
Posts Tagged ‘unification’

Greetings and Salutations One and All. Today, I want to address something which has become a prevalent theme across the world today. FEAR.

This is a dis ease which affects every single human being and being period upon this planet. Many if not all of the negative or lower vibrational emotions stem from this very simple yet complex word.

What I am witnessing in my lifetime, just blows my mind. I have always known there were those pockets of human beings which saw things through hateful eyes and be so righteous and justified in their reasons for being that way.

Through the eyes of a child….perhaps this is the way that I see things. Because to me, there are no borders, there is no separation from my brother across the ocean to the sister on the other side of the globe. We all on at least a primal level operate the same way. Ultimately in our perceptions we do as well. Those who hate Americans because we are presumptuous and spoiled and arrogant, yet americans would say the same of the French! What is up with this concept of separation?

We have come to a new extreme of that concept which is driven completely by fear! Really people, let’s get real about this particular reality! One no one wants to admit or look at or deal with. We have forgotten tolerance and brotherhood. It’s all about ME and what’s in it for ME? Where have we come to with this idea that we are ENTITLED to anything! On any level?! Wow! I am so totally blown away by that fear that it makes my head spin and I sit on my blog trying to figure it out because in my vibration and reality I just do not operate on that same note at all.Apathy is the opposite of empathy. Our empathy is what drives us, so where can we find a happy medium?? Where is the center of both extremes. Be grown up enough to compromise and realize that we all have the right to contribute. We all have the responsibility to contribute. WE all have to work, share the load, offer our gifts, now some say this is socialism, well we are social beings. I suppose in that sense we are, but I would prefer to see this as communal living. We co exist on the same planet why not work together instead of tearing each other down in a fight for imagined control? What is up with that?

The more I evolve the more I realize that we must come from a place of love not fear. The reality that I create for myself is one of love not fear. One of abundance not lack. I choose to create a new reality for myself that is more in alignment with my current vibration because I cannot function in that lower way of thinking any longer.

Now I have come to a new cross roads, that is finding people who resonate with that idea. That it’s not all about the positive because in the law of opposites we will get the opposite effect if we push it away it will come back. If we acknowledge its existence and allow it to pass through us with love ahhh now there is the trick! Finding the balance in the idea of duality. We all know you cannot have dark without light, up without a down, we require the contrasts to experience both angles of life or the experience of life in the physical reality.

Problem is we are sucked up into those roles.Our egos and mental bodies thrive on that stuff and the drama that is created! We LOVE drama! It would be so ultimately boring if we didn’t have those extremes.

When I look at the world I see beauty all around me. I see love in the mother’s with their children or the act of kindness to an elderly person. I see people who really want unity and working to help their fellow man, even if it’s just in their own neighborhoods. So much so that I put the what’s good in the news tonight segment on my show. That what we focus on is what we create.I accept that I am in the world and have to deal with many realities, but I do not have to be of it and participate entirely with it. I can watch from the outside and enjoy the show. I look past all of it and try to see what IS, not how I see it. This is part of the trick of staying in the moment. Not easy I know. We want to fall into that deep groove on a broken record. We have to let go of that old programming. Or I can participate but with the intent of love and doing things for the highest good of all concerned. Because sometimes bad things have to happen to make way for the new …. that is just a fact of life in duality. If we didn’t know the sorrow, the joy would not be as sweet.

If we are all complaining that we do not like this or that, or this idea will never work, then put in your two cents! See if you can pursuade others to see your solution as the best for all concerned. To sit there and complain constantly is only going to prolong the change process. Get your blood pressure up and solve absolutely nothing. Put out hate, it’s what you are going to get back! Stop fighting the changes and start being a part of the solution!Stop pointing fingers and look at the three pointing back to who? YOU! Look at why are you are so reactive! What are you really afraid of ? Why does this make you mad? What SOLUTION can be offered to make it work?

Choose to come from love, compassion, “how would I feel if I were on the other side?” If this is the foundation that has been laid, how can we make this work? Pointing fingers and blaming and being mad because you do not want this change is futile.There is a change coming, it is the way of the universe. This time is done and it is a time for unification and working together and remembering that Creator is the greatest force of all, that even when we think that it’s the end of the line, a miracle occurs and it’s all changed in one moment. That is how life is, even when we think or feel that things are disasterous, something amazing happens and things do not work out as badly as they could have.

We have the responsibility my brothers and sisters to write our future for our children and children’s children. We have been given the ultimate in responsibility. To write the prophesies of our future fathers. We are the foot prints they will follow. How do we want that picture to look really? With squabbling and control games? Fear and hate? or do we want them to live in peace and cooperation and tolerance? If thats what we want for them then we need to start looking at how we are really really treating others and seeing our world around us.

If we are still seeing the world as us and them then we are still stuck in the old programming and ways of thinking and are not looking at a very happy future there. The frequencies will not withstand that. So you have to choose, now, fear or love? There is no happy grey areas n this final act. It’s one or the other, and from a state of love, we just allow things to be what they are and trust the universe has things under control and we will get precisely what we ask for. Because the universe has no concept of time or good or bad it simply doesnt exist on the other side that way.

We are coming into a new reality and it starts with the one in the mirror. We have to be able to objectively look at our good and bad sides and thoughts. Do our best to recognize what is and what is a programmed response.

We are so programmed to live in fear. Unplug from it and be Neo and think for yourself. Listen to your heart where we all beat with one heart.

