drilling is doing! Stop the madness! Find the common good in each other instead of the differences that give you a false sense of righteousness! That is your own ego speaking! Find the good in things and people, find the solutions when problems arise! When you point one finger there are three pointing at YOU! Hitler thought he was right too! Did it make it true??

I will be putting some wonderful solution ideas in my next blog for our energy problems. There are some truly amazing new products out there that would resolve a great deal of today’s issues and keep us from having to drill for more oil. The planet needs the oil to lubricate our lands, we keep draining her blood and we are going to have major arthritic problems with the land masses later on, translating to more violent earthquakes for example and moving of methane gases as we have seen recently.

Step out of the small thinking people of Earth. Step outside of yourself and be the adults and see the bigger pictures, come from love not fear or greed or control. No one is better then another, we are all equal in the playing field of Earth. We are brothers and sisters in the bigger scale. We need to learn how  to share and get along, agree to disagree, but do with respect and civility. Remember your manners and the Golden Rule, treat others how you would want to be treated, all the rest falls into place!It begins with the one in the mirror. It’s personal. If we look at our own reactions to things and why we may feel upset and get  to the core of it, you will see that I have been speaking truth. We speak of spiritualism, we need to walk our talk. This is a time of great tests for all of us. Remain balanced and fair. See things from all sides. Choose wisely your perceptions and thoughts. Be the example of how it can work, instead of contributing  the problem by bringing more energy to it and feeding it with more negativity. See the best possible outcome or solution for all concerned instead. Ask and thank for the solutions to be made clear. Getting mad only makes it worse, makes everyone feel bad, at least being a part of the solution by focusing on that you have contributed to it being resolved more quickly. How do we want our new world to look? How do we want to teach our future generations to behave? What example do we want to set for our communities and friends and families?? How do you really want to be seen? A follower? A leader? Or do NOTHING worst of all and just let it happen to you and complain about it later???  It’s all up to us. We have the ability to change those answers. To make what we want and what is line up. All it takes is action and changing your mind. Think about that! I love you guys! I truly do! I believe that humanity can have an epiphany and turn it around for the good! Perhaps that is idealistic to some, but I have seen miracles happen before, why stop believing in them now? !!

Make it a safe and sane weekend everyone! Summer is officially here! Whoot!  Find some joy and spread it around! Love and light to One and All! Until next time, this is The Angel!

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Greetings and Salutations One and All. Today, I want to address something which has become a prevalent theme across the world today. FEAR.

This is a dis ease which affects every single human being and being period upon this planet. Many if not all of the negative or lower vibrational emotions stem from this very simple yet complex word.

What I am witnessing in my lifetime, just blows my mind. I have always known there were those pockets of human beings which saw things through hateful eyes and be so righteous and justified in their reasons for being that way.

Through the eyes of a child….perhaps this is the way that I see things. Because to me, there are no borders, there is no separation from my brother across the ocean to the sister on the other side of the globe. We all on at least a primal level operate the same way. Ultimately in our perceptions we do as well. Those who hate Americans because we are presumptuous and spoiled and arrogant, yet americans would say the same of the French! What is up with this concept of separation?

We have come to a new extreme of that concept which is driven completely by fear! Really people, let’s get real about this particular reality! One no one wants to admit or look at or deal with. We have forgotten tolerance and brotherhood. It’s all about ME and what’s in it for ME? Where have we come to with this idea that we are ENTITLED to anything! On any level?! Wow! I am so totally blown away by that fear that it makes my head spin and I sit on my blog trying to figure it out because in my vibration and reality I just do not operate on that same note at all.Apathy is the opposite of empathy. Our empathy is what drives us, so where can we find a happy medium?? Where is the center of both extremes. Be grown up enough to compromise and realize that we all have the right to contribute. We all have the responsibility to contribute. WE all have to work, share the load, offer our gifts, now some say this is socialism, well we are social beings. I suppose in that sense we are, but I would prefer to see this as communal living. We co exist on the same planet why not work together instead of tearing each other down in a fight for imagined control? What is up with that?

The more I evolve the more I realize that we must come from a place of love not fear. The reality that I create for myself is one of love not fear. One of abundance not lack. I choose to create a new reality for myself that is more in alignment with my current vibration because I cannot function in that lower way of thinking any longer.

Now I have come to a new cross roads, that is finding people who resonate with that idea. That it’s not all about the positive because in the law of opposites we will get the opposite effect if we push it away it will come back. If we acknowledge its existence and allow it to pass through us with love ahhh now there is the trick! Finding the balance in the idea of duality. We all know you cannot have dark without light, up without a down, we require the contrasts to experience both angles of life or the experience of life in the physical reality.

Problem is we are sucked up into those roles.Our egos and mental bodies thrive on that stuff and the drama that is created! We LOVE drama! It would be so ultimately boring if we didn’t have those extremes.

