
Posts Tagged ‘light workers’

Greetings and Salutations One and All! We had an amazing show last night! We had such a wonderful conversation with this very down to earth man, it was definitely memorable to say the least! He was truly in great form and easy going! Here’s a bit more about this amazing man and his work! We thank Druvalo and his amazing staff,  for a wonderful experience of a lifetime! Hugs to you both!

Drunvalo Melchizedek reintroduced Sacred Geometry to the world in a manner that it is understood by most people.
He was also the first person in modern times to geometrically and mathematically describe the living breathing
Meer-Ka-Ba to the world. The 55/60 foot, tetrahedron, light body that surrounds the Human body.
He has brought to the attention of the world the sacred space of the Heart
and through the sacred space, the connection to the creation process.
Once lived, that person understands how everything in the universe came to be,
which gives them the means to reach into higher consciousness and human potential.

Drunvalo graduated from UC Berkley with a degree in fine arts, and a minor in physics and mathematics.
He has written four books, which are described in over 100 countries in a vast number of languages.
He founded the Flower Of Life  Facilitators Program, which taught his work in over 60 countries with 350 teachers.
He has been on television, radio, web casts, consciousness conferences, magazines, newspapers and written about
in other books all over the globe. Drunvalo is a world traveler, personally teaching in about 70 countries.
He now is creating a new teaching system that will be introduced into the world July of 2011.

We were honored to have Drunvalo on the show! If you missed it, here is the archive links so you can hear it, it was truly amazing! What a pleasure to speak to this personal hero of mine.  Click here!

This man’s work never ceases to evolve and he is for sure the real deal. As with all of us, he is on this incredible journey we call life. Always beautiful, always simple. Enjoy the interview! It’s well worth the listen!Visit our website at  www.illuminationsoflight.com or click here to see our guest star page on Drunvalo.

Here are some youtubes as well you might enjoy!

Part I

Part II

In Love n Light,


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