Stop the hate. Do your best to spread the love. Speak your truth, but do not force it. Agree to disagree for we are not all the same. We have different perspectives based on our own personal walk and experience of this lifetime. We are all unique, all have a story to tell. And if you are smart, then you will listen with an open ear, mind and heart and embrace the differences and learn from those experiences rather then shoot them down and call them names and try to destroy them to control them or to change their thinking! None of us have that right. We are no one to judge a sister or brother unless we have walked their path and seen it through their eyes from start to finish. Their experience is their own. Yours is your own. To them their positions and choices are right based on their perceptions , to you, it may not be the same because that didn’t work for you because you are different. So what ? So now because I cannot communicate with you I should hat you and force you to learn my way or go away? Who do we think we are? Wow! Power , greed, control or lack thereof all of it FEAR. Fear that someone has more then us. Fear they will gain control over us if…Wow!

That is what needs to stop. That thinking. We have to change that picture. Thats my brothers and sisters from the other parts of the world. Welcome them and teach them love. Even if they are naive and young and do not know better still be true to yourself and choose love. It’s a much better place to be. A state of love.

People think that this is idealistic thinking and perhaps to them that is right. To me it is a partial solution. What do you have to offer as a parital solution that is in fairness to all without judgment or control or fear?

Things to ponder and muse upon. What do you choose? Does what you would want to choose and what is line up? If you are not a hypocrit, stop behaving like one! If you are about unity then encourage that in the proper manner, with balance and love and divine guidance. Love thy brother as thyself. If he slaps your face offer the other cheek, if he steals your coat then offer your shirt. The ones who act out the hardest need the most love. To engage and argue only perpetuates the issues, so just let them be. Let them think what they want. It’s theirs their thoughts and they are not yours. If it doesnt resonate leave it. We do not alway have to agree, but we do always have to respect another beings right to be. Right to live and learn and grow. We would get along alot better if we saw things this way. Our country your country, our people your people, the perverbial “us” and “them” or “right” and “wrong” . By whose standards? Gods? because HIS are the only ones that matter.

That’s how I see things. I can only shake my head at my brothers and sisters when they spew hate and loathing for a president who inherited a mess to clean up and begin the winds of change long over due. You may not agree with all that is going on …. but I for one commend them for at least trying! OK so it may not be right the first round, but it can be tightened up to work! How can we fine tune it to make it work ? How can we work together to achieve peace and harmony on Earth?

Hugs to all, much love n light in oneness of heart!


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“To my fellow swimmers:
There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift,
that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore,
they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly.
Know that the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
keep our heads above water.
And I say see who is there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history,
we are to take nothing personally,
least of all ourselves,
for the moment that we do,
our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves.
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done
in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we have been waiting for.”

Thank you my sisters in the spiritguided spiritual group on yahoo! They are the ones who shared this beautiful message of inspiration and a great reminder for us All!

xox Kimberly

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Greetings and salutations one and all! I hope that you enjoyed the information yesterday regarding the Electromagnetic Pulse concerns and possible outcomes.  Today however, I would like to focus on the Pole Shifts. What does this mean to us as a planet? As a galaxy? What effects can we expect during this time of upheaval and birth pains?  In this posting I will share with you some of the information which I have gathered regarding this topic. There have been many who have begun to have many dreams of mass destruction all over the world. I believe that we have the true power to change this completely or at the very least diminish its effects on our daily lives.  I believe that as we put action to our visions for a more peaceful and harmonious world and join together in collaboration and unity and love, this will begin to send out a wave of music that the soul can hear and dance and sing with and it will catch like wildfire as it speaks to the hearts of humanity. It can go either way, but if we continue to speak our truth and share our knowledge with the world there is hope. As always, would love to hear your feedback on what you view in these videos and articles.

Ours is not to tell you have to believe, simply to present the information we see as informative in a clear and concise manner, and allow you to decide which is right and which is the illusion…..


Pole shifts explained by the science world:

Ask a physicist: Episode 5 Geomagnetic Reversal


The History Channel did a show on the pole shifts called “Everything 2012”


Coast to coast talks to John White who wrote Pole Shift an excellent perspective of the pole shift experience


Galactic Alignment and Pole Shifts


Heyoka Ken Thornton speaks “Messages from Mother Earth” on 2012 and the awakening

Part II Ken Thornton

Part III Ken Thornton

Part IV Ken Thornton


A theatrical perspective of “The Longest Night”


This is a great article from the “How to survive 2012” site on the polar shift.


Dr. Paul LaViolette’s Perspective on the Pole Shift


Magnetic Tips explains in other words the pole shift

So there ya have it folks! A few ideas that are not playing in a theater near you! Let us know what you thought about what they had to say. Send in your questions if you are so inspired. Thanks so much for stopping by and we will see you tomorrow for Part III. 2012…How did we get the date? What do they say about it? The native american nations speak out and so do many other groups.

I believe what they say about the modern world needs the ancient world, I think it’s important that we listen and hear these messages for they will show us the way.

My perspective and views are this: ” Yes, there are many things which have been predicted and seen for many years and the wheels are set in motion for a drastic change. I think that there are three waves to this endeavor here on Mother Earth and there are many layers to the process of making these changes. But if we stay in our hearts and in tune and in rythm with the pulse of Her consciousness, we will be fine no matter what manipulations are put forth, nothing will stop Mother Earth’s rebirth, and those of us who are here to assist will do just that and be fine. Dance and enjoy the beauty that is you and surrounds you, live each and every moment as if it were your only one, for it is. Learn to BE and be still. We cannot save anyone, simply, be the example and in doing so, enlighten the path for those who will surely follow. Do not be in a state of fear but see a better world.” ~ Kimberly Murphy

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