When I look at the world I see beauty all around me. I see love in the mother’s with their children or the act of kindness to an elderly person. I see people who really want unity and working to help their fellow man, even if it’s just in their own neighborhoods. So much so that I put the what’s good in the news tonight segment on my show. That what we focus on is what we create.I accept that I am in the world and have to deal with many realities, but I do not have to be of it and participate entirely with it. I can watch from the outside and enjoy the show. I look past all of it and try to see what IS, not how I see it. This is part of the trick of staying in the moment. Not easy I know. We want to fall into that deep groove on a broken record. We have to let go of that old programming. Or I can participate but with the intent of love and doing things for the highest good of all concerned. Because sometimes bad things have to happen to make way for the new …. that is just a fact of life in duality. If we didn’t know the sorrow, the joy would not be as sweet.

If we are all complaining that we do not like this or that, or this idea will never work, then put in your two cents! See if you can pursuade others to see your solution as the best for all concerned. To sit there and complain constantly is only going to prolong the change process. Get your blood pressure up and solve absolutely nothing. Put out hate, it’s what you are going to get back! Stop fighting the changes and start being a part of the solution!Stop pointing fingers and look at the three pointing back to who? YOU! Look at why are you are so reactive! What are you really afraid of ? Why does this make you mad? What SOLUTION can be offered to make it work?

Choose to come from love, compassion, “how would I feel if I were on the other side?” If this is the foundation that has been laid, how can we make this work? Pointing fingers and blaming and being mad because you do not want this change is futile.There is a change coming, it is the way of the universe. This time is done and it is a time for unification and working together and remembering that Creator is the greatest force of all, that even when we think that it’s the end of the line, a miracle occurs and it’s all changed in one moment. That is how life is, even when we think or feel that things are disasterous, something amazing happens and things do not work out as badly as they could have.

We have the responsibility my brothers and sisters to write our future for our children and children’s children. We have been given the ultimate in responsibility. To write the prophesies of our future fathers. We are the foot prints they will follow. How do we want that picture to look really? With squabbling and control games? Fear and hate? or do we want them to live in peace and cooperation and tolerance? If thats what we want for them then we need to start looking at how we are really really treating others and seeing our world around us.

If we are still seeing the world as us and them then we are still stuck in the old programming and ways of thinking and are not looking at a very happy future there. The frequencies will not withstand that. So you have to choose, now, fear or love? There is no happy grey areas n this final act. It’s one or the other, and from a state of love, we just allow things to be what they are and trust the universe has things under control and we will get precisely what we ask for. Because the universe has no concept of time or good or bad it simply doesnt exist on the other side that way.

We are coming into a new reality and it starts with the one in the mirror. We have to be able to objectively look at our good and bad sides and thoughts. Do our best to recognize what is and what is a programmed response.

We are so programmed to live in fear. Unplug from it and be Neo and think for yourself. Listen to your heart where we all beat with one heart.

Stop the hate. Do your best to spread the love. Speak your truth, but do not force it. Agree to disagree for we are not all the same. We have different perspectives based on our own personal walk and experience of this lifetime. We are all unique, all have a story to tell. And if you are smart, then you will listen with an open ear, mind and heart and embrace the differences and learn from those experiences rather then shoot them down and call them names and try to destroy them to control them or to change their thinking! None of us have that right. We are no one to judge a sister or brother unless we have walked their path and seen it through their eyes from start to finish. Their experience is their own. Yours is your own. To them their positions and choices are right based on their perceptions , to you, it may not be the same because that didn’t work for you because you are different. So what ? So now because I cannot communicate with you I should hat you and force you to learn my way or go away? Who do we think we are? Wow! Power , greed, control or lack thereof all of it FEAR. Fear that someone has more then us. Fear they will gain control over us if…Wow!

That is what needs to stop. That thinking. We have to change that picture. Thats my brothers and sisters from the other parts of the world. Welcome them and teach them love. Even if they are naive and young and do not know better still be true to yourself and choose love. It’s a much better place to be. A state of love.

People think that this is idealistic thinking and perhaps to them that is right. To me it is a partial solution. What do you have to offer as a parital solution that is in fairness to all without judgment or control or fear?

Things to ponder and muse upon. What do you choose? Does what you would want to choose and what is line up? If you are not a hypocrit, stop behaving like one! If you are about unity then encourage that in the proper manner, with balance and love and divine guidance. Love thy brother as thyself. If he slaps your face offer the other cheek, if he steals your coat then offer your shirt. The ones who act out the hardest need the most love. To engage and argue only perpetuates the issues, so just let them be. Let them think what they want. It’s theirs their thoughts and they are not yours. If it doesnt resonate leave it. We do not alway have to agree, but we do always have to respect another beings right to be. Right to live and learn and grow. We would get along alot better if we saw things this way. Our country your country, our people your people, the perverbial “us” and “them” or “right” and “wrong” . By whose standards? Gods? because HIS are the only ones that matter.

That’s how I see things. I can only shake my head at my brothers and sisters when they spew hate and loathing for a president who inherited a mess to clean up and begin the winds of change long over due. You may not agree with all that is going on …. but I for one commend them for at least trying! OK so it may not be right the first round, but it can be tightened up to work! How can we fine tune it to make it work ? How can we work together to achieve peace and harmony on Earth?

Hugs to all, much love n light in oneness of heart!